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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

PDS Data Release Summary

PDS DATA ANNOUNCEMENT: February 29, 2024

Aperiodic Data released in February 2024
PDS3 DatasetID or PDS4 BundleLID Title Coverage Release
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-cospin Ulysses Jupiter Encounter Cospin 1992-01-24 - 1992-02-18 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-hiscale Ulysses HISCALE 1991-12-31 - 1992-02-16 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-gas Ulysses Interstellar Neutral Gas Experiment Sky Maps 1991-07-22 - 1991-07-23 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-swoops Ulysses SWOOPS 1992-01-25 - 1992-02-17 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-grb Ulysses Gamma Ray Burst 1992-01-25 - 1992-02-17 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-traj Ulysses Trajectory 1992-01-25 - 1992-02-17 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:ulysses-urap Ulysses URAP 1991-10-27 - 1992-06-07 2024.02.29
ULY-J-GRB-2-RDR-RAW-COUNT-RATE-V1.0 Ulysses Jupiter Encounter 1992-01-25 - 1992-02-19 2024.02.29
urn:nasa:pds:cassini_uvis_solarocc_beckerjarmak2023 Saturn Ring System Solar Occultations by Cassini UVIS v1.1 2005-06-08 - 2017-06-18 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:cassini_uvis_solarocc_beckerjarmak2023 Saturn Ring System Solar Occultations by Cassini UVIS v1.0 2005-06-08 - 2017-06-18 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:galileo-ppr-prejup-raw Galileo Photopolarimeter Radiometer Pre-Jupiter Raw 1989-12-27 - 1993-08-28 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:lp-bundle Lunar Prospector Mission - 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:lp-er-calibrated Lunar Prospector Electron Reflectometer (ER) Calibrated 1998-01-16 - 1999-07-29 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:lp-er-derived Lunar Prospector Electron Reflectometer (ER) Derived 1998-06-08 - 1999-06-27 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:lp-mag-calibrated Lunar Prospector Magnetometer Calibrated 1998-01-16 - 1999-07-29 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:lp-mag-derived Lunar Prospector Magnetometer Derived 1998-02-01 - 1999-07-02 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:lp-mager-derived Lunar Prospector MAG/ER Derived 1998-01-16 - 1999-07-29 2024.02.28
urn:nasa:pds:deen_pdart16_msl_msam Mastcam Stereo Analysis and Mosaics (MSAM) PDART 2012-08-07 - 2019-11-08 2024.02.26
MEX-M-HRSC-4-REFDR-MAPPROJECT-EXT9-V4.0 Mars Express Map Projected Refdr Extension9 V4.0 2022-12-31 - 2026-12-31 2024.02.23
MEX-M-HRSC-3-RDR-EXT9-V4.0 Mars Express HRSC Data 2022-12-31 - 2026-12-31 2024.02.23
MEX-M-MARSIS-3-RDR-AIS-EXT8-V1.0 Mars Express Marsis Ionosphere Data 2021-01-01 - 2021-06-29 2024.02.20
MEX-M-VMC-*-*DR-EXT8-V1.0 Mars Express VMC Raw,Calibrated Data 2021-01-01 - 2022-12-31 2024.02.20
urn:nasa:pds:voyager1_rss_jupiter_raw Voyager 1 Jupiter Radio Occultation Raw Data 1979-03-05 - 1979-03-05 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:voyager2_rss_jupiter_raw Voyager 2 Jupiter Radio Occultation Raw Data 1979-07-10 - 1979-07-10 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_acp Huygens Aerosol Collector and Pyrolyser (ACP) 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_disr Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) for HP 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_dtwg Huygens Reconstructed Entry and Descent Trajectory (DTWG) 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_dwe Huygens Doppler Wind Experiment (DWE) 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_gcms Huygens Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_hasi Huygens Atmosphere Structure Instrument (HASI) 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_hk Huygens Probe Housekeeping (HK) for HP 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:hp_ssp Surface Science Package (SSP) for HP 2005.01.14 - 2005.01.14 2024.02.06
urn:nasa:pds:lro_diviner_derived1 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner Derived Data 1 2009.07.05 - 2024.02.02
urn:nasa:pds:vex-aspera4-els-pad VEx ASPERA-4 ELS Pitch Angle Distribution Data 2005.12.09 - 2014.11.27 2024.01.31
urn:nasa:pds:gp Galileo Probe Data 1995.12.07 - 1995.12.07 2023.01.30

Periodic Data released in February 2024, all previously announced
Product Type Product Name Release Link
JUNO release 25 FGM, Gravity, JADE, JEDI, JIRAM, JUNOCAM, MWR, SPICE, UVS, Waves 2024.02.02 Open