Instrument Information
Instrument Overview
      Rosetta (RO) Radio Science Investigations utilized
      instrumentation with elements on both the spacecraft and ground
      (Earth).  Much of this was shared equipment, being used for
      routine telecommunications as well as for Radio Science.  Ground
      systems were provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) at New
      Norcia, Australia, and by the U.S.
      National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Deep Space
      Network (DSN) at sites in Australia, Spain, and the United
      Performance and calibration of both the spacecraft and ground
      systems directly affected the radio science data accuracy and
      played a major role in determining the quality of the results.
      The spacecraft was able to receive and transmit signals at both
      S-band (approximately 13 cm wavelength) and X-band
      (approximately 3.5 cm). The spacecraft transmissions could use
      either an onboard oscillator (for RSI the onboard ultra stable
      Oscillator USO was used.) for the frequency reference ('one-way'
      mode) or a signal transmitted from the ground ('two-way' mode);
      in the latter case, either an S- or X-band signal from the
      ground could be used as the reference.
    Science Objectives
      Two different types of radio science measurements were carried
      out with Rosetta:
        Radiometric Measurements:  Ground stations have the ability
        to transmit coded and uncoded waveforms which can be echoed by
        distant spacecraft.  Analysis of the received coding allows
        navigators to determine the distance to the spacecraft;
        analysis of Doppler shift on the carrier signal allows
        estimation of the line-of-sight spacecraft velocity.  Range
        and Doppler measurements are used to calculate the spacecraft
        trajectory and to infer gravity fields of objects near the
        spacecraft and/or to investigate gas and dust mass
        flux from non-gravitational perturbations of the Rosetta S/C.
        NB: Doppler measurements can be made in one-way with USO on
        but are usually more accurate if carried out in two-way mode.
        Radio Propagation Measurements: Ground stations can record
        spacecraft signals that have propagated through or been
        scattered from target media.  Measurements of signal
        parameters after wave interactions with surfaces, atmospheres,
        rings, and plasmas are used to infer physical and electrical
        properties of the target.  Radio propagation measurements can
        be conducted in either one-way or two-way mode.
      These measurements were applied - separately and together - to
      Rosetta science objectives such as determination of the gravity
      field of Churyumov-Gerasimenko and Asteroids Steins and Lutetia,
      mass of Churyumov-Gerasimenko and Asteroids Steins and Lutetia,
      temperature and pressure of the plasma and dust environment of
      the comet, electron density around the comet, scattering
      properties of the surface, and structure of the solar wind.
      Gravity Measurements
      Determination of the cometary mass and bulk density is a
      fundamental objective required to assess the validity and
      accuracy of various cometary models.  Extensive simulation
      studies, in preparation for the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous
      (NEAR) mission to asteroid 433 Eros, demonstrate that orbiting
      a small asteroid will require a gravity field extraction process
      fundamentally different from previous gravity studies of the
      planets or moons [SCHEERES1995], [MILLERETAL1995].
      Upon arrival at the comet, the nucleus size, shape, mass,
      activity and spin state will be poorly known and will most
      likely be active during some portions of the gravity field
      investigation campaign.
      An initial flyby during the Rosetta approach phase should
      enable a mass determination to an accuracy of 10%. Injection
      into a bound high orbit allows iterative improvements of the
      mass determination down to the 1% level. The orbit can then be
      safely reduced to 20 - 30 cometary radii (depending on the
      actual mass of the comet) and mass determination will reach an
      accuracy of 0.1%.
      The second order and degree gravity coefficients (C20 and C22)
      can be estimated using the shape model (from imaging
      observations) and assuming constant density. The result is a
      constraint on the true gravity field. The most stable low orbits
      for the spacecraft will be in equatorial, retrograde orbits
      about the comet (no outgasing perturbations assumed). Beginning
      with these orbits, the second-order gravity field can be solved
      for in the orbit determination process.
      Higher-order gravity coefficients might be determined from low
      polar orbits. This strategy also assumes that cometary
      outgassing does not induce significant accelerations upon the
      The shape gravity model (with constant density) and the true
      gravity model (from spacecraft tracking) can then be compared to
      yield information on the mass heterogeneity of the comet
      Asteroid flyby
        During the Rosetta Mission two close flybys at asteroids
        Lutetia and Steins will take place. RSI will be able to derive
        the mass and density of the asteroids.
        The spacecraft velocity is perturbed by the gravitational
        field of asteroids during sufficiently close flybys. The
        spacecraft is accelerated toward the asteroid along its flyby
        trajectory. The analysis of the resultant velocity changes
        ultimately yields a measure of its total mass or GM. The bulk
        density is determined from the mass determination and the
        volume estimate made by the camera experiment. Mass and bulk
        density estimates of asteroids have thus far only been
        obtained from the Galileo flyby at asteroid Ida and from the
        NEAR flybys at asteroid Mathilde and Eros. Asteroid Ida was
        too small to perturb the flyby trajectory of Galileo above the
        threshold of detectability. The discovery of Ida moon Dactyl,
        however, provided an unexpected opportunity to estimate Ida
        mass and bulk density. Mathilde bulk density was found to be
        surprisingly low.
      Radio Occultation Measurements and Coma sounding
        Atmospheric measurements by the method of radio occultation
        i.e coma sounding contribute to an improved understanding of
        structure and compostion of the plasma and dust environment of
        These results are based on detailed analysis of the radio
        signal phase as the ray path enters and exits occultation by
        the comet, leading to profiles of pressure for neutral
        particles and profiles of electron density for plasma. In
        addition the exact size and shape of the shape of the comet
        can be derived by determining at which time the occultations
        start and end exactly.
        Retrieval of such profiles requires coherent samples with a
        sample rate of at least 10 per second of the radio signal
        that has propagated through the atmosphere, plus accurate
        knowledge of the spacecraft trajectory.  The latter was
        obtained from the ROS Flight Dynamics Team.
        Spatial and temporal coverage in radio occultation
        experiments are determined by the geometry of the spacecraft
        orbit and the dates and times at which occultation data are
      Bistatic Surface Scattering Measurements
        The spacecraft high-gain antenna (HGA) could also be pointed
        toward the surface of the planet.  The strength of the signal
        scattered from the illuminated area could be measured and the
        results interpreted in terms of the dielectric constant of the
        surface material. The model for interpretation assumes Fresnel
        reflection at the specular angle.
        Under certain circumstances, the dispersion of the echo (its
        spectral width) could be interpreted in terms of the surface
        roughness on scales comparable to the wavelength. One such MGS
        bistatic radar was conducted over the Mars Polar Lander/Deep
        Space 2 site in May 2000 [SIMPSON&TYLER2001].
        For a few seconds before and after geometrical occultation
        the HGA illuminated a small strip of surface as well as the
        atmosphere. In some cases, an echo could be observed from the
        surface.  The interpretation of these transient echoes is
        more difficult than for the case above, possibly involving
        diffraction and surface waves in addition to Fresnel
        Rosetta is the first spacecraft to use bistatic radar to
        explore the properties of the comet's surface and its
        interior. On Rosetta this operation will be done in ONED mode.
        That is no uplink but with X- and S-Band downlink. The HGA
        will be pointed towards the comet. Pointing will be inertial.
        That is no slew was performed during the measurement.
      Solar Scintillation and Faraday Rotation Experiments
        Solar scintillation and Faraday rotation experiments were
        conducted to improve understanding of the structure and
        dynamics of the solar corona and wind. On its route to the
        comet the Rosetta spacecraft will be behind the solar disk,
        as seen from Earth.  Radio waves propagating between RO and
        Earth stations are refracted and scattered by the solar plasma
        [WOO1993].  Intensity fluctuations
        can be related to fluctuations in electron density along the
        path, while Doppler or phase scintillations can be related to
        both electron density fluctuations and also the speed of the
        solar wind. Many plasma effects decrease as the square of the
        radio frequency; scintillations are about an order of
        magnitude stronger at S-band than X-band.
        Measurements during solar conjunction should be typically
        been done in TWOD-S configuration. That is in two-way mode
        with S-Band uplink and coherent and simultanous in X- and
        S-Band. However, due to problems to lock S-Band in the 2004
        conjunction season. The TWOD-X configuration was used instead.
