spectrum_format in Spectral_​Characteristics

Name: spectrum_formatVersion Id:
Description: The spectrum_format attribute is required to define the specific dimensionality of the structure or substructure that contains the intensity values.
Namespace Id: spSteward: sbnClass Name: Spectral_​CharacteristicsType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 1D Linear spectrum - each row of the table contains the information for one bin (one point) on the spectrum. You must specify the name of the field containing the intensity information.
 2D The spectrum is presented as a 2D array - an image.
 3D The spectra are presented as a 3D array, each plane containing a 2D spectrum.
 Tabulated-Flat The spectra are presented as a table in which each row contains a single spectrum, and the individual spectral points and related parameters are each defined by separated Field definitions - that is, no Group_Field classes are used in defining the spectral data format. In this case, all Fields containing spectral data or bin parameters must have field_number attributes.
 Tabulated-Parameter Groups The spectra are presented as a table in which each row contains a single spectrum, and Group_Field classes are used to define the fields corresponding to the spectral values, bin centers, and bin widths (if present). Each Group_Field must contain only a single parameter - in other words, the spectral values a stored contiguously within the record, the bin centers are stored contiguously within the record, etc. In this case, the Group_Field classes containing the spectral values, bin centers, and bin widths (when present) must contain only a single Field that is repeated.
 Tabulated-Point Group The spectra are presented as a table in which each row contains a single spectrum, and a single Group_Field class is used to define the value and all related parameters at a single spectral point. In this case, the same Group_Field class must contain the spectral value, bin center, and bin width (when present) for each point in the spectrum.