Name: limitations | Version Id: | ||
Description: The limitation element repeats the content of the DESCRIPTION keyword in the PDS3 label. It proivdes known limitations of the data file (e.g., missing lines), as determined on the ground by IO validation and reconciliation software. A value of N/A indicates the software did not identify any issues. | |||
Namespace Id: cassini | Steward: atm | Class Name: VIMS_Specific_Attributes | Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed |
Minimum Value: None | Maximum Value: None | Minimum Characters: 1 | Maximum Characters: 255 |
Unit of Measure Type: None | Default Unit Id: None | Attribute Concept: None | Conceptual Domain: SHORT_STRING |
Status: Active | Nillable: false | Pattern: None | |
Permissible Value(s) | No Values |