Investigation Information
IDENTIFIER urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:other_investigation.astromat_data::1.0
TYPE Individual Investigation
Initially created in support of PDART efforts by Kerstin Lehnert et al., this investigation is designed to accumulate
      geochemical data of astromaterials acquired via terrestrial laboratory analyses. Geochemical and geochronology analyses
      of samples returned by space missions (e.g., HAYABUSA, Stardust, Apollo) are included, as are studies of materials recovered
      through terrestrial exploration (e.g., observed falls, Antarctic Search for Meteorites expeditions). Future missions with a
      sample return focus may also be included herein.
START DATE 2004-08-13T12:00:00.000Z
STOP DATE N/A (ongoing)
REFERENCES Lehnert, Kerstin; Ji, Peng, An archive of laboratory data acquired on astromaterials samples.