stcf_file_name in LOLA_​Parameters

Name: stcf_file_nameVersion Id:
Description: Provides the name of the LRO Spacecraft Time Correlation file, which is a housekeeping file containing the offset between the spacecraft raw clock and terrestrial time. The time correlation file is used to compute the start and stop spacecraft clock times for LOLA data products.
Namespace Id: lroSteward: geoClass Name: LOLA_​ParametersType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 40
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)No Values