subframe in MDIS

Name: subframeVersion Id:
Description: Number of rectangular subframes within an MDIS image to be retained after image compression by the MESSENGER spacecraft main processor (MP). Subframes may overlap each other, and are defined in the original 1024x1024 pixel MDIS coordinate system before pixel binning as described by mess:fpu_bin and mess:pixelbin. Either a full image may be specified, or up to five discrete regions within the full image. In all cases, the first four columns of the original 1024x1024 image, which are physically masked and serve as a dark current reference, are downlinked as subframe 0, even if the full image case is described. Within the subframes, pixel binning as described by mess:fpu_bin and mess:pixelbin is performed.
Namespace Id: messSteward: ppiClass Name: MDISType: ASCII_​Integer
Minimum Value: -9223372036854775808Maximum Value: 9223372036854775807Minimum Characters: NoneMaximum Characters: None
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: INTEGER
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)ValueValue Meaning
 0no subframes (full image)
 11 subframe
 22 subframes
 33 subframes
 44 subframes
 55 subframes