        That is in two-way mode with X-Band uplink and coherent and
        simultanous in X- and S-Band
    Investigators and Other Key Personnel
    Martin Paetzold      University of Cologne        Principal
                                                      solar physics
    Bernd Hausler        Universitaet der Bundeswehr  Experiment
                         Munich                       Manager
    Richard Simpson      Stanford University          Data Manager;
    Silvia Tellmann      University of Cologne        Operations
    Sami Asmar           Jet Propulsion Laboratory    JPL/DSN
    G. Leonard Tyler     Stanford University          radio
    David Hinson         Stanford University          atmosphere,
    Jean-Pierre Barriot  Centre National d'Etudes     gravity
    Veronique Dehant     Observatoire Royale          gravity
    Instrument Specification - Spacecraft
      The Rosetta spacecraft telecommunications subsystem served as
      part of a radio science subsystem for investigations of Comet
      Churyumov-Gerasimenko.  Many details of the subsystem are
      unknown; but they are not of importance for understanding the
      Instrument Id                  : RSI
      Instrument Host Id             : RO
      Pi Pds User Id                 : MPAETZOLD
      Instrument Name                : ROSETTA RADIO SCIENCE
      Instrument Type                : RADIO SCIENCE
      Build Date                     : 2003-06-01
      Instrument Mass                : UNK
      Instrument Length              : UNK
      Instrument Width               : UNK
      Instrument Height              : UNK
      Instrument Manufacturer Name   : UNK
                                SWITCH               TRANSPONDER 1
         --------     ------     -----           --------------------
   \    |        |---| TWTA |---|\   /|<--------| X-Band Transmitter |
    \   |        |    ------    | \ / |         |                    |
HGA  >--|        |              |  X  |   ------| S-Band Transmitter |
    /   |        |    ------    | / \ |  |      |                    |
   /    |  RFDU  |---| TWTA |---|/   \|  |  --->| X-band Receiver    |
        |        |    ------     -----   | |    |                    |
   \    |        |                       | |    |                    |
MGA >---|        |<----------------------  |  ->| S-Band Receiver    |
   /    |        |                         | |   --------------------
        |        |                         | |           ^
        |        |-------------------------  |           |
        |        |                           |          -----
        |        |                           |         | USO |
        |        |                           |          -----
        |        |                           |           |
        |        |                           |           v
        |        |---------------------------|        TRANSPONDER 2
        |        |                               --------------------
LGA  >--|        |---< LGA (rear)           <---| X-Band Transmitter |
(front)  --------                               |                    |
                                            <---| S-Band Transmitter |
           TRANSPONDERS 1 and 2 were            |                    |
           connected to provide fully       --->| X-band Receiver    |
           redundant, switchable                |                    |
           functions.                       --->| S-band Receiver    |
        The Rosetta radio subsystem comprised several components
        (shown above), configured to provide redundant functions
        should any single
        component fail (except the high-gain antenna).
        The high-gain antenna (HGA) was a body-fixed 1.60 m diameter
        parabolic dish which allowed transmission and reception at
        both S- and X-band.
        The HGA boresight was in the -X direction of the spacecraft
        coordinate system, offset 5 degrees in the +Z direction.
        Its gain was  29.56 dB and 41.43 dB at S- and X-band,
        respectively.  Two low-gain antennas (LGA) were mounted on the
        front and rear of the spacecraft; they operated only at
        S-band.  The HGA was the main antenna for receiving
        telecommands from and transmitting telemetry signals to the
        The LGAs were used during the commissioning phase after
        launch and for emergency operations.
        The Radio Frequency Distribution Unit (RFDU) switched the
        onboard radio frequency hardware among the three antennas.
        Switchable Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) provided 60
        watts of X-band transmitter power to the RFDU; their inputs
        could come from either Transponder 1 or Transponder 2.
        The S-band transmitter power was 5 watts, which was generated
        within the transponder units.
        The S-band uplink was received via the LGA or HGA.  In the
        coherent two-way mode the received frequency was used to
        derive the downlink frequencies by using the constant
        transponder ratios 880/221 and 240/221 for X-band and S-band
        downlink, respectively.
        The X-band uplink was received via the HGA only.  In the
        coherent two-way mode the received frequency was used to
        derive the downlink
        frequencies by using the constant transponder ratios 880/749
        and 240/749 for X-band and S-band downlink, respectively.  An
        X-band uplink generally enhanced the performance of the radio
        link because X-band is less sensitive to the interplanetary
        plasma along the propagation path.
        The X-band and S-band frequencies were related by a factor of
        11/3. If an uplink existed, the downlinks were also coherent
        with the uplink by their respective transponding ratios.
        The dual-frequency downlink allowed separation of the
        classical Doppler shift, due to relative motion of the
        spacecraft and the ground station, from the dispersive media
        effects, due to the propagation of the radio waves through the
        ionosphere and interplanetary medium.
        In one-way mode, the downlink transmitter frequency was
        derived from either an onboard Temperature Controlled Crystal
        Oscillator (TCXO) or an Ultrastable oscillator (USO). The
        one-way mode could be selected by command from the ground. If
        the spacecraft receiver could not detect an uplink signal from
        the ground, the TCXO was selected by default. TCXO stability
        was several orders of magnitude less than the uplink
        Radio Science in one-way link mode (ONES, ONED) are either
        conducted during bistatic radar experiments or during an
        occultation of the spacecraft by the nucleus as seen from
        Earth. This enables radio sounding of the immediate vicinity
        of the nucleus and perhaps even the nucleus itself, should the
        solid cometary body prove to be penetrable by microwaves.
        These one-way occultation experiments require an Ultra-Stable
        Oscillator (USO) added to the radio subsystem. The prime
        purpose of the USO is to serve as a phase-coherent frequency
        reference for the simultaneous one-way downlink transmissions
        at S-band and X-band. The required stability (Allan variance)
        of the USO is about (Delta)f /f = 1E-13 at 10-1000 seconds
        integration time. The one-way radio link can be transmitted
        either while receiving a noncoherent uplink or without any
        uplink contact at all. This radio subsystem design makes
        Rosetta one of the best equipped spacecraft (besides Galileo
        and Cassini) for radio science experiments.
        The redundant transponders each consisted of an S-band and
        X-band receiver and transmitter.  The spacecraft was capable
        of receiving one uplink signal at S-band (2100 MHz) via the
        LGAs, or at either X-band (7100 MHz) or S-band via the HGA or
        MGA.  The spacecraft could transmit a downlink signal at
        S-band (2300 MHz) and (simultaneously) a downlink signal at
        X-band (8400 MHz) using the HGA; or it could transmit one
        downlink signal at S-band via the LGAs.
      Operational Considerations
        Due to the fact that the HGA antenna can be directed within
        certain limits independent of the spacecraft, Radio Science
        observations are not so severely constrained due to spacecraft
        constraints, telecommunications, and requirements for other
        instruments as on other space missions (MEX/VEX).
        For many experiments, calibration data were collected in
        conjunction with the scientific observations.  For example,
        carrier power and frequency could be determined before and/or
        after bistatic radar and radio occultation experiments when
        the antenna was pointed toward Earth.
        The gain, beam patterns, and pointing of the HGA were
        calibrated during post-launch tests.  The half-power points
        were about 2.6 and 0.8 degrees from the boresight at S- and
        X-band, respectively.
        For radio tracking data, error sources in two-way mode are
        shown below, where the tabulated error values are given in
        terms of equivalent spacecraft velocity error.  These values
        were based on pre-launch tests.
             |          Error Source          | Equivalent Velocity |
             |                                |    Error (mm/s)     |
             |                                |---------------------|
             |                                |  S-band  |  X-Band  |
             |Total phase error (thermal and  |   1.0    |   0.3    |
             |ground station contributions)   |          |          |
             |Transponder quantization error  |   0.4    |   0.1    |
             |in frequency                    |          |          |
             |Transponder quantization error  |   0.01   |   0.004  |
             |in phase                        |          |          |
             |Total error (coherent mode)     |   1.1    |   0.32   |
      Platform Mounting
        The ROS High Gain Antenna was attached to the +X side of the
        spacecraft bus and is flexible.  The ROS HGA frame
        (ROS_HGA) was defined as a fixed offset frame with its
        orientation given relative to the ROS_SPACECRAFT frame.
        For details please refer to INSTHOST.CAT also located in this
      Operating Modes
        A two-way dual-frequency radio link was used for
        occultations, gravity observations, and solar corona
        investigations.  Such a radio link benefited from the superior
        frequency stability of the ground station.  The dual-frequency
        downlink at X-band and S-band was used to separate classical
        and dispersive Doppler shifts, allowing correction of the
        observed frequency shift by any plasma contribution.  For some
        observations (e.g., solar corona) an S-band uplink was used to
        increase sensitivity to plasma effects along the path.
        In the above experiments, operation was usually preferred
        with full power in the carrier (no telemetry or other
        modulation on the downlink) to maximize signal-to-noise ratio.
        The dual-frequency one-way radio link at S- and X-band was
        used for bistatic radar experiments.  In these experiments,
        the HGA will be pointed toward the Comet and could not be used
        to capture an uplink signal, receive commands, or transmit
        The dual-frequency USO driven one-way radio link will also
        used for occultation experiments where there is no time to
        establish a two-way link.  Stability of the one-way link is
        sufficient to allow scientifically useful probing of the
        neutral atmosphere; the ionospheric analysis can be carried
        out using the differential phase/frequency effects at S- and
        X-band which were proportional to each other.
    Instrument Specification - New Norcia
      ESA completed construction of a 35 m ground station at its
      complex near New Norcia, Australia, in the year before launch of
      Mars Express.  The station provided uplink at either S- or
      X-band and simultaneous dual-frequency downlink at both bands.
      Specifications are given below.  the 'build date' is taken
      arbitrarily to be 1 January 2003.
      Instrument Id                  : RSS
      Instrument Host Id             : NNO
      Pi Pds User Id                 : MPAETZOLD
      Instrument Name                : UNK
      Instrument Type                : RADIO SCIENCE
      Build Date                     : 2003-01-01
      Instrument Mass                : UNK
      Instrument Length              : UNK
      Instrument Width               : UNK
      Instrument Height              : UNK
      Instrument Manufacturer Name   : UNK
      The IFMS (Intermediate Frequency Modulation System) at NNO is a
      piece of equipment which mainly provides:
      - generation of the uplink IF carrier, possibly modulated with
        a TC signal (from an extrernal source) and a Ranging signal
        (internally generated)
      - reception of the downlink IF signal
      - diversity combination estimation
      - demodulation (remnant and suppressed carrier demodulators and
        Ranging demodulator) and generation of bit stream for the
        telemetry decoding system
      - collection of Doppler, Meteo and Ranging measurements into
        data sets, later available for local display and remote
        retrieval via DDS
      - telemetry decoding is provided by the integrated TCDS
        (Telemetry Channel Decoding System) functional unit (the
        presence of the TCDS may be optional)
  System overview
                              \   /|\   /
                               \ / | \ /
                                  / \
                                 /   \
                                /     \
       |                    Front-End                       |
                    ^        -------            |
                    |       |Meteo  |           |
                    |       |sensors|           |
                    |        -------            |
                    |           |               |
                    |           v               |
|----|         |------|-------------------------|------------|   |---|
| TC |         |IFMS  |                         v            |   |TM |
|    |         |      v         |-------------------------|  |   |   |
|    |         | |---------|    |   Common Front End/     |  |   |   |
|    |---------->| Up-link |  .>|   Diversity Combiner    |  |   |   |
|    |         | |Modulator|  . |-------------------------|  |   |   |
|    |<--------->|---------|  .     |        |         |     |   |   |
|    | Uplink  |      ^       .     v        v         v     |   |   |
|    |handshake|      .       .   -----   -------   -------- |   |   |
|    |         |      .       .  | OLP | |RG Dmod| |R/S carr|--->|   |
|----|         |      .       .   -----   -------  | Demod  ||   |   |
               |      .       .     ^        ^      -------- |   |   |
               |      .       .     .        .         |     |   |   |
               |      .       .     .        .         v     |   |   |
               |      .       .     .        .      -------  |   |   |
               |      .       .     .        .     | TCDS  |---->|   |
               |      .       .     .        .      -------  |   |   |
               |      .       .     .        .         ^     |   |---|
               |      .       .     .        .         .     |
               |      .       .     .        .         .     |
               |      v       v     v        v         v     |
               |  |----------------------------------------| |
               |  |      System Monitoring & Control       | |
               |  |             (UCPU software)            | |
               |  |----------------------------------------| |
                         |             |           |
                       -----         ------      -----
                      | DCP |       |STC II|    | OCC |
                       -----         ------      -----
      IFMS software
        The IFMS software is mainly in charge of the following
        - handle the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) units (Uplink
          Modulator, Common Front End, Diversity Combiner, Ranging
          Demodulator, Remnant Carrier Demodulator, Suppressed Carrier
          Demodulator, Meteo system and TCDS)
        - execute data acquisition requests and collect independently
          Doppler, AGC, Meteorological, Ranging and Open-Loop data
        - allow the Control Centre to retrieve the collected data
        - provide Monitoring & Control access to the Station Computer
        - provide Monitoring & Control access to an operator via the
          Development Control Position (DCP) for both local control
          and engineering purpose
        Of primary interest to radio science are the three
        Intermediate Frequency and Modem Systems (IFMS) at New Norcia
        which controlled both the uplink and downlink.
        The IFMS baseband processor operated on a 17.5 Msps 24-bit
        complex sample stream (12 bit words each for the I and Q
        channels) which resulted from filtering and decimating the 280
        Msps 8-bit stream output by the Common Front End (CFE)
        analog-to-digital converter. These channels were provided for
        both the right circular and left-circular polarizations (RCP
        and LCP, respectively).
        The Radio Science raw data could be directly transferred to a
        mass storage device and/or processed by a Fast Fourier
        routine. Data transfer rates from the digital signal processor
        to data storage (disk) were limited to 10 samples/s.  Data
        transfer to the European Space Operations Center (ESOC) could
        be done at a rate of 2 ksps.
      Subsystems overview
        The IFMS is constituted of a 48.26 cm (19') crate containing
        the UNIX CPU (UCPU), the Time Code Reader (TCR) and the DSP
        units (Uplink Modulator (ULM), CFE units, General DSP units
        (GDSP), except the Meteo unit which is external to the
        - Internal network and IP Processor (IPP):
          The Internet Protocol suite is used to interface most of
          the IFMS elements on an internal IP network. For this the
          GDSP units are equipped with an IPP (IP Processor), in
          charge of mamaging data communication with the UNIX-CPU
          (based on IP) and the DSP board controller (based on serial
        - The Time Code Reader (TCR) receives:
          - the Time Reference (IRIG-B on 1 kHz or 5 MHz carrier)
          - the Frequency Reference (5 MHz or 10 MHz)
          It distributes Time to the other units to be used for
          measurement time-tagging.
        - Meteo Unit:
          The Meteo Unit includes outdoor sensors providing analogue
          data for humidity, pressure, temperature and indoor
          electronic equipment (located in fact outside of the IFMS
          rack). It provides ASCII formatted numerical measurement of
          humidity, pressure and temperature to the IFMS management
        - Uplink Modulator (ULM):
          The ULM unit generates internally the ranging signal (Tone
          and Code) in digital form. It receives the telecommand
          signal in either digital or analogue form from external
          equipment. It outputs an IF signal (230 MHz or 70 MHz)
          modulated by the uplink ranging signal and/or the
          telecommand signal.
        - Common Front End Unit:
          The CFE unit receives (from the down-converters) the 70 MHz
          down-link IF signals modulated by telemetry and possibly
          ranging signals and digitises them for further processing.
          The digital data is propagated on the rack back-plane.
          Note: A second CFE can be present in the IFMS.
        - Diversity combiner:
          The DCE unit makes estimates of:
          - the depolarisation angle between the LH and RH channels
          - the phase error between the LH and the RH channels
          It then provides qualification information on the rack
          back-plane for further use by the demodulators.
        - Ranging receiver and demodulator:
          The RGD unit receives, from the Common Front End and
          Diversity Combiner units, the digital demodulated 70 MHz
          signal and qualification information. It demodulates the
          down-link signal and extracts Doppler measurement. It
          generates a replica Ranging signal and performs the Tone PLL
          and the Ambiguity Resolution in order to measure signal
          round-trip delay, modulo the maximum code length. It
          provides Doppler and Ranging measurement.
        - Remnant and Suppress Carrier demodulators:
          The RCD and SCD units receive, from the Common Front End
          and Diversity Combiner units, the digital demodulated 70 MHz
          signal and qualifier. They provide demodulated telemetry
          data and Doppler measurement.
        - Telemetry Channel Decoder System:
          The TCDS unit receives, from the demodulator units, the
          telemetry bit stream and performs Viterbi and Reed-Solomon
          decoding and frame synchronisation. It provides decoded and
          synchronised telemetry data emitted via a UDP/IP protocol.
        - Open-Loop Processor:
          The OLP unit receives, from the Common Front End and
          Diversity Combiner units, the digital demodulated 70 MHz
          signal and qualifier. It provides Open-Loop measurements.
      Operational Considerations
        By agreement between the Rosetta Radio Science (RSI) Team
        and the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), the three
        IFMS units at New Norcia were configured as follows:
        IFMS 1:  Controlled uplink, including choice of band (usually
                 X-band, but S-band for solar conjunction). Two
                 channels of closed-loop downlink were possible; these
                 could be any two of the four X-RCP, X-LCP, S-RCP, and
                 S-LCP combinations. If X-RCP and X-LCP were selected,
                 then the IFMS computed polarization.
        IFMS 2:  Backup for IFMS 1; RSI could specify its
                 configuration if it was not assigned otherwise.
        IFMS 3:  RSI could always specify the configuration
      Platform Mounting
        In the IRTF2000 reference system at epoch 2002-07-24 12:00:00,
        the cartesian coordinates of the intersection of the azimuth
        and elevation axes of the New Norcia antenna were (meters):
                     X = -2414067.051
                     Y =  4907869.387
                     Z = -3270605.276
        Using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid with equatorial radius
        6378137 m and inverse flattening 298.257223563, the geodetic
        latitude, longitude, and height were
                     geodetic latitude = -31.04822306 degrees north
                     longitude         = 116.19150227 degrees east
                     height            = 252.224 meters
        See Calibration section for spacecraft.
        See Modes section for spacecraft.  In addition, there were
        two mode choices on the ground.
        Closed-loop data acquisition was done with a phase-locked
        loop receiver at the ground station.  The downlink signal
        arriving at the station could be either one-way or two-way.
        Two-way Doppler shifts were extracted by comparing each
        measurement of the downlink carrier frequency from the
        phase-locked loop with a reference from the ground station
        frequency reference source -- e.g., a hydrogen maser with a
        frequency stability on the order of 1E-15 to 1E-16. Because
        this frequency reference source was also used for generation
        of the uplink carrier, the accuracy of the frequency
        determination was as good as the reference source. The
        Doppler integration time needed to achieve a certain signal to
        noise ratio determined the time between successive frequency
        determinations. The amplitude of the radio signal was
        estimated by the Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
        Open-loop data recording was done by filtering and
        down-converting the received radio carrier signal to baseband
        where it was digitally sampled and stored for subsequent
        analysis.  The open-loop receiver was tuned by a local
        oscillator.  The frequency of the local oscillator was given
        by the best available estimate of the carrier frequency
        transmitted by the spacecraft and applying Doppler
        corrections due to the relative spacecraft-to-Earth motion.
      Measurement Parameters
        Each IFMS generated up to four types of data records:
        Doppler, gain, range, and/or meteorology.  Each included a
        header with the following information:
               station identifier;
               spacecraft identifier;
               time tag of the first and last samples;
               sample period;
               total number of samples; and
               several flags or other markers to identify the data.
        Doppler samples could be taken at 1000, 100, 10, 1, or 0.1
        per second; the data records contain:
               sample number and time;
               unwrapped phase and
               accumulated phase with respect to a reference.
        Gain records contain:
               sample number and time;
               carrier level and
               polarization angle.
        Range data could be taken every 1-120 seconds (in user
        selectable increments of 1 second); range records contain:
               sample number and time;
               round trip delay modulo the ranging code;
               current code number and
               several flags and status words.
        Meteorological records contain:
               sample number and time;
               pressure and
    Instrument Specification - DSN
      Three Deep Space Communications Complexes (DSCCs) (near
      Barstow, CA; Canberra, Australia; and Madrid, Spain) comprised
      the DSN tracking network.  Each complex was equipped with
      several antennas [including at least one each 70-m, 34-m High
      Efficiency (HEF), and 34-m Beam WaveGuide (BWG)], associated
      electronics, and operational systems. Primary activity at each
      complex was radiation of commands to and reception of telemetry
      from active spacecraft.
      Transmission and reception was possible in several
      radio-frequency bands, the most common being S-band (nominally
      a frequency of 2100-2300 MHz or a wavelength of 14.2-13.0 cm)
      and X-band (7100-8500 MHz or 4.2-3.5 cm).  Transmitter output
      powers of up to 400 kW were available.
      The Deep Space Network was managed by the Jet Propulsion
      Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology for the
      U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
      Specifications included:
      Instrument Id                  : RSS
      Instrument Host Id             : DSN
      Pi Pds User Id                 : MPAETZOLD
      Instrument Name                : RADIO SCIENCE SUBSYSTEM
      Instrument Type                : RADIO SCIENCE
      Build Date                     : UNK
      Instrument Mass                : UNK
      Instrument Length              : UNK
      Instrument Width               : UNK
      Instrument Height              : UNK
      Instrument Manufacturer Name   : UNK
      So far as radio science was concerned, the DSN was an evolving
      'instrument;' the paragraphs which follow describe its
      capabilities during the first year of Rosetta orbital
      operations. For more information on the Deep Space Network and
      its use in radio science see reports by [ASMAR&RENZETTI1993],
      [ASMAR&HERRERA1993], and [ASMARETAL1995].  For design
      specifications on DSN subsystems see [DSN810-5].  For DSN use
      with MGS Radio Science see [TYLERETAL1992A], [TYLERETAL2001],
      and [JPLD-14027].
    Subsystems - DSN
      The Deep Space Communications Complexes (DSCCs) were an integral
      part of Radio Science instrumentation.  Their system performance
      directly determined the degree of success of Radio Science
      investigations, and their system calibration determined the
      degree of accuracy in the results of the experiments.  The
      following paragraphs describe the functions performed by the
      individual subsystems of a DSCC.  This material has been adapted
      from [ASMAR&HERRERA1993] and [DSN871-049-041]; for additional
      information, consult [DSN810-5], [DSN821-110], and [DSN821-104].
      Each DSCC included a set of antennas, a Signal Processing
      Center (SPC), and communication links to the Jet Propulsion
      Laboratory (JPL).  The general configuration is illustrated
      below; not all antennas are shown.
          --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
         | DSS 25 | | DSS 27 | | DSS 14 | | DSS 15 | | DSS 16 |
         |34-m BWG| |34-m HSB| |  70-m  | |34-m HEF| |  26-m  |
          --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
              |            |     |             |          |
              |            v     v             |          v
              |           ---------            |     ---------
               --------->|GOLDSTONE|<----------     |EARTH/ORB|
                         | SPC  10 |<-------------->|   LINK  |
                         |---------|                |---------|
                         |   SPC   |<-------------->|   26-M  |
                         |  COMM   |         ------>|   COMM  |
                          ---------         |        ---------
                              |             |            |
                              v             |            v
             ------       ---------         |        ---------
            | NOCC |<--->|   JPL   |<-------        |         |
             ------      | CENTRAL |                |  GSFC   |
             ------      |   COMM  |                | NASCOMM |
            |AMMOS |<--->| TERMINAL|<-------------->|         |
             ------       ---------                  ---------
                                                      ^     ^
                                                      |     |
                   CANBERRA (SPC 40) <----------------      |
                     MADRID (SPC 60) <----------------------
      The following table lists the DSN antennas (Deep Space Stations,
      or DSS's -- a term carried over from earlier times when antennas
      were individually instrumented) available for Rosetta.  Not
      all antennas were actually used for ROS; their capabilities
      varied and some were more suitable for ROS Radio Science than
                          GOLDSTONE     CANBERRA      MADRID
            Antenna        SPC 10        SPC 40       SPC 60
            --------      ---------     --------     --------
            26-m            DSS 16       DSS 46       DSS 66
            34-m HEF        DSS 15       DSS 45       DSS 65
            34-m BWG        DSS 24       DSS 34       DSS 54
                            DSS 25                    DSS 55
                            DSS 26
            34-m HSB        DSS 27
                            DSS 28
            70-m            DSS 14       DSS 43       DSS 63
            Developmental   DSS 13
      Subsystem interconnections at each DSCC are shown in the
      diagram below, and are described in the sections that follow.
      The Monitor and Control Subsystem was connected to all other
      subsystems; and the Test Support Subsystem could have been.
