Data Set Overview : The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar, (CMOR), located near Tavistock, Ontario and operated by the University of Western Ontario, initially carried out a survey of meteor showers over the period 2002-2006, the results of which were published in Brown et al. (2008) and which were archived in PDS in version 1.0 of this data set. The survey was subsequently extended through 2008, and the extended results published in Brown et al. (2010). In the following description, Survey I refers to the initial 2002-2006 reconnaissance survey, and Survey II refers to the combined data from the full 2002-2008 survey. This version (2.0) of the data set contains the full results from Survey II. A total of just over 3 million meteoroids were detected in survey II, and their orbits determined. From these data, an automated stream search algorithm identified 117 meteor showers, including 42 of the 45 streams previously identified in survey I. Removing possible duplicate showers from the results leaves a total of 109 distinct meteor showers. This data set presents the orbital parameters measured for the 117 major and minor meteor streams which were detected during survey II. Tables showing linkages between the streams, possible parent bodies, and grouping of the streams into complexes are also included. Data Files and Parameters : - Contains information about the radiants of the 117 detected showers, including the time of maximum, duration, geocentric radiant coordinates, and velocity at time of maximum, as well as radiant drift and associated error. Reproduces the content of Table 1 of the paper. - Contains information about the shower mean orbits, computed using the radiant and velocity observed at shower maximum. Included are orbital elements and the number of orbits used to compute the mean stream orbit. Reproduces the content of Table 2 of the paper. - Groups the detected streams into seven major stream complexes. Reproduces the content of Table 3 of the paper. - Lists possible interstream linkages, along with possible parent bodies. Reproduces the content of Table 4 of the paper. For a full description of the survey and derivations, and a discussion of the results, see the original papers, Brown et al. (2008, 2010). References : Brown, P., R.J. Weryk, D.K. Wong, and J. Jones, A meteoroid stream survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar I. Methodology and radiant catalog, Icarus 195, 317-339, 2008. Brown, P., D.K. Wong, R.J. Weryk, and P. Wiegert, A meteoroid stream survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar II: Identification of minor showers using a 3D wavelet transform. Icarus 207, 66-81, 2010.