coordinate_system_type in Geodetic_​Model

Name: coordinate_system_typeVersion Id:
Description: The coordinate_system_type distinguishes between options such as rectangular, spherical, planetocentric, etc.
Namespace Id: geomSteward: geoClass Name: Geodetic_​ModelType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: truePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 Azimuth-ElevationThe coordinate system uses azimuth-elevation coordinates. Azimuth: angle from +X axis to projection of position vector on x-y plane increases in clockwise direction (-180 to +180). Elevation: angle between position vector and x-y plane (-90 to +90).
 CartesianThe coordinate system uses rectangular coordinates.
 PlanetocentricThe coordinate system uses planetocentric coordinates. Planetocentric longitude increases positively eastward (-180 to +180). Planetocentric latitude increases positively northward (-90 to +90). For planets and their satellites the +Z axis (+90 latitude) always points to the north side of the invariable plane (the plane whose normal vector is the angular momentum vector of the solar system). For dwarf planets, asteroids and comets the IAU defines their positive pole such that their spin is in the right hand sense about their positive pole. The positive pole may point above or below the invariable plane of the solar system. This revision by the IAU Working Group (2006) inverts what had been the direction of the north pole for Pluto, Charon and Ida.
 PlanetodeticThe coordinate system uses planetodetic coordinates. For planets and their satellites the +Z axis (+90 latitude) always points to the north side of the invariable plane (the plane whose normal vector is the angular momentum vector of the solar system). Planetodetic longitude increases positively eastward (-180 to +180). Planetodetic latitude is tied to a reference ellipsoid. For a point, P, on a reference ellipsoid, angle measured from X-Y plane to the surface normal at the point of interest. For other points, equals latitude at the nearest point on the reference ellipsoid. Increases positively northward (-90 to +90).
 PlanetographicThe coordinate system uses planetographic coordinates. For planet and satellite planetographic coordinate systems: Planetographic longitude is usually defined such that the sub-observer longitude increases with time as seen by a distant, fixed observer (0 to 360). The earth, moon and sun are exceptions; planetographic longitude is positive east by default (0 to 360). Planetographic latitude is planetodetic latitude (-90 to +90). For dwarf planets, asteroids and comets: there are multiple, inconsistent standards. Currently, for these objects, PDS permits planetographic coordinates to be provided in addition to, not in lieu of, either planetocentric or planetodetic coordinates.
 SphericalThe coordinate system uses spherical coordinates. Longitude: angle from +X axis to projection of position vector on X-Y plane increases in clockwise direction (0 to 360). Colatitude: angle between +Z axis and position vector (0 to 180).