Name: exposure_scale_factor | Version Id: | ||
Description: Specifies a multiplier to the base exposure time. The base exposure time is either user-commanded or is read from the onboard exposure time table. The resulting number is used by the cameras as the actual commanded exposure time. This scale factor is commonly used during multi-spectral imaging, when the base exposure time is known for one filter and exposure_scale_factor is used to scale the exposure time to levels appropriate for the other filters. | |||
Namespace Id: img | Steward: img | Class Name: Exposure | Type: ASCII_Real |
Minimum Value: -1.7976931348623157e308 | Maximum Value: 1.7976931348623157e308 | Minimum Characters: None | Maximum Characters: None |
Unit of Measure Type: None | Default Unit Id: None | Attribute Concept: None | Conceptual Domain: REAL |
Status: Active | Nillable: false | Pattern: None | |
Permissible Value(s) | No Values |