detector_name in Detector

Name: detector_nameVersion Id:
Description: The name of the detector that recorded the observation(s) comprising the product. For instruments with multiple detectors, as in the case of MVIC, for example, this string will include both the instrument ID and the specific detector ID.
Namespace Id: nhSteward: sbnClass Name: DetectorType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 MVIC Blue (BLUE) Channel Data were obtained using the blue channel detector. The blue filter covers the range 400-550nm.
 MVIC Methane (CH4) Channel Data were obtained using the narrow band methane (CH4) channel detector. The CH4 filter covers the range 860-910nm
 MVIC Near Infrared (NIR) Channel Data were obtained using the Near IR channel detector. The NIR filter covers the range 780-975nm.
 MVIC Panchromatic 1 (PAN1) Channel Data were obtained using the panchromatic channel 1 (one) detector. The filter over the panchromatic detectors is clear; the coverage range is 400-975nm.
 MVIC Panchromatic 2 (PAN2) Channel Data were obtained using the panchromatic channel 2 (two) detector. The filter over the panchromatic detectors is clear; the coverage range is 400-975nm.
 MVIC Panchromatic Framing (FRAME) Array Data were obtained using the panchromatic framing array. The filter over the framing array is clear; the coverage range is 400-975nm.
 MVIC Red (RED) Channel Data were obtained using the red channel detector. The red filter covers the range 540-700nm.