De Sanctis, M.C., M.T. Capria, E. Ammannito, M. Giardino, S. Fonte, R. Noschese, A. Coradini, DAWN VIR CAL (RDR) VESTA VISIBLE SPECTRA V2.0, DAWN-A-VIR-3-RDR-VIS-VESTA-SPECTRA-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2016.
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Data Set Abstract
This data set contains the spectral radiance (W/(m**2*sr*micron)) data from the Dawn VIR instrument visible channel for all Vesta encounter mission phases. The data in this version of the data set have been produced using an updated calibration. The data cover the time period between 2011-05-03 and 2012-07-18.