Data Set Overview : The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Moving Object Catalog (SDSS-MOC) is a large data set that provides magnitudes at the five SDSS filters and astrometric information for all identified moving objects present in the SDSS images. Its 4th release contains 471,569 moving objects observations prior to March 2007, were 220,101 are linked to 104,449 unique objects (Izevic et al. 2010). The present data set is the result of the Carvano et al. (2010) objective to develop an asteroid taxonomy based on the five SDSS magnitudes that range from 354 to 913 angstroms. The asteroids' observations are classified into the following nine classes: Vp, Op, Qp, Sp, Ap, Lp, Dp, Xp, and Cp, all related to the classes and complexes in Bus taxonomy (Bus & Binzel, 2002b). Futhermore the probabilities for each observation to belong each class are also computed. After this, the taxonomic classifications for each observation are collapsed into a single classification for each asteroid. Asteroids and observations were allowed to be assigned to more than one class. Further information about the method, the defining limits for each class and the classification algorithm are found in Carvano et al. (2010). The data set is composed of three tables: The SDSS Taxonomy Observation Table (107,467 records) containing the classification types for the multiple SDSS observations of each asteroid. This file also contains the classification probability score and normalized reflectances. The SDSS Taxonomy Asteroid Table (63468 records) containing the SDSS observed asteroids with their respective classification types. This file also contains the probability scores, typical observations, binary flags and supporting astrometric information. The SDSS Taxonomy Templates (9 records) is the table containing templates representing each classification type. Each template has its modal normalized reflectance value and its color ranges used to classify the observations. : References : Ivezic, Z., Juric, M., Lupton, R.H., Tabachnik, S., Quinn, T., and the SDSS Collaboration, SDSS Moving Object Catalog V3.0. EAR-A-I0035-3-SDSSMOC-V3.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2010. Carvano, J. M.; Hasselmann, P. H.; Lazzaro, D.; Mothe-Diniz, T. SDSS-based taxonomic classification and orbital distribution of main belt asteroids, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 510, id.A43, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200913322, 2010. Bus, S.J. and R.P. Binzel, Phase II of the small main-belt asteroid spectroscopic survey: A feature-based taxonomy, Icarus 158, 146- 177, 2002.