aid in Observation_​Information

Name: aidVersion Id:
Description: A hexadecimal representation of the Accountability Identifier (AID) which serves as a globally unique identifier across all instruments and mission phases for an observational activity onboard the spacecraft. Data tagged with a given AID is collected into an Accountable Data Product (ADP) on the ground and will result in one or more associated PDS data products in the archive. The AID is a 32-bit unsigned integer which contains three fields: Instrument ID (4-bits), Orbit Number (9-bits) and Data Acquisition ID (19-bits). The hexadecimal string value is prefixed with “0x”.
Namespace Id: clipperSteward: imgClass Name: Observation_​InformationType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: truePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)No Values