Data Set Overview : This data set contains 85 published spectra of asteroids obtained by Faith Vilas during the years 1982 - 1992. These appeared in the following papers: Vilas et al. 1985, Icarus 63, 201. [VILASETAL1985] Vilas and Smith 1992, Icarus 64, 503. [VILAS&SMITH1985] Vilas and McFadden 1992, Icarus 100, 85. [VILAS&MCFADDEN1992] Vilas et al. 1993a, Icarus 102, 225. [VILASETAL1993A] Vilas et al. 1993b, Icarus 105, 67. [VILASETAL1993B] Modification History : This data set first entered the PDS archives following its successful external peer review on 23 March 1998. Parameters : Each spectrum is contained in a separate file, and lists wavelength, reflectance and error. The index file for this collection contains observation dates, visual magnitude, integration time, phase angle, solar elongation, geo- and heliocentric distances, airmass, wavelength coverage limits, normalization wavelength and solar analog stars for each spectrum included. An additional files lists identification(s), visual magnitude, spectral type, position, and Hardorp class for each of the solar analog stars referred to in the spectrum files. Processing : The details of the data processing are reported in the individual papers.