command_sequence_number in VIMS_​Specific_​Attributes

Name: command_sequence_numberVersion Id:
Description: The command_sequence_number element provides a numeric identifier for a sequence of commands sent to a spacecraft or instrument. For ISS, the permissible range is [1,65535]. For VIMS, the permissible range is [1,255]. For all instances, a value of -1 indicates that the information was not available in the original PDS3 label.
Namespace Id: cassiniSteward: atmClass Name: VIMS_​Specific_​AttributesType: ASCII_​Integer
Minimum Value: -1Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807Minimum Characters: NoneMaximum Characters: None
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: INTEGER
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)No Values