attribute_concept in DD_​Attribute_​Full

Name: attribute_conceptVersion Id:
Description: The attribute_concept attribute provides the type of information (classification) conveyed by the attribute -- e.g., stop_date_time has attribute_concept = date_time.
Namespace Id: pdsSteward: opsClass Name: DD_​Attribute_​FullType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: IDConceptual Domain: Short_String
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 AddressThe attribute has been classified as being an Address
 AngleThe attribute has been classified as being an Angle
 AttributeThe attribute has been classified as being an Attribute
 BitThe attribute has been classified as being a Bit
 ChecksumThe attribute has been classified as being a Checksum
 CollectionThe attribute has been classified as being a Collection
 ConstantThe attribute has been classified as being a Constant
 CosineThe attribute has been classified as being a Cosine
 CountThe attribute has been classified as being a Count
 DOIThe attribute has been classified as being a DOI
 DelimiterThe attribute has been classified as being a Delimiter
 DescriptionThe attribute has been classified as being a Description
 DeviationThe attribute has been classified as being a Deviation
 DirectionThe attribute has been classified as being a Direction
 DistanceThe attribute has been classified as being a Distance
 DurationThe attribute has been classified as being a Duration
 FactorThe attribute has been classified as being a Factor
 FlagThe attribute has been classified as being a Flag
 FormatThe attribute has been classified as being a Format
 GroupThe attribute has been classified as being a Group
 HomeThe attribute has been classified as being a Home
 IDThe attribute has been classified as being an Identifier
 LatitudeThe attribute has been classified as being a Latitude
 LengthThe attribute has been classified as being a Length
 ListThe attribute has been classified as being a List
 LocationThe attribute has been classified as being a Location
 LogicalThe attribute has been classified as being a Logical
 LongitudeThe attribute has been classified as being a Longitude
 MaskThe attribute has been classified as being a Mask
 MaximumThe attribute has been classified as being a Maximum
 MeanThe attribute has been classified as being a Mean
 MedianThe attribute has been classified as being a Median
 MinimumThe attribute has been classified as being a Minimum
 NameThe attribute has been classified as being a Name
 NoteThe attribute has been classified as being a Note
 NumberThe attribute has been classified as being a Number
 OffsetThe attribute has been classified as being an Offset
 OrderThe attribute has been classified as being an Order
 ParallelThe attribute has been classified as being a Parallel
 PasswordThe attribute has been classified as being a Password
 PathThe attribute has been classified as being a Path
 PatternThe attribute has been classified as being a Pattern
 PixelThe attribute has been classified as being a Pixel
 QuaternionThe attribute has been classified as being a Quaternion
 RadiusThe attribute has been classified as being a Radius
 RatioThe attribute has been classified as being a Ratio
 ReferenceThe attribute has been classified as being a Reference
 ResolutionThe attribute has been classified as being a Resolution
 RoleThe attribute has been classified as being a Role
 RotationThe attribute has been classified as being a Rotation
 ScaleThe attribute has been classified as being a Scale
 SequenceThe attribute has been classified as being a Sequence
 SetThe attribute has been classified as being a Set
 SizeThe attribute has been classified as being a Size
 StatusThe attribute has been classified as being a Status
 SummaryThe attribute has been classified as being a Summary
 SyntaxThe attribute has been classified as being a Syntax
 TemperatureThe attribute has been classified as being a Temperature
 TextThe attribute has been classified as being a Text
 TitleThe attribute has been classified as being a Title
 TypeThe attribute has been classified as being a Type
 UnitThe attribute has been classified as being a Unit
 UnknownThe attribute has an Unknown classification
 ValueThe attribute has been classified as being a Value
 VectorThe attribute has been classified as being a Vector