
Name: Units_of_Pixel_Resolution_LinearVersion Id:
Description: Units_of_Pixel_Resolution_Linear is a unit in which pixel resolution is measured in a linear context. Linear pixel resolution, the inverse of linear pixel scale, indicates the linear size of a pixel typically expressed in terms of a length per single pixel (e.g., 6.5 m/pixel, 1.0 km/pixel).
 Unit Id
 km/pixelkm/pixel is an abbreviation for kilometer per pixel, which is a unit of linear pixel resolution (1 km = 10**3 m = one thousand meters).
 m/pixelm/pixel is an abbreviation for meter per pixel, which is a unit of linear pixel resolution (meter is an SI base unit).
 mm/pixelmm/pixel is an abbreviation for millimeter per pixel, which is a unit of linear pixel resolution (10**3 mm = one thousand millimeters = 1 meter).