Name: interframe_delay_duration | Version Id: | ||
Description: The interframe_delay_duration element provides the duration of the delay between the end of one frame and the start of the next to allow time for the scanning mirror to return to its starting position. | |||
Namespace Id: cassini | Steward: atm | Class Name: VIMS_Specific_Attributes | Type: ASCII_Real |
Minimum Value: -1.7976931348623157e308 | Maximum Value: 1.7976931348623157e308 | Minimum Characters: None | Maximum Characters: None |
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time | Default Unit Id: None | Attribute Concept: None | Conceptual Domain: REAL |
Status: Active | Nillable: false | Pattern: None | |
Permissible Value(s) | No Values |