/************************ CRS Instrument Template *****************************/ /* MODIFICATION /* 920806 JPLPDS::RMONARREZ /* received by mail /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Spacecraft Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard */ /* set for the submission of a spacecraft instrument */ /* to the PDS. */ /* Hierarchy: SCINSTRUMENT */ /* INSTINFO */ /* INSTDETECT */ /* INSTELEC */ /* INSTFILTER */ /* INSTOPTICS */ /* SCINSTOFFSET */ /* INSTSECTION */ /* INSTSECTINFO */ /* INSTSECTFOVS */ /* INSTSECTPARM */ /* INSTSECTDET */ /* INSTSECTELEC */ /* INSTSECTFILT */ /* INSTSECTOPTC */ /* INSTMODEINFO */ /* INSTMODESECT */ /* INSTREFINFO */ /* REFERENCE */ /* REFAUTHORS */ OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT SPACECRAFT_ID = VG2 INSTRUMENT_ID = CRS OBJECT = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "COSMIC RAY SYSTEM" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "CHARGED PARTICLE ANALYZER" PI_PDS_USER_ID = ESTONE NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = "N/A" BUILD_DATE = 1976 INSTRUMENT_MASS = 7 INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = 0.177 INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = 0.286 INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = 0.203 INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = SPACETAC INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = FU2 INSTRUMENT_DESC = " The Voyager cosmic ray experiment (CRS) measures charged particles in charge, mass and energy intervals summarized as follows: (i) Nuclei charge and energy spectra: Z = 1-30, energy range 1-500 MeV for H to 2.5-500 MeVuc for Fe. (ii)Isotopes: Z = 1-8 (delta M = 1), energy range 2-75 MeVuc. (iii) Electrons: 3-110 MeV (iv) Anisotropies: All components ranging from H (1-150) to Fe (2.7-500 MeVuc) as well as 3-110 MeV electrons. CRS has three detector systems containing a total of seven particle telescopes consisting entirely of solid-state charged-particle detectors. The detector systems are: the High Energy Telescope System (HETS), consisting of two double ended telescopes each containing eight detectors; the Low Energy Telescope System (LETS), consisting of four telescopes with four detectors each; and the Electron Telescope (TET), with eight detectors. The combination of these telescope systems achieve the measurements described above through multi-parameter analysis of individual particle events. The analyzed events occur at a rate of a few per second, and consist of pulse height information from three detectors or combinations of detectors. More detailed information can be found in Stone et al., Space Science Reviews, 1977, and Stilwell et al., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1979. In addition to the event analysis, each detector, and various combinations of detectors in coincidence/anti-coincidence, have counting-rate data for all events occurring in that detector (or combination) satisfying certain electronic requirements (the pulses should be above a certain energy threshold and sufficiently spaced in time for discrimination). The counting-rate data generally have an associated geometry factor and energy interval (or lower energy threshold), which can be used to calculate fluxes of the relevant particle species in that energy interval. However, these are often ill-defined because of the varying thickness of passive shielding material which must be penetrated by particles reaching individual detectors. It is therefore essential to consider the sensitivity to particles of different species and of different energy intervals when interpreting the counting-rate data. Also, during times of high particle flux, it is sometimes necessary to correct the counting rates for non-linear detector response due to deadtime, for pulse pile-up and for discriminator baseline shifts." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = " To provide measurements of the cosmic ray flux and energy spectra during the cruise phase of the Voyager mission, and of the trapped, energetic particles during planetary encounters. The planetary data are used to study the dynamics of the radiation belts in each magnetosphere, including the source, loss, transport and energization mechanisms, elemental composition and satellite/ring interactions." INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = " Laboratory calibrations of the individual detectors and the complete telescopes have been made with particle accelerators and radioactive sources. A calibration file for the electron telescope is included in PDS (see the DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC). The calibrations of the electron telescope, which need to be considered in the data analysis, are described in internal reports at CalTech. Copies of these documents can be obtained from the experimental representatives." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = " The instrument operates continuously sampling data over uniform accumulation intervals. The accumulation intervals vary for the different rate numbers, of which there are 135 consisting of the individual detector and multiple detector counting rates being used in a particular instrument mode. They are always multiples of six seconds and are sampled in a sequence which repeats every 96 seconds, with some rates being sampled continuously over each 96 second period, and some (including all of the single detector rates) only with a single six second sample each 96 seconds. The mode, which determines the various combinations of detectors that are included in the multiple detector measurements, is commandable by the spacecraft and during planetary encounters is usually set to a mode which provides good data return for high flux environments." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = CRS DETECTOR_TYPE = "SOLID STATE" DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = "N/A" MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = 273 DETECTOR_DESC = " The Cosmic Ray System (CRS) instrument contains 40 solid-state silicon detectors that are used individually and in combinations (using coincidence and anti-coincidence criteria) to detect and characterize charged particles. The detector effective thicknesses range from 35 microns to 6 mm to cover a broad range of particle energy and mass characteristics." SENSITIVITY_DESC = " In the case of nuclear particles, detectors count the particles that have energy deposits which exceed the detectors individual threshold with an efficiency that approaches 1. Therefore the sensitivity is strictly a function of the geometry factors of the detectors and their energy and species band widths (these are documented elsewhere in this catalog). The geometry factors have units of area times steradians (cm**2 sr). In the case of electrons, the detector efficiencies are less than 1, leading to energy and direction dependent effective geometry factors which are determined by laboratory calibration. Tables of these geometry factors are included in this catalog, and need to be unfolded from the electron counting rates to determine the absolute flux levels." END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = CRS ELECTRONICS_DESC = " Timed accumulations of particle counts satisfying various analog pulse-height discrimination levels and simultaneous analog pulse-height discriminations for multiple detectors. Pulse-height analog-to-digital conversions from multiple, simultaneous detectors for direct telemetry. For details see Stilwell et al., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 1979." END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = "N/A" FILTER_NAME = "N/A" FILTER_TYPE = "N/A" MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = "N/A" TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = "N/A" TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = "N/A" TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = "N/A" TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = "N/A" TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = "N/A" TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = "N/A" TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = "N/A" TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = "N/A" OPTICS_DESC = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "SCIENCE BOOM" CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = "N/A" CROSS_CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = "N/A" TWIST_OFFSET_ANGLE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = " The Cosmic Ray System (CRS) instrument is mounted about half way along the science boom on the side of the high-gain antenna, so as to provide an unobstructed nominal field of view for each of the particle telescopes. The nominal unit vectors of each of the telescope bore sights relative to the spacecraft fixed coordinate system are as follows: LETA .9063078, 0.0, .4226183 LETB .2862054, .7455905, -.6018150 LETC -.9063078, 0.0, -.4226183 LETD .3150813, -.6665596, -.6755902 HET1 -.7263100, .4716712, .5000000 HET2(Voyager1) -.6617401, -.7096294, .2419219 HET2(Voyager2) -.9372337, .2511310, .2419219" END_OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET OBJECT = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = CRS OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_RATE = "N/A" SAMPLE_BITS = 12 TOTAL_FOVS = "N/A" OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = "N/A" HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = "N/A" VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = "N/A" HORIZONTAL_FOV = "N/A" VERTICAL_FOV = "N/A" FOVS = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "D1 RATE" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" NOISE_LEVEL = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = "COUNTS/SECOND" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 96.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 6.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "D2 RATE" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" NOISE_LEVEL = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = "COUNTS/SECOND" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 96.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 6.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "D1 RATE" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" NOISE_LEVEL = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = "COUNTS/SECOND" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 6.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 6.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = CRS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = CRS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = ENCOUNTER GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = REALTIME INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 5.0 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " During the planetary encounters the instrument is placed in a modes designed to optimize the data return in high particle flux environments. These involve adjustments to the multiple detector confidence requirements and do not effect the single detector rates. Detailed knowledge of the instrument modes is not required to understand the data provided in this catalog." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = CRS END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* Repeat for "Playback Data" /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = ENCOUNTER GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "RECORDED DATA PLAYBACK" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 5.0 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " During the planetary encounters the instrument is placed in a modes designed to optimize the data return in high particle flux environments. These involve adjustments to the multiple detector confidence requirements and do not effect the single detector rates. Detailed knowledge of the instrument modes is not required to understand the data provided in this catalog." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = CRS END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* End repeated info /* OBJECT = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "STONEETAL1977" OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "CRS DOCUMENTATION" JOURNAL_NAME = "SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1977-12-01 REFERENCE_DESC = " Scientific goals and operating characteristics of the CRS instrument" OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "E.C. STONE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO OBJECT = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "STILWELLETAL1979" OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "CRS DOCUMENTATION" JOURNAL_NAME = "IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1979 REFERENCE_DESC = " CRS operating characteristics, especially of electronics" OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "D.E. STILWELL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT