Data Set Overview : This dataset includes the infrared spectrophotometry asteroid data reported in the following papers: Lebofsky, L.A. 1980. Infrared reflectance spectra of asteroids: A search for water of hydration. Astron. J. 85, 573-585. [LEBOFSKY1980] Feierberg, M.A., L.A. Lebofsky, and D.J. Tholen 1985. The nature of C- class asteroids from 3-micron spectrophotometry. Icarus 63, 183-191. [FEIERBERGETAL1985] Lebofsky, L.A., T.D. Jones, P.D. Owensby, M.A. Feierberg, and G.J. Consolmagno 1990. The nature of low-albedo asteroids from 3-micron multi-color photometry. Icarus 83, 16-26. [LEBOFSKYETAL1990] Jones, T.D., L.A. Lebofsky, J.S. Lewis, and M.S. Marley 1990. The composition and origin of the C, P, and D asteroids: Water as a tracer of thermal evolution in the outer belt. Icarus 88, 172-192. [JONESETAL1990] For further information about these data, please contact Dr. Larry Lebofsky, University of Arizona.