Name: spectrum_format | Version Id: | ||
Description: The spectrum_format attribute is required to define the specific dimensionality of the structure or substructure that contains the intensity values. | |||
Namespace Id: sp | Steward: sbn | Class Name: Spectral_Characteristics | Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed |
Minimum Value: None | Maximum Value: None | Minimum Characters: 1 | Maximum Characters: 255 |
Unit of Measure Type: None | Default Unit Id: None | Attribute Concept: None | Conceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING |
Status: Active | Nillable: false | Pattern: None | |
Permissible Value(s) | Value | Value Meaning | |
1D | Linear spectrum - each row of the table contains the information for one bin (one point) on the spectrum. You must specify the name of the field containing the intensity information. | ||
2D | The spectrum is presented as a 2D array - an image. | ||
3D | The spectra are presented as a 3D array, each plane containing a 2D spectrum. | ||
Tabulated-Flat | The spectra are presented as a table in which each row contains a single spectrum, and the individual spectral points and related parameters are each defined by separated Field definitions - that is, no Group_Field classes are used in defining the spectral data format. In this case, all Fields containing spectral data or bin parameters must have field_number attributes. | ||
Tabulated-Parameter Groups | The spectra are presented as a table in which each row contains a single spectrum, and Group_Field classes are used to define the fields corresponding to the spectral values, bin centers, and bin widths (if present). Each Group_Field must contain only a single parameter - in other words, the spectral values a stored contiguously within the record, the bin centers are stored contiguously within the record, etc. In this case, the Group_Field classes containing the spectral values, bin centers, and bin widths (when present) must contain only a single Field that is repeated. | ||
Tabulated-Point Group | The spectra are presented as a table in which each row contains a single spectrum, and a single Group_Field class is used to define the value and all related parameters at a single spectral point. In this case, the same Group_Field class must contain the spectral value, bin center, and bin width (when present) for each point in the spectrum. |