data_regime in Primary_​Result_​Summary *Deprecated*

Name: data_regime *Deprecated*Version Id:
Description: The data_regime attribute provides the wavelength (or an analogous concept for things like particle detectors) of the observations, stated as a category.
Namespace Id: pdsSteward: pdsClass Name: Primary_​Result_​SummaryType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: IDConceptual Domain: Short_String
Status: DeprecatedNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 DustParticles ranging in size from a few molecules to approximately 0.1 micrometer in diameter.
 Electric FieldA vector force field controlled primarily by the presence of electrons and/or ions
 ElectronsSubatomic particles with negative elementary charge.
 Far InfraredElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 1 THz - 10 THz (frequency), 30 micrometers - 300 micrometers (wavelength), or 4 meV - 40 meV (photon energy)
 Gamma RayElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: greater than 10 EHz (frequency), less than 0.01 nm (wavelength), or more than 100 keV (photon energy)
 InfraredElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 300 GHz - 405 THz (frequency), 750 nm - 1 mm (wavelength), or 1.24 meV - 1.7 eV (photon energy)
 IonsAtoms or molecules in which the number of electrons and protons is unequal, giving them a net negative or positive electric charge.
 Magnetic FieldA vector force field produced by moving electric charges (currents) and/or the intrinsic magnetic properties of materials
 MicrowaveElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 300 MHz - 300 GHz (frequency), 1 mm - 1 m (wavelength), or 12 micro eV - 1.2 meV (photon energy)
 MillimeterElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 30 GHz - 300 GHz (frequency), 1 mm - 10 mm (wavelength), or 120 micro eV - 1.2 meV (photon energy)
 Near InfraredElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 300 THz - 1.5 PHz (frequency), 1 micrometer - 5 micrometer (wavelength), or 1 eV - 6 eV (photon energy)
 ParticlesDiscrete (but small) objects that can be characterized by a few simple physical properties such as volume and mass.
 PressureMeasurement of ambient atmospheric pressure.
 RadioElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 3 Hz - 300 GHz (frequency), 1 mm - 100,000 km (wavelength), or 12 feV - 1.2 meV (photon energy)
 Sub-MillimeterElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 0.3 THz - 3 THz (frequency), 0.1 mm - 1 mm (wavelength), or 1.2 meV - 12 meV (photon energy)
 TemperatureMeasurement of ambient temperature.
 UltravioletElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 790 THz - 30 PHz (frequency), 10 nm - 390 nm (wavelength), or 3 eV - 120 eV (photon energy)
 VisibleElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 405 THz - 790 THz (frequency), 390 nm - 750 nm (wavelength), or 1.7 eV - 3.3 eV (photon energy)
 X-RayElectromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 30 PHz - 30 EHz (frequency), 0.01 nm - 10 nm (wavelength), or 120 eV - 120 keV (photon energy))