/**************** Plasma Wave Spectrum Parameter ******************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 920806 JPLPDS::RMONARREZ /* received by mail /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID ='VG2' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME ='PLASMA WAVE SPECTRUM' INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME ='WAVE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY' IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /************************** Parameter Description *****************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM= 'PLASMA WAVE SPECTRUM' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A set of derived parameters consisting of wave electric field intensities or electric field spectral densities at various contiguous frequencies over a range of frequencies. The MKS units are: Volts/Meter or Volts**2/(Hertz.Meter**2), respectively." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /************** Wave Magnetic Field Intensity Parameter Description ***********/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM= "WAVE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A measured parameter equaling the magnetic field strength in a specific frequency passband (in MKS unit: VOLTS/METER) measured in a single sensor or antenna." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /**************** Plasma Wave Waveform Parameter ******************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID ='VG2' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME ="PLASMA WAVE WAVEFORM" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME ='WAVE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY' IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /************ Wave Electrical Field Intensity Parameter Description ***********/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* NEED DESCRIPTION /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM= "PLASMA WAVE WAVEFORM" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A plasma wave waveform is a time series of measurements of the electric or magnetic field component of the wave spectrum taken through a broadband filter. The temporal sample rate is normally such that samples are made at more than twice the analysis filter bandwidth. A typical waveform will consist of the order of 1000 contiguous samples of between 4 and 12 bits each. For a 10-kHz analysis bandwidth, the sample rate would normally be approximately 25 kHz or 25,000 samples/second. Once received, the waveforms are typically Fourier transformed in order to provide an amplitude versus frequency spectrum across the analysis bandwidth. The sample rate, then, is required to be at least a factor of two greater than the filter bandwidth in order to avoid aliasing in the transformed spectrum. The spectra can be stacked side-by-side in time to build a frequency-time spectrogram (that is, amplitude as a function of time and frequency) in order to identify the temporal and spectral variations in the wave spectrum. Alternately, the untransformed time series can be used to study the details of the waveform. This has been useful for measuring small-scale structures in the plasma and for identifying the signature of micron-sized dust impact on the spacecraft." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /**************** Plasma Wave Waveform Parameter ******************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID ='VG2' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME ="PLASMA WAVE WAVEFORM" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME ='WAVE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY' IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /************ Wave Electrical Field Intensity Parameter Description ***********/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM= "WAVE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A measured parameter equaling the electric field strength in a specific frequency passband (in MKS unit: VOLTS/METER) measured in a single sensor or antenna." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /**************** Plasma Wave Spectrum Parameter ******************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 9201009 EFRIED /* Created template /* last changes made /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID ='VG2' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME ='PLASMA WAVE SPECTRUM' INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME ='WAVE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY' IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /**************** Plasma Wave Waveform Parameter ******************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921009 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID ='VG2' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME ="PLASMA WAVE WAVEFORM" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME ='ELECTRIC FIELD COMPONENT' IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /************ Electrical Field Component Parameter Description ****************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921009 EFRIED /* created template /* NEED DESCRIPTION /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM= "ELECTRIC FIELD COMPONENT" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A measured parameter equaling the electric field strength (e.g. in milli-Volts per meter) along a particular axis direction." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /**************** Plasma Wave Spectrum Parameter ******************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 9201009 EFRIED /* Created template /* last changes made /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID ='VG2' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME ='PLASMA WAVE SPECTRUM' INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME ='ELECTRIC FIELD COMPONENT' IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER