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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.
Mission Information
MISSION_START_DATE 1977-10-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2003-09-21T12:00:00.000Z
Mission Objectives Overview  ===========================    Mission Objectives Summary    ==========================      The Galileo mission was designed to make long-term investigations      of the Jovian system using a spacecraft consisting of a Probe and      an Orbiter.  The Probe, after being released on the initial      approach to Jupiter, entered the Jovian atmosphere and made      in-situ measurements.  The Probe data were relayed to Earth by      the Orbiter.  The Orbiter then entered orbit around Jupiter for a      23-month, 10-satellite encounter tour of the Jovian system.      The Galileo Europa Mission continued to operate the Orbiter for an      additional 24-month, 13-satellite encounter tour,  leading into an      additional extension. The Galileo Millennium Mission (GMM)      continued for an additional 3 years, from January 2000 until      January 2003, adding another 9 targeted satellite encounters to      the Galileo spacecraft tour.        Specific science objectives of the Galileo mission were:       Jovian Atmosphere: Determine and investigate the chemical      composition; structure to at least 10 bars; radiative heat      balance; circulation and dynamics; nature of cloud particles.       Gaspra, Ida, and Galilean Satellites: Characterize the      morphology, geology and physical state; investigate the surface      mineralogy and surface distribution of minerals.       Galilean Satellites: Determine the gravitational and magnetic      fields and dynamic properties; study the atmospheres, ionospheres      and extended gas clouds; study the magnetospheric interactions of      the satellites.       Jovian Magnetosphere: Characterize the vector magnetic fields and      the energy spectra, composition and angular distribution of      plasma and energetic particles, including plasma wave phenomena,      out to 150 Rj.        Specific science objectives of the Galileo Europa Mission were:       Europa Campaign: Study and characterize the crust, atmosphere and      implications for possible subsurface ocean of Europa; study and      characterize the interaction between Europa and Jupiter's      magnetosphere; provide information that will support future      missions to Europa.       Perijove Reduction Campaign: Explore and map the Io plasma torus      from Europa's orbit to Io's orbit; study and characterize the role      of water in the dynamics of Jupiter's atmosphere; characterize      regional volcanic activity on Io in preparation for the Io      encounter campaign.       Io Campaign: Study Io's internal structure, volcanic processes,      atmosphere and magnetospheric environment at high resolution.        Specific science objectives of the Galileo Millennium Mission were:       Additional science for the Io Campaign from GEM: Observe Europa's      interaction with the Jovian magnetosphere and examine any induced      magnetic field in Europa during the E26 orbit; study Io's internal      structure, volcanic processes, atmosphere and magnetospheric      environment at high resolution in I27.       Cassini Phase: Takes advantage of the unique opportunity presented      by having a pair of spacecraft explore the Jupiter system      simultaneously. Observations include joint magnetospheric/solar      wind measurements, satellite and atmospheric remote sensing, and      dust stream observations.       Io Phase: Capitalizes on Galileo's proven ability to operate      in the high radiation environment near Jupiter and on previous      observations of Io's dramatic volcanic activity. Observations      include high-latitude measurements of magnetospheric interactions,      searching for intrinsic and/or induced magnetic field signatures,      and studying the nature and extent of volcanism at both new and      previously active sites.       Inner Jupiter System Phase: A final high-risk, high-payoff plunge      through the inner system, by Amalthea and only one Jupiter Radius      above the cloud tops. Observations include Amalthea mass      determination, in situ measurements of ring particles, inner      magnetospheric plasma and radiation data, and determination of      the current rate of secular change in Jupiter's magnetic field.