         -----------   ------------------   ---------------------
        |TRANSMITTER|_|      UPLINK      |_|       COMMAND       |_
        | SUBSYSTEM | |     SUBSYSTEM    | |       SUBSYSTEM     | |
         -----------   ------------------   ---------------------  |
               |                                                   |
         -----------   ------------------   ---------------------  |
        | MICROWAVE |_|     DOWNLINK     |_|      TELEMETRY      |_|
        | SUBSYSTEM | |     SUBSYSTEM    | |      SUBSYSTEM      | |
         -----------   ------------------   ---------------------  |
               |                                                   |
         -----------    -----------    ---------   --------------  |
        |  ANTENNA  |  |  MONITOR  |  |   TEST  | |    DIGITAL   |_|
         -----------   | SUBSYSTEM |  |SUBSYSTEM| |   SUBSYSTEM  |
                        -----------    ---------   --------------
      DSCC Monitor and Control Subsystem
        The DSCC Monitor and Control Subsystem (DMC) was part of the
        Monitor and Control System (MON) which also included the
        ground communications Central Communications Terminal (CCT)
        and the Network Operations Control Center (NOCC) Monitor and
        Control Subsystem.  The DMC was the center of activity at a
        DSCC.  The DMC received and archived most of the information
        from the NOCC needed by the various DSCC subsystems during
        their operation.  Control of most of the DSCC subsystems, as
        well as the handling and displaying of any responses to
        control directives and configuration and status information
        received from each of the subsystems, was done through the
        DMC. The effect of this was to centralize the control,
        display, and short-term archiving functions necessary to
        operate a DSCC. Communication among the various subsystems
        was done using a Local Area Network (LAN) hooked up to each
        subsystem via a network interface unit (NIU).
        DMC operations were divided into two separate areas: the
        Complex Monitor and Control (CMC) and the Network Monitor and
        Control (NMC).  The primary purpose of the CMC processor for
        Radio Science support was to receive and store all predict
        sets transmitted from NOCC -- such as antenna pointing,
        tracking, receiver, and uplink predict sets -- and then, at a
        later time, to distribute them to the appropriate subsystems
        via the LAN.  Those predict sets could be stored in the CMC
        for a maximum of three days under normal conditions.  The CMC
        also received, processed, and displayed event/alarm messages,
        and maintained an operator log.  Assignment and configuration
        of the NMCs was done through the CMC; to a limited degree the
        CMC could perform some of the functions performed by the NMC.
        There were two CMCs (one on-line and one backup) and three
        NMCs at each DSCC. The backup CMC could function as an
        additional NMC if necessary.
        The NMC processor provided the operator interface for monitor
        and control of a link -- a group of equipment required to
        support a spacecraft pass.  For Radio Science, a link might
        include one or more Radio Science Receivers (RSRs), the DSCC
        Uplink Subsystem (UPL), and one or more DSCC Downlink Tracking
        and Telemetry Subsystems (DTTs).  The NMC also maintained an
        operator log which included all operator directives and
        subsystem responses.  One important Radio Science-specific
        function that the NMC performed was receipt and transmission
        of the system temperature and signal level data from the PPM,
        for display at the NMC console, and for inclusion in Monitor
        blocks.  These blocks were recorded on magnetic tape as well
        as appearing in the NOCC displays.  The NMC was required to
        operate without interruption for the duration of the Radio
        Science data acquisition period.
        The Area Routing Assembly (ARA), which was part of the Digital
        Communications Subsystem, controlled all data communication
        between the stations and JPL.  The ARA received all required
        data and status messages from the NMC/CMC, and could record
        them to tape as well as transmit them to JPL via data lines.
        The ARA also received predicts and other data from JPL, and
        passed them on to the CMC.
      DSCC Antenna Mechanical Subsystem
        Radio Science activities generally required support from
        the 70-m, 34-m HEF, and 34-m BWG antenna subnets.  The
        antennas at each DSCC functioned as large-aperture collectors
        which, by double reflection, caused the incoming radio
        frequency (RF) energy to enter the feed horns.  The large
        collecting surface of the antenna focused the incoming energy
        onto a subreflector, which was adjustable in both axial and
        angular position.  These adjustments were made to correct for
        gravitational deformation of the antenna as it moved between
        zenith and the horizon; the deformation could be as large as
        7 cm.  The subreflector adjustments optimizde the channeling
        of energy from the primary reflector to the subreflector,
        and then to the feed horns.  The 70-m and 34-m HEF antennas
        had 'shaped' primary and secondary reflectors, with forms
        that were modified paraboloids.  This customization allowed
        more uniform illumination of one reflector by another.  The
        BWG reflector shape was ellipsoidal.
        On the 70-m antennas, the subreflector directed
        received energy from the antenna onto a dichroic plate, a
        device which reflected S-band energy to the S-band feed horn
        and passed X-band energy through to the X-band feed horn.  In
        the 34-m HEF, there was one 'common aperture feed,' which
        accepted both frequencies without requiring a dichroic plate.
        In the 34-m BWG, a series of small mirrors (approximately 2.5
        meters in diameter) directed microwave energy from the
        subreflector region to a collection area at the base of
        the antenna -- typically in a pedestal room.  A retractable
        dichroic reflector separated the S and X bands on some BWG
        antennas, or the X and Ka bands on others.  RF energy to be
        transmitted into space by the horns was focused by the
        reflectors into narrow cylindrical beams, pointed with high
        precision (either to the dichroic plate or directly to the
        subreflector) by a series of drive motors and gear trains
        that could rotate the movable components and their support
        The different antennas could be pointed by several means.  Two
        pointing modes commonly used during tracking passes were
        CONSCAN and 'blind pointing.' With CONSCAN enabled and a
        closed-loop receiver locked to a spacecraft signal, the
        system tracked the radio source by conically scanning around
        its position in the sky.  Pointing angle adjustments were
        computed from signal strength information (feedback) supplied
        by the receiver.  In this mode the Antenna Pointing Assembly
        (APA) generated a circular scan pattern which was sent to the
        Antenna Control System (ACS).  The ACS added the scan pattern
        to the corrected pointing angle predicts.  Software in the
        receiver-exciter controller computed the received signal
        level and sent it to the APA.  The correlation of scan
        position with the received signal level variations allowed the
        APA to compute offset changes which were sent to the ACS.
        Thus, within the capability of the closed-loop control
        system, the scan center was pointed precisely at the apparent
        direction of the spacecraft signal source.  An additional
        function of the APA was to provide antenna position angles and
        residuals, antenna control mode/status information, and
        predict-correction parameters to the Area Routing Assembly
        (ARA) via the LAN, which then sent this information to JPL
        via the Ground Communications Facility (GCF) for antenna
        status monitoring.
        During periods when excessive signal level dynamics or low
        received signal levels were expected (e.g., during an
        occultation experiment), CONSCAN could not be used.  Under
        these conditions, blind pointing (CONSCAN OFF) was used, and
        pointing angle adjustments were based on a predetermined
        Systematic Error Correction (SEC) model.
        Independent of CONSCAN state, subreflector motion in at least
        the z-axis could introduce phase variations into the received
        Radio Science data.  For that reason, during certain
        experiments, the subreflector in the 70-m and 34-m HEFs was
        frozen in the z-axis at a position (often based on
        elevation angle) selected to minimize phase change and signal
        degradation.  This could be done via Operator Control Inputs
        (OCIs) from the NMC to the Subreflector Controller (SRC)
        which resided in the alidade room of the antennas.  The SRC
        passed the commands to motors that drove the subreflector to
        the desired position.
        Pointing angles for all antenna types were computed by
        the NOCC Support System (NSS) from an ephemeris provided by
        the flight project.  These predicts were received and archived
        by the CMC.  Before each track, they were transferred to the
        APA, which transformed the direction cosines of the predicts
        into AZ-EL coordinates.  The LMC operator then downloaded the
        antenna predict points to the antenna-mounted ACS computer
        along with a selected SEC model.  The pointing predicts
        consisted of time-tagged AZ-EL points at selected time
        intervals along with polynomial coefficients for interpolation
        between points.
        The ACS automatically interpolated the predict points,
        corrected the pointing predicts for refraction and
        subreflector position, and added the proper systematic error
        correction and any manually entered antenna offsets.  The ACS
        then sent angular position commands for each axis at the
        rate of one per second.  In the 70-m and 34-m HEF, rate
        commands were generated from the position commands at the
        servo controller and were subsequently used to steer the
        When not using binary predicts (the routine mode for
        spacecraft tracking), the antennas could be pointed using
        'planetary' mode -- a simpler mode which used right ascension
        (RA) and declination (DEC) values.  These changed very slowly
        with respect to the celestial frame.  Values were provided to
        the station in text form for manual entry.  The ACS
        quadratically interpolated among three RA and DEC points
        which were on one-day centers.
        A third pointing mode -- sidereal -- was available for
        tracking radio sources fixed with respect to the celestial
        Regardless of the pointing mode being used, a 70-m antenna
        had a special high-accuracy pointing capability called
        'precision' mode.  A pointing control loop derived the
        main AZ-EL pointing servo drive error signals from a two-
        axis autocollimator mounted on the Intermediate Reference
        Structure.  The autocollimator projected a light beam to a
        precision mirror mounted on the Master Equatorial drive
        system, a much smaller structure, independent of the main
        antenna, which was exactly positioned in HA and DEC with shaft
        encoders.  The autocollimator detected elevation/cross-
        elevation errors between the two reference surfaces by
        measuring the angular displacement of the reflected light
        beam.  This error was compensated for in the antenna servo by
        moving the antenna in the appropriate AZ-EL direction.
