This dataset contains ROSETTA NAVCAM RAW DATA of the Escort Phase. Included are ESC1-MTP011 data from 19 Dec 2014 to 13 Jan 2015.

Citation Geiger, B. and M. Barthelemy, ROSETTA ORBITER NAVCAM ESC1-MTP011 V1.1, RO-C-NAVCAM-2-ESC1-MTP011-V1.1, ESA Planetary Science Archive and NASA Planetary Data System, 2017.
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Data Set Abstract This dataset contains ROSETTA NAVCAM RAW DATA of the Escort Phase from 19th Dec 2014 to 13th Jan 2015 when at the vicinity of target 67P/CG. This data set V1.1 supersedes the V1.0. It includes updates of the Browse images, adding of the FITS version, clarification of calibration target, document updates and resolve other minor outstanding errata.
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    Additional Information
    Data Set Information RO-C-NAVCAM-2-ESC1-MTP011-V1.1
    Instrument Host Information RO
    Instrument Information NAVCAM
    Target Information 67P/CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO 1 (1969 R1)