mission_phase_id in Mission_​Information

Name: mission_phase_idVersion Id:
Description: This attribute describes the mission phase identifier. The possible values are commissioning, edvega, earth_swing-by, transfer, approach, proximity, return, and reentry.
Namespace Id: hyb2Steward: sbnClass Name: Mission_​InformationType: ASCII_​Short_​String_​Collapsed
Minimum Value: NoneMaximum Value: NoneMinimum Characters: 1Maximum Characters: 255
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 approachThis identifier is associated with the Approach Phase.
 commissioningThis identifier is associated with the Commissioning Phase.
 earth_​swing-byThis identifier is associated with the Earth Swing-by Phase.
 edvegaThis identifier is associated with the EDVEGA Phase.
 proximityThis identifier is associated with the Asteroid Proximity Phase.
 reentryThis identifier is associated with the Reentry Phase.
 returnThis identifier is associated with the Return Phase.
 transferThis identifier is associated with the Transfer Phase.