        Pointing accuracies of 0.004 degrees (15 arc seconds) were
        possible in 'precision' mode.  The 'precision' mode was not
        available on 34-m antennas -- nor was it needed, since their
        beamwidths were twice as large as on the 70-m antennas.
      DSCC Antenna Microwave Subsystem
        70-m Antennas: Each 70-m antenna had three feed cones
        installed in a structure at the center of the main reflector.
        The feeds were positioned 120 degrees apart on a circle.
        Selection of the feed was made by rotation of the
        subreflector. A dichroic mirror assembly, half on the S-band
        cone and half on the X-band cone, permitted simultaneous use
        of the S- and X-band frequencies. The third cone was devoted
        to R&D and more specialized work.
        The Antenna Microwave Subsystem (AMS) accepted the received S-
        and X-band signals at the feed horn and transmitted them
        through polarizer plates to an orthomode transducer.  The
        polarizer plates were adjusted so that the signals were
        directed to a pair of redundant amplifiers for each frequency,
        thus facilitating the simultaneous reception of signals in two
        orthogonal polarizations.  For S-band these were two Block IVA
        S-band Traveling Wave Masers (TWMs); for X-band the amplifiers
        were Block IIA TWMs.
        34-m HEF Antennas:  The 34-m HEF used a single feed for both
        S- and X-band.  Simultaneous S- and X-band receive as well as
        X-band transmit was possible thanks to the presence of an S/X
        'combiner' which acted as a diplexer.  For S-band, RCP or LCP
        was user selected through a switch, so neither a polarizer nor
        an orthomode transducer was needed.  The X-band amplification
        options included two Block II TWMs or a High Electron Mobility
        Transistor (HEMT) Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), while the S-band
        amplification was provided by a Field Effect Transistor (FET)
        34-m BWG Antennas: These antennas used feeds and low-noise
        amplifiers (LNA) in the pedestal room, which could be switched
        in and out as needed.  Typically the following modes were
           1. downlink non-diplexed path (RCP or LCP) to LNA-1, with
              uplink in the opposite circular polarization;
           2. downlink non-diplexed path (RCP or LCP) to LNA-2, with
              uplink in the opposite circular polarization;
           3. downlink diplexed path (RCP or LCP) to LNA-1, with
              uplink in the same circular polarization;
           4. downlink diplexed path (RCP or LCP) to LNA-2, with
              uplink in the same circular polarization.
        For BWG antennas with dual-band capabilities and dual LNAs,
        each of the above four modes could be used in a single- or
        dual-frequency configuration.  Thus, for antennas with the
        most complete capabilities, there were sixteen possible ways
        to receive (2 polarizations, 2 waveguide path choices, 2
        LNAs, and 2 bands).
      DSCC Uplink Subsystem
        The Uplink Subsystem (UPL) comprised the Exciter, the Command
        Modulation, Uplink Controller, and Uplink Ranging assemblies.
        The UPL was based around the Block V Exciter (BVE) equipment.
        The BVEs generated uplink carrier and uplink range phase data,
        and delivered these data directly to the Project.
        The exciter generated a sky-level signal which was provided to
        the Transmitter Subsystem for the spacecraft uplink signal.
        Based on predicts from the CMC, the BVE provided a sky-level
        uplink signal to either the low-power or the high-power
        transmitter.  It was tunable under command of the DCO
        (Digitally Controlled Oscillator).
        The diplexer in the signal path between the transmitter and
        the feed horn for all antenna types (used for simultaneous
        transmission and reception) could be configured such that it
        was out of the received signal path (in listen-only or bypass
        mode) in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the
        receiver system.
      DSCC Downlink Subsystem
        The Downlink Subsystem consisted of three groups of equipment:
        the closed-loop receiver group, the open-loop receiver group,
        and the RF monitor group.
        Closed-Loop Receivers: The current closed-loop group, called
        the Downlink Tracking and Telemetry Subsystem (DTK), consisted
        of the Downlink Controller, the Receiver and Ranging Processor
        (RRP), and the Telemetry Processor (TLP) assemblies.  The DTT
        was currently based around the Block V Receiver (BVR)
        equipment. The BVRs generated downlink carrier and downlink
        range phase data (not Doppler counts and ranging units, as had
        been the case before early 2003), and delivered these (phase)
        data directly to the Project.
        The DTT could simultaneously support as many downlink channels
        as could be assigned by the NMC, up to the total number of
        RRPs available at a given complex (allowing for the reception
        of several different frequencies/wavelengths/bands, or
        different polarizations of the same downlink band).  The only
        other constraint was that any selected downlink band/bands had
        to be supported by that antenna.
        The closed-loop receivers provided the capability for rapid
        acquisition of a spacecraft signal, and telemetry lock-up.  In
        order to accomplish signal acquisition within a short time,
        the receivers were predict driven to search for, acquire, and
        track the downlink automatically.  Rapid acquisition precluded
        manual tuning, though that remained as a backup capability.
        The BVRs utilized FFT analyzers for rapid lock-up.  The
        downlink predicts were generated by the NSS and then
        transmitted to the CMC, which sent them to the Receiver
        Subsystem where two sets could be stored.  The receiver
        started acquisition at the beginning of a track (pass), or at
        an operator-specified time.  The BVRs could also be operated
        from the NMC without local operators attending them.  The
        receivers also sent performance and status data, displays,
        and event messages to the NMC.
        With the BVRs, the simulation (SIM) synthesizer signal was
        used as the reference for the Doppler extractor.  The
        synthesizer was adjusted before the beginning of the pass to a
        frequency that was appropriate for the channel (i.e., within
        the band) of the incoming signal; and would generally remain
        constant during the pass.
        The closed-loop receiver AGC loop could be configured to one
        of three settings: narrow, medium, or wide.  It was configured
        such that the expected amplitude changes were accommodated
        with minimum distortion.  The loop bandwidth (2BLo) was
        configured such that the expected phase changes could be
        accommodated while maintaining the best possible loop SNR.
        Open-Loop Receivers: The open-loop Radio Science Receiver
        (RSR) was a dedicated receiver that got a downconverted signal
        (about 300 MHz), filtered the signal to limit its bandwidth
        (to 265-375 MHz, centered at 320 MHz), and then further
        downconverted (to a center frequency of 64 MHz) and digitized
        the signal.  The RSR filters were specified by their
        bandwidths, desired resolution, and offset from the predicted
        sky frequency.
        The open-loop receivers operated in both a link-assigned and a
        stand-alone mode.  In the link-assigned mode, the NMC received
        monitor data from the RSR for incorporation into the data set
        for tracking support, and provided a workstation from which
        the RSR could be operated.  RSRs that were not assigned to a
        link could be operated in a stand-alone mode without
        interference to any activities in progress at the complex.
        Monitor data were not sent to the NMC by RSRs operating in
        the stand-alone mode.
      DSCC Transmitter Subsystem
        The Transmitter (TXR) Subsystem accepted a sky-level frequency
        exciter signal from the Uplink (Exciter) Subsystem exciter.
        This signal was routed via the diplexer through the feed horn
        to the antenna, where it was then focused and beamed to the
        The Transmitter Subsystem power capabilities ranged from 18 kW
        to 400 kW, for S- and X-band uplink.  Power levels above 20 kW
        were available only at 70-m stations.
      DSCC Tracking Subsystem
        Beginning in early 2003, all the Tracking Subsystem functions
        were incorporated within the Uplink Subsystem (UPL) and the
        Downlink Tracking and Telemetry Subsystem (DTT) -- the DTK was
      DSCC Frequency and Timing Subsystem
        The Frequency and Timing Subsystem (FTS) provided all of the
        frequency and timing references required by the other DSCC
        subsystems.  It contained four frequency standards, of which
        one was prime and the other three were backups.  Selection of
        the prime standard was done via the CMC.  Of these four
        standards, two were hydrogen masers followed by clean-up loops
        (CUL) and two were cesium standards.  These four standards all
        fed the Coherent Reference Generator (CRG), which provided
        the frequency references used by the rest of the complex.  FTS
        also provided the frequency reference to the Master Clock
        Assembly (MCA), which in turn provided time to the Time
        Insertion and Distribution Assembly (TID), which provided UTC
        and SIM-time to the complex.
