PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-08-30 NOTE = "Description of contents of SOFTWARE directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Following files are included in the SOFTWARE directory. NB: If these files are to be compiled under a Unix operating system, the following changes should be made: 1) The name of the make file (MAKEFILE.CMD) should be changed to Makefile 2) All other file names should be converted to lower case, and extensions should be changed to '.f'. NB: Files in this directory, except for this file, do not have PDS labels. SOFTINFO.TXT Description of contents of the SOFTWARE directory (this file). MAIN PROGRAMS ============= RDHDR.FOR --------- FORTRAN 77 source code for program that reads and displays contents of individual RSC-11-6 header records. Useful if familiarizing yourself with parameters stored in header and their typical values. Requires subroutines get_hdr and prt_hdr0. Usage rdhdr pathname [n] where pathname is path to RSC-11-6 data file n is optional record number to display [default 1] UNPK.FOR -------- FORTRAN 77 source code for program that separates header data from samples. Header information is sent to file unpk.hdr and data samples are sent to file unpk.dat. Requires subroutines get_hdr and prt_hdr1. Usage unpk pathname where pathname is path to RSC-11-6 data file CRS2ASC.FOR ----------- FORTRAN 77 source code for program that reads Univac binary CRS (Celestial Reference Set) file and converts it to ASCII. CRS files contained position and velocity vectors as a function of time for Voyager encounters. Binary was the nominal interchange format through the Uranus encounter, and ASCII was used for Neptune. CRS2ASC was used to convert the Titan, Saturn, and Uranus binary files to the Neptune format. Requires routines doy_mmdd, get_bits, uni2ascii, uni2ieee_dp, and uni2ieee_int. This program is included in the archive for historical interest; there are no binary CRS files in the archive. CRS2LBL.FOR ----------- FORTRAN 77 source code for program that reads ASCII CRS file and extracts parameters useful in making PDS label. Output goes to file crs2lbl.dat. Calls subroutine doy_mmdd. PREP11_6.FOR ------------ FORTRAN 77 source code for program that reformats Voyager Saturn VJnnnn series data for use in quick-look and other processing. Major functions are: converts 8-bit samples in 5056-byte records to 16-bit samples in 1024-byte records (standard PREP format) corrects for missing/gained samples (optional) generates PREP-style header for output file Usage: prep11_6 labelfile tref [-s] where labelfile is the name of the PDS label file (must be in directory where program is run) tref is reference time for positioning samples (often taken to be 0. if no midnight crossing) -s option to correct for missing/gained samples (default is no correction). Note that the correction algorithm only handles small losses or gains; if the sample counter reports more than 300000 samples lost, for example, the correction fails (and so does the program). In these cases it is appropriate for the user to investigate; it may be that the sample count is erroneous and that the "no correction" mode is the better choice. SUBROUTINES =========== DOY_MMDD.FOR ------------ FORTRAN 77 source code for subroutine that converts year/month/day to and from year/day-of-year. DTCVT.FOR --------- FORTRAN 77 source code for subroutine that normalizes date-time yyyy, dd, hh, mm, ss if any value is out of range (too large). Converts to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss in 19-character string. Valid for non-leap-years. GET_BITS.FOR ------------ FORTRAN 77 source code for function that extracts up to 32 sequential bits from an integer array. Used to extract bits when the bit stream crosses word boundaries. Calls the FORTRAN 77 library routine mvbits. GET_HDR.FOR ----------- FORTRAN 77 source code for subroutine that unpacks RSC-11-6 header. Header content is returned as 42-element integer array. PRT_HDR0.FOR ------------ FORTRAN 77 source code for subroutine that gives detailed listing of RSC-11-6 record header. Header content is listed at one line per parameter. Useful when a small number of headers are being examined, as in program RDHDR. PRT_HDR1.FOR ------------ FORTRAN 77 source code for subroutine that gives compressed listing of RSC-11-6 record header. Useful when listing a large number of headers, as in program UPNK. SLIP.FOR -------- FORTRAN 77 source code for function that returns the number of slipped samples for RSC-11-6 data. See note regarding use of "-s" option on PREP11_6.F above. UNI2ASC.FOR ----------- FORTRAN 77 source code for character function that converts one 6-bit Univac character to the equivalent 8-bit ASCII character. Calls function get_bits. UNI2DP.FOR ---------- FORTRAN 77 source code for double precision function that converts one 72-bit Univac floating point number to the equivalent 64-bit IEEE floating point number. Calls function get_bits. UNI2INT.FOR ----------- FORTRAN 77 source code for integer function that converts one 36-bit Univac integer to the equivalent 32-bit IEEE integer. Calls function get_bits. XFR_11_6.FOR ------------ FORTRAN 77 source code for subroutine that moves 8-bit unsigned samples from array a to array b, where they are stored as 16-bit samples. OTHER FILES =========== MAKEFILE.CMD File containing instructions for compiling and linking programs and subroutines under Solaris 2.5.1. This file name should be converted to "Makefile" before use.