Data Set Overview : The Asteroid Photometric Catalog (3rd update), Lagerkvist,, 1993 [LAGERKVISTETAL1993], is a compilation of all asteroid lightcurve photometry published up to and including the year 1992. The dataset includes the lightcurves in a single binary file and a table of references to all original publications. Individual ASCII files of the lightcurves are also included. Parameters : The primary data file of this dataset, named '', has an entry for each photometric observation of an asteroid included in any asteroid lightcurve. The parameters given for each observation include Julian date of the observation, the observed magnitude, and the error value associated with the magnitude. Also included for convenience are individual ASCII files for each lightcurve, extracted from the file These are in the subdirectory 'indiv' in the data directory. They are grouped in subdirectories named astnnnnnn, where nnnnnn is the asteroid number. The filenames follow the form, based on the date and time of observation and the filter designation (as listed in The index to the primary file and to the individual files, named '', contains an entry for each asteroid lightcurve. Each entry identifies the asteroid, and specifies the filter used, the start and stop time of the lightcurve observation, the heliocentric distance, geocentric distance, phase angle, and geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude of the asteroid at the time of the observation, the start byte and observation set size of the lightcurve in '', the filename for the individual ascii file, a code for the original published reference reporting the observations, and a code for each comment line. The file '' contains an entry for each published reference from which data is included in the dataset, along with the reference code by which it is cited in ''. The file '' contains an entry for each comment line with a code number by which it is referred to in ''. Processing : No processing has been applied to the photometric data. Additional information for each observation, such as phase angle, have been determined. Data : This dataset includes the following data objects. - FITS binary table of photometric measurements - ASCII table of lightcurves which serves as an index to and the individual files - ASCII table of published references - ASCII table of comment lines indiv - subdirectory containing individual ascii lightcurve files. History : This data set was first reviewed and archived in 1995. In 2011, it was updated to V1.1 with the following changes: - Individual ASCII lightcurve files, extracted from, were added in a subdirectory. - The original index or parameter file in V1.0,, was modified by adding the filenames of the individual lightcurve files to the entries. Many errors were discovered in the start and stop times in the original file, and these were corrected by replacing them with the actual earliest and latest observation times from the data file. Asteroid numbers were added for those asteroids which had been numbered since the original file was compiled. The revised file is called References : Lagerkvist, C.-I., M.A. Barucci, M.T. Capria, M. Fulchignoni, L. Guerriero E. Perozzi, V. Zappala, Asteroid Photometric Catalog, Consiglio Nazionale Della Ricerche, Rome, 1987. Lagerkvist, C.-I., A.W. Harris, and V. Zappala, Asteroid Lightcurve Parameters, in Asteroids II, edited by R.P. Binzel, T. Gehrels, and M.S. Matthews, pp. 1162-1179, Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1989. Lagerkvist, C.-I., M.A. Barucci, M.T. Capria, M. Dahlgren, A. Erikson, M. Fulchignoni, P. Magnussen, Asteroid Photometric Catalog, Second Update, Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Uppsala, 1992. Lagerkvist, C.-I., P. Magnusson, I. Belskaya, A. Erikson, M. Dahlgren, M.A Barucci, Asteroid Photometric Catalog, Third Update, Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Uppsala, 1993.