        JPL's ability to monitor the FTS at each DSCC was limited to
        the station-calculated Doppler pseudo-residuals, the Doppler
        noise, the RSR, the SSI, and to a system that used the Global
        Positioning System (GPS).  GPS receivers at each DSCC received
        a one-pulse-per-second signal from the station's (hydrogen-
        maser-referenced) FTS and a pulse from a GPS satellite at
        scheduled times.  After compensating for the satellite signal
        delay, the timing offset was reported to JPL, where a database
        was kept.  The clock offsets stored in the JPL database were
        given in microseconds; each entry was a mean reading of the
        measurements from several GPS satellites, and a time tag
        associated with the mean reading.  The clock offsets that were
        provided included those of SPC 10 relative to UTC (NIST), SPC
        40 relative to SPC 10, etc.
    Optics - DSN
      Performance of the DSN ground stations depended primarily on
      the size of the antenna and capabilities of the electronics.
      These are summarized in the following set of tables. Beamwidth
      is half-power full angular width. Polarization is circular; L
      denotes left circular polarization (LCP), and R denotes right
      circular polarization (RCP).
                           DSS S-Band Characteristics
                                         70-m     34-m     34-m
           Transmit                                BWG      HEF
           --------                     -----    -----    -----
           Frequency (MHz)              2110-    2025-     N/A
                                         2120     2120
           Wavelength (m)               0.142    0.142     N/A
           Ant Gain (dBi)                62.7     56.1     N/A
           Beamwidth (deg)              0.119      N/A     N/A
           Polarization                L or R   L or R     N/A
           Tx Power (kW)               20-100       20     N/A
           Frequency (MHz)              2270-    2270-    2200-
                                         2300     2300     2300
           Wavelength (m)               0.131    0.131    0.131
           Ant Gain (dBi)                63.3     56.7     56.0
           Beamwidth (deg)              0.108      N/A     0.24
           Polarization                 L & R   L or R   L or R
           System Temp (K)                 20       31       38
                           DSS X-Band Characteristics
                                         70-m     34-m     34-m
           Transmit                                BWG      HEF
           --------                     -----    -----    -----
           Frequency (MHz)               8495    7145-    7145-
                                                  7190     7190
           Wavelength (m)               0.035    0.042    0.042
           Ant Gain (dBi)                74.2     66.9       67
           Beamwidth (deg)                         N/A    0.074
           Polarization                L or R   L or R   L or R
           Tx Power (kW)                   20       20       20
           Frequency (MHz)              8400-    8400-    8400-
                                         8500     8500     8500
           Wavelength (m)               0.036    0.036    0.036
           Ant Gain (dBi)                74.2     68.1     68.3
           Beamwidth (deg)              0.031      N/A    0.063
           Polarization                 L & R    L & R    L & R
           System Temp (K)                 20       30       20
           NB: The X-band 70-m transmitting parameters are given
               at 8495 MHz, the frequency used by the Goldstone
               planetary radar system.  For telecommunications, the
               transmitting frequency was in the range 7145-7190
               MHz, the power would typically be 20 kW, and the gain
               would be about 72.6 dB (70-m antenna).  When ground
               transmitters were used in spacecraft radio science
               experiments, the details of transmitter and antenna
               performance rarely impacted the results.
    Calibration - DSN
      Calibrations of hardware systems were carried out periodically
      by DSN personnel; these ensured that systems operated at
      required performance levels -- for example, that antenna
      patterns, receiver gain, propagation delays, and Doppler
      uncertainties met specifications.  No information on specific
      calibration activities was available.  Nominal performance
      specifications are shown in the tables above.  Additional
      information may be available in [DSN810-5].
      Prior to each tracking pass, station operators performed a
      series of calibrations to ensure that systems met specifications
      for that operational period.  Included in these calibrations was
      measurement of receiver system temperature in the configuration
      to be employed during the pass.  Results of these calibrations
      were recorded in (hard copy) Controller's Logs for each pass.
    Operational Considerations - DSN
      The DSN was a complex and dynamic 'instrument.' Its performance
      for Radio Science depended on a number of factors from equipment
      configuration to meteorological conditions.  No specific
      information on 'operational considerations' can be given here.
    Operational Modes - DSN
      DSCC Antenna Mechanical Subsystem
        Pointing of DSCC antennas could be carried out in several
        ways. For details see the subsection 'DSCC Antenna Mechanical
        Subsystem' in the 'Subsystem' section.  Binary pointing was
        the preferred mode for tracking spacecraft; pointing
        predicts were provided, and the antenna simply followed those.
        With CONSCAN, the antenna scanned conically about the optimum
        pointing direction, using closed-loop receiver signal
        strength estimates as feedback.  In planetary mode, the
        system interpolated from three (slowly changing) RA-DEC
        target coordinates; this was 'blind' pointing since there was
        no feedback from a detected signal.  In sidereal mode, the
        antenna tracked a fixed point on the celestial sphere.  In
        'precision' mode, the antenna pointing was adjusted using an
        optical feedback system.  In addition, it was possible on
        most antennas to freeze the z-axis motion of the subreflector
        to minimize phase changes in the received signal.
      DSCC Downlink Tracking and Telemetry Subsystem
        The diplexer in the signal path between the transmitter and
        the feed horns on all antennas could be configured so that it
        was out of the received signal path in order to improve the
        signal-to-noise ratio in the receiver system.  This was known
        as the 'listen-only' or 'bypass' mode.
      Closed-Loop vs. Open-Loop Reception
        Radio Science data could be collected in two modes: closed-
        loop, in which a phase-locked loop receiver tracked the
        spacecraft signal, or open-loop, in which a receiver sampled
        and recorded a band within which the desired signal presumably
        resided.  Closed-loop data were collected using Closed-Loop
        Receivers, and open-loop data were collected using Open-Loop
        Receivers in conjunction with the Full Spectrum Processing
        Subsystem (FSP).  See the Subsystems section for further
      Closed-Loop Receiver AGC Loop
        The closed-loop receiver AGC loop could be configured to one
        of three settings: narrow, medium, or wide.  In general, it
        was configured so that expected signal amplitude changes were
        accommodated with minimum distortion.  The loop bandwidth was
        typically configured so that expected phase changes could be
        accommodated while maintaining the best possible loop SNR.
      Coherent vs. Non-Coherent Operation
        The frequency of the signal transmitted from the spacecraft
        could generally be controlled in two ways -- by locking to a
        signal received from a ground station or by locking to an
        on-board oscillator.  These were known as the coherent (or
        'two-way') and non-coherent ('one-way') modes, respectively.
        Mode selection was made at the spacecraft, based on commands
        received from the ground.  When operating in the coherent
        mode, the transponder carrier frequency was derived from the
        received uplink carrier frequency with a 'turn-around ratio'
        as expressed in the table below:
            Uplink    Downlink    Turn-Around
             Band       Band         Ratio
              X          X          880/749
              X          S          240/749
        In the non-coherent mode, the downlink carrier frequency was
        derived from the spacecraft's on-board, crystal-controlled
        oscillator.  Either closed-loop or open-loop receivers (or
        both) could be used with either spacecraft frequency reference
        mode.  Closed-loop reception in the two-way mode was usually
        preferred for routine tracking/navigation.  Occasionally the
        spacecraft operated coherently such that one ground station
        did the transmitting, and a second/different ground station
        received the 'downlink' signal -- this was referred to as the
        'three-way' mode.
      Media Calibration System
        The Earth's atmosphere contributes phase and amplitude noise
        to the spacecraft radio signal received at a ground station.
        Each DSCC had a GPS receiver subsystem to calibrate for both
        the ionosphere and troposphere (both wet and dry components),
        along the zenith direction.  This subsystem also measured the
        temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, and
        Faraday rotation.
    Location - DSN
      Accurate spacecraft navigation using radio metric data required
      knowledge of the locations of the DSN tracking stations.  The
      coordinate system in which the locations of the tracking
      stations were expressed needed to be consistent with the
      reference frame definitions used to provide Earth orientation
      The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) had established
      a terrestrial reference frame for use with Earth orientation
      measurements. The IERS issued a new realization of the
      terrestrial reference frame each year.  The definition of the
      coordinate system changed slowly as the data improved, and as
      ideas about how best to define the coordinate system developed.
      The overall changes from year to year were at the level of as
      few centimeters. The 1993 version of the IERS Terrestrial
      Reference Frame (IRTF1993) was most used for DSN station
      The DSN station locations were determined by use of VLBI
      measurements, and by conventional and GPS surveying.  Tables of
      station locations were available in either Cartesian or geodetic
      coordinates.  The geodetic coordinates were referred to a geoid
      with an equatorial radius of 6378136.3 m, and a flattening
      factor f=298.257, as described in IERS Technical Note 13.
