Data Set Overview : This is a compilation of published lightcurve results up through February 2001. This compilation is maintained by Alan Harris, JPL. Parameters : This data set includes one entry for each asteroid for which lightcurve observations have been made. Each entry gives the following parameters: rotation period; minimum and maximum amplitude of lightcurve; reliability code; and references to the published papers reporting the observations. Data : The derived lightcurve data are provided in the file 'LC.TAB'. Ancillary Data : The data file gives reference codes indicating the published papers reporting lightcurve observations on each asteroid. The full citations corresponding to these codes are given in the file 'LCREF.TAB'. Modification History : The lc data set was first introduced into PDS at the April 1994 asteroid datasets review. It was subsequently updated at the March 1996 review, the April 1999 review, and the May 2002 review. At the May 2002 review of version 5.0, it was decided to separate the reference number listings, which were becoming long, from the main data table. The file was created to provide the cross-listing information between objects and references. The reference list in the main data file was replaced with a single number indicating the total number of references for each object.