spacecraft_clock_start_count in MER_​Parameters

Name: spacecraft_clock_start_countVersion Id:
Description: The spacecraft_clock_start_count is the value of the spacecraft clock at the beginning of an observation. It represents the number of ticks. If a fractional value is present, in some cases it means a true decimal fraction (i.e. milliseconds) while in other cases it stands for a count of 1/256th of a second (which stems from the fact that the fractional part was represented by a single byte in the original telemetry stream.) When comparing SCLK times or converting them to other time systems, it is important to know which of the two representations the SCLK string follows. Normally the documentation accompanying a particular data set defines which type of SCLK fractional part was used in that data set.
Namespace Id: merSteward: geoClass Name: MER_​ParametersType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 13Maximum Characters: 15
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: ([1-9]/)?[0-9]{1,10}(\.[0-9]{3})?
Permissible Value(s)No Values