      The DSN Station Locations in ITRF1993 Cartesian reference frame
      at epoch 1993.0 (assuming subreflector-fixed configuration) were
      as follows:
      Antenna     x(m)          y(m)          z(m)
      DSS 12  -2350443.812  -4651980.837  +3665630.988
      DSS 13  -2351112.491  -4655530.714  +3660912.787
      DSS 14  -2353621.251  -4641341.542  +3677052.370
      DSS 15  -2353538.790  -4641649.507  +3676670.043
      DSS 16  -2354763.158  -4646787.462  +3669387.069
      DSS 17  -2354730.357  -4646751.776  +3669440.659
      DSS 23  -2354757.567  -4646934.675  +3669207.824
      DSS 24  -2354906.528  -4646840.114  +3669242.295
      DSS 25  -2355021.795  -4646953.325  +3669040.628
      DSS 26  -2354890.967  -4647166.925  +3668872.212
      DSS 27  -2349915.260  -4656756.484  +3660096.529
      DSS 28  -2350101.849  -4656673.447  +3660103.577
      DSS 33  -4461083.514  +2682281.745  -3674570.392
      DSS 34  -4461146.720  +2682439.296  -3674393.517
      DSS 42  -4460981.016  +2682413.525  -3674582.072
      DSS 43  -4460894.585  +2682361.554  -3674748.580
      DSS 45  -4460935.250  +2682765.710  -3674381.402
      DSS 46  -4460828.619  +2682129.556  -3674975.508
      DSS 49  -4554231.843  +2816758.983  -3454036.065 (Parkes)
      DSS 53  +4849330.129  -0360338.092  +4114758.766
      DSS 54  +4849434.496  -0360724.062  +4114618.570
      DSS 55  +4849525.318  -0360606.299  +4114494.905
      DSS 61  +4849245.211  -0360278.166  +4114884.445
      DSS 63  +4849092.647  -0360180.569  +4115109.113
      DSS 65  +4849336.730  -0360488.859  +4114748.775
      DSS 66  +4849148.543  -0360474.842  +4114995.021
      The DSN Station Locations in ITRF1993 Geodetic reference frame
      at epoch 1993.0 (assuming subreflector-fixed configuration) were
      as follows:
               latitude            longitude            height
      Antenna  deg min sec         deg  min sec           (m)
      DSS 12    35  17  59.77577    243  11  40.24697     962.87517
      DSS 13    35  14  49.79342    243  12  19.95493    1071.17855
      DSS 14    35  25  33.24518    243   6  37.66967    1002.11430
      DSS 15    35  25  18.67390    243   6  46.10495     973.94523
      DSS 16    35  20  29.54391    243   7  34.86823     944.71108
      DSS 17    35  20  31.83778    243   7  35.38803     937.65000
      DSS 23    35  20  22.38335    243   7  37.70043     946.08556
      DSS 24    35  20  23.61492    243   7  30.74701     952.14515
      DSS 25    35  20  15.40494    243   7  28.70236     960.38138
      DSS 26    35  20   8.48213    243   7  37.14557     970.15911
      DSS 27    35  14  17.78052    243  13  24.06569    1053.20312
      DSS 28    35  14  17.78136    243  13  15.99911    1065.38171
      DSS 33   -35  24   1.76138    148  58  59.12204     684.83864
      DSS 34   -35  23  54.53984    148  58  55.06236     692.71119
      DSS 42   -35  24   2.44494    148  58  52.55396     675.35557
      DSS 43   -35  24   8.74388    148  58  52.55394     689.60780
      DSS 45   -35  23  54.46400    148  58  39.65992     675.08630
      DSS 46   -35  24  18.05462    148  58  59.08571     677.55141
      DSS 49   -32  59  54.25297    148  15  48.64683     415.52885
      DSS 53    40  25  38.48036    355  45   1.24307     827.50081
      DSS 54    40  25  32.23152    355  44  45.24459     837.60097
      DSS 55    40  25  27.45965    355  44  50.51161     819.70966
      DSS 61    40  25  43.45508    355  45   3.51113     841.15897
      DSS 63    40  25  52.34908    355  45   7.16030     865.54412
      DSS 65    40  25  37.86055    355  44  54.88622     834.53926
      DSS 66    40  25  47.90367    355  44  54.88739     850.58213
    Measurement Parameters - DSN
      Open-Loop System
        Output from the Open-Loop Receivers (OLRs), as sampled and
        recorded by the Radio Science Receiver (RSR), was a stream of
        1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-bit I (In-Phase) and Q
        (Quadrature-Phase) samples.  The spacecraft transmitted an RF
        signal to an antenna, where the signal was downconverted to
        IF.  The RSR selected an IF signal for a particular frequency
        band and passed it through a digitizer (where it was
        attenuated and then mixed with timing information).  The
        signal was then decimated, filtered (to I&Q samples), and then
        multiplied by the signal from a numerically controlled
        oscillator.  Finally, the RSR reduced the bandwidth
        and sample rate of the samples, and truncated the results
        (thus creating an offset of -0.5 in the output data).  The
        samples of data were packed into SFDU blocks (nominally
        containing a single second's worth of data), and a header was
        attached to provide the following associated data for the
        -  time tag for the first sample in the data block
        -  data source identification (DSS, RSR, and sub-channel), and
           frequency band
        -  data sample resolution (bits per sample) and rate (samples
           per second)
        -  filter gain, ADC RMS amplitude, and attenuation
        -  frequency and phase polynomial coefficients
      Closed-Loop System
        Since mid 2003, closed-loop data were recorded and provided in
        Tracking and Navigation Files (TNFs).  The TNFs were comprised
        of SFDUs that had variable-length, variable-format records
        with mixed typing (i.e., can contain ASCII, integer, and
        floating-point items in a single record).  These files all
        contained entries that included measurements of Doppler,
        range, and signal strength, along with status and uplink
        frequency information.
    Acronyms and Abbreviations
1PPS    One Pulse per Second
ACS     Antenna Control System
ADEV    Allan Deviation
AGC     Automatic Gain Control
APA     Antenna Pointing Assembly
BPF     Band Pass Filter
BWG     Beam Wave Guide
CFE     Common Front End
CONSCAN Connical Scanning
D/L     downlink
dBi     decibel relative to isotropic
DCP     Development Control Position
DDC     Digital Down Converter
DDS     Data Distribution System
DSCC    Deep Space Communications Complex
DSN     Deep Space Network
DSP     Digital Signal Processing
DSS     Deep Space Network Station
ESA     European Space Agency
ESOC    European Space Operations Centre
FTS     Frequency and Timing subsystem
HEF     High Efficiency
HGA     High Gain Antenna
HSB     High-Speed BWG
IFMS    Intermediate Frequency Modulation System
IVC     Intermediate Frequency Selection Switch
JPL     Jet Propulsion Laboratory
LCP     Left Circular Polarization
LGA     Low Gain Antenna
LNA     Low Noise Amplifier
LPF     Low Pass filter
MB      Medium band
Mbit    Mega bit
MOLA    Mars Orbiting Laser Altimeter
N/A     not applicable
NASA    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NMC     Network Monitor and Control
NNO     New Norcia
OCC     Operation Control Centre
ODF     Orbit Data File
OLR     Open Loop Receiver
PDS     Planetary Data System
PI      Principal Investigator
pwr     power
rcvrs   receivers
RCP     Right Circular Polarization
RF      Radio Frequency
RFDU    Radio Frequency Distribution Unit
RIV     Radio Science IF-VF Downconverter
rms     root mean square
RO      Rosetta Orbiter
RSI     Rosetta Radio Science Investigations
RSR     Radio- Science Receiver
RSS     Radio Science Subsystem
SIM     Simulation
SNR     Signal-Noise-Ratio
SNT     System Noise Temperature
SPC     Signal Processing Center
STC     Station Computer
sps     samples per second
STAT    Science Time Analysis Tool
TCDS    Telemetry Channel Decoding System
TCXO    Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator
TID     Time Insertion and Distribution Assembly
TNF     Tracking and Navigation File
TWOD    Two-way dual-frequency mode
TWOS    Two-way single-frequency mode
TWTA    Traveling wave tube amplifier
Tx      Transmitter
U/L     uplink
UNK     unknown
UTC     Coordinated Universal Time
USO     Ultra stable Oscillator
VDP     VME Data Processor
VF      Video Frequency
VME     Versa Module Eurocard (standard bus)
w       watt
SERIAL NUMBER not applicable
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