Data Set Information
Radar backscatter power from the lunar surface was collected at a wavelength of 12.6 cm, using the 305 m Radio Telescope at Arecibo to transmit and the NRAO's 105 m Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope to receive. The first maps were acquired in May, 2008. Data acquisition to fill in most remaining radar-visible areas of the lunar near side continues as of the initial publication of this archive.  The data products in the DATA directory correspond to NASA Level 2, or PDS Level 5 Derived Data. According to the PDS Standards Reference, these are 'derived results, as maps, reports, graphics, etc.' Each image has an accompanying detached PDS label.  The data set consists of 5 image files for each region mapped during a typical 29-minute radar integration period. The images are named as follows: XXXXXX_SCP.IMG (same-sense circular polarization map), XXXXXX_OCP.IMG (opposite-sense circular polarization map), XXXXXX_ANG.IMG (map of beam angle in radians), XXXXXX_INC.IMG (map of incidence angle in radians), and XXXXXX_CPR.IMG (circular polarization ratio image), where XXXXXX is the center latitude and longitude of the radar pointing target over the observation period. This is expressed as XX deg N (for north latitude) or S (for south latitude) followed by the east longitude in degrees (for example, 20N310 corresponds to 20 degrees north latitude, 310 degrees east longitude). North is at the top of the frame in all of these images.  For the polarized ('OCP') and depolarized ('SCP') maps, the floating point values represent the estimated dimensionless backscatter coefficient (often called sigma-zero) of the lunar surface at a radar wavelength of 12.6 cm (2380 MHz frequency). 'Polarized' refers to energy scattered from the lunar surface in the opposite circular polarization sense to that transmitted (the behavior expected of a flat, mirror-like reflecting surface). 'Depolarized' refers to reflected energy with the same sense of circular polarization (the behavior expected from a surface with abundant wavelength-scale objects that randomize the reflected polarization).  The data were collected by transmitting a continuous-wave, circular polarized signal from the Arecibo Observatory, and receiving the lunar echoes at the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia. The transmitted signal was a 65535-sample pseudo-random code with baud length of 0.2 microseconds. The resulting 13.17-millisecond period between pulses allows for the full possible range of echo time delays over the Moon's surface. The reflected signals were recorded at the GBT using 4-bit analog-to-digital conversion, 5-MHz sampling rate, and a 4.4-MHz Gaussian lowpass filter. Pulse compression was carried out to recover the intrinsic 2-microsecond delay resolution. A patch focusing method was used to correct for time-varying Doppler changes at lunar surface points distant from the radar pointing target. Multiple independent integration periods (looks) were added together to reduce radar speckle.  Image power values were normalized to the effective scattering area that contributes to each pixel (based on a reference spherical shape) and to the thermal background noise measured at the Green Bank Telescope. Subtraction of this background noise level can lead to small negative values of the backscatter coefficient where the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the echoes is close to unity. The effect of the two antenna beam patterns on the gain across the lunar surface is also compensated to first order, and pointing errors at Arecibo are estimated and accounted for in this calibration step. Final calibration to values of the dimensionless backscatter coefficient is performed by comparing the GBT thermal noise to that of a quasar of known flux at 2380 MHz. To date, these calibrated values are consistent over numerous radar observing periods, but are systematically lower (by a factor of 6-10 in power) than values measured by previous investigators. Ratios between the two circular polarization channels are well calibrated, since they depend only upon determination of the relative noise power in the two received channels. The 'OCP' and 'SCP' images are further normalized to the cosine of the radar incidence angle for a reference sphere (given in the 'INC' files) at each location. The stated location of the sub-radar point at 2380 MHz is an approximate value at the start of the multi-look observing period.  In addition to the 'OCP' and 'SCP' images, the archive also includes 'CPR', 'ANG', and 'INC' images. The 'CPR' image files are circular polarization ratio images formed by averaging pixels over a 5x5 moving window, and dividing the averaged 'SCP' data by the averaged 'OCP' data. No other normalization is performed, so the polarization ratio images have a strong decrease toward the center of the Moon (lower incidence angle). Note that in areas of low SNR, occasional negative values of the CPR could occur due to the subtraction of the background thermal noise. Values of unity and greater are typical of rough surfaces, particularly at high incidence angles where the diffuse scattering component dominates the echo.  The other image files ('ANG' and 'INC') display the beam angle and incidence angle, respectively, in radians for each pixel. These co-registered maps, in floating point format, will allow a user to reverse the applied calibration steps if desired. The beam angle value for each pixel represents the angle (in radians) between a vector from the observer to the surface location and the vector from the observer to the radar pointing target given for each map. The incidence angle value for each pixel represents the angle (in radians) between a vector from the Moon's center of mass (COM) to the surface location and the vector from the COM that passes through the sub-radar point. Values near the radar-visible limb of the Moon thus approach 90 degrees.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2011-06-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2006-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME N/A (ongoing)
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Known Problems :  The calibrated SCP and OCP backscatter coefficient values are consistent over numerous radar observing periods, but are systematically lower (by a factor of 6-10 in power) than values measured by previous investigators. The reason for this remains uncertain. Ratios between the two circular polarization channels are well calibrated, since they depend only upon determination of the relative noise power in the two received channels.  The Arecibo system has an inherent pointing error that can cause offsets of the transmitted beam from the desired location on the lunar surface. We have attempted to correct for this offset using an iterative fitting process that matches the locations of the first beam nulls in the delay-Doppler image, but some errors may remain. These manifest as darker or brighter arcuate patches along part of the edge of a mapped area.   This data set underwent external peer review from November 22, 2010 through August 1, 2011.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Campbell, B.A., Earth-Based Dual-Polarization 12.6-cm Radar Maps Of The Moon, ARCB/NRAO-L-RTLS/GBT-5-12.6CM-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2011.
ABSTRACT_TEXT Radar backscatter power from the lunar surface was collected at a wavelength of 12.6 cm, using the 305 m Radio Telescope at Arecibo to transmit and the NRAO's 105 m Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope to receive.
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