Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) operated in Mars orbit between September 1997 and November 2006. It returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years.

Citation Malin, M., and E. Eliason, Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Sampler, MGS-M-MOC-4-SAMPLER-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1998.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.17189/1520148
Data Set Abstract Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) data products on this volume are nine Narrow Angle Camera images selected from orbits between 13 and 100; i.e., some images are from outside the Assessment Orbits range of 19-36. The images are in GIF format with detached PDS labels, and they have had some cosmetic corrections applied (see VOLINFO for description). As the images are large, reduced-size versions have also been included for browsing. To assist in locating the images on the planet, 'finder frames' have been provided; these are Viking Orbiter MDIMs showing the outlines of the MOC images in the context of the larger area. The locations of the MOC images are also shown on the Mercator and South Polar Stereographic orbit ground track maps below. (Note: MOC image files are named according to the form NAnnnnxx, where nnnn is the orbit number and xx is the image number within the orbit.)
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    Additional Information
    Mission Information MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR
    Data Set Information MGS-M-MOC-4-SAMPLER-V1.0
    Instrument Host Information MGS
    Instrument Information MOC
    Target Information MARS