Name: trans_cmd_summing | Version Id: | ||
Description: Turns 2x2 summing on or off. Legal values are 1 (no summing) and 2 (2x2 summing.) Summing can only be applied to 8-bit data. Images with both compression and summing selected will be compressed but not summed. Keyword may be blank if the transmit-image-raw command was used to acquire image. | |||
Namespace Id: orex | Steward: sbn | Class Name: TAGCAMS_Instrument_Attributes | Type: ASCII_Integer |
Minimum Value: -9223372036854775808 | Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807 | Minimum Characters: None | Maximum Characters: None |
Unit of Measure Type: None | Default Unit Id: None | Attribute Concept: None | Conceptual Domain: INTEGER |
Status: Active | Nillable: false | Pattern: None | |
Permissible Value(s) | No Values |