original_band in Band_​Bin

Name: original_bandVersion Id:
Description: The original_band attribute of a spectral qube provides the sequence of band numbers in the qube relative to some original qube. In the original qube, the values are just consecutive integers beginning with 1. In a qube which contains a subset of the bands in the original qube, the values are the original sequence numbers from that qube.
Namespace Id: pdsSteward: imgClass Name: Band_​BinType: ASCII_​NonNegative_​Integer
Minimum Value: 1Maximum Value: 512Minimum Characters: NoneMaximum Characters: None
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: Integer
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: [0-9]+
Permissible Value(s)No Values