filter_name in ONC_​Calibration_​Data_​Information

Name: filter_nameVersion Id:
Description: This attribute describes the name of the filter that was used during the observation to select or modify the radiation that was transmitted to the detector. The value 'None' indicates that no filter was used. The possible values are None, No. 1: 390 nm, No. 2: Wide, No. 3: 550 nm, No. 4: 700 nm, No. 5: 860 nm, No. 6: 589 nm, No. 7: 950 nm, and No. 8: 480 nm.
Namespace Id: hyb2Steward: sbnClass Name: ONC_​Calibration_​Data_​InformationType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 No. 1: 390 nmThis value means the ul-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 2: WideThis value means the wide-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 3: 550 nmThis value means the v-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 4: 700 nmThis value means the w-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 5: 860 nmThis value means the x-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 6: 589 nmThis value means the Na-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 7: 950 nmThis value means the p-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 No. 8: 480 nmThis value means the b-band filter of ONC-T is used.
 NoneNo filter is used.