Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Asteroid dynamical families calculated by David Nesvorny using the Heirarchical Clustering Method. This is the version of January 2010.
Data Set Overview
    This asteroid dynamical family analysis has been carried out by David
    Nesvorny using his Hierarchical Clustering Method (HCM) code, with proper
    elements for 293,368 asteroids calculated by Milani and Knezevic.  This
    analysis includes only low-inclination asteroids (proper sine of
    inclination less than 0.3).
    The HCM code applies the HCM method of Zappala et al. (1990, 1994).  The
    input proper elements files were calculated by Milani and Knezevic using a
    semianalytical method described in Milani and Knezevic (1994).  The
    distance cutoffs have been selected by Nesvorny individually for each
    family based on a trial and error method using visualization software.  In
    three cases, namely Vesta/Flora, Massalia/Nysa-Polana, Eunomia/Adeona,
    artificial cuts in proper element space were used to prevent HCM from
    hopping between two different families.
    Overview of the Method
    The asteroid belt has collisionally evolved since its formation (see,
    e.g., Davis et al. 2002). Possibly its most striking feature is the
    presence of asteroid families that represent remnants of large,
    collisionally disrupted asteroids (Hirayama 1918). Asteroid families can
    be identified as clusters of asteroid positions in the space of proper
    elements:  the proper semimajor axis (a_P), proper eccentricity (e_P), and
    proper inclination (i_P) (Milani and Knezevic 1994, Knezevic et al. 2002).
    These orbital elements describe the size, shape and tilt of orbits.
    Proper orbital elements, being more constant over time than the osculating
    orbital elements, provide a dynamical criterion of whether or not a group
    of bodies has a common ancestor.
    To identify an asteroid family, we use a numerical code that automatically
    detects a cluster of asteroid positions in 3-dimensional (3D) space of
    proper elements.  We briefly describe the code below.  See Nesvorny et al.
    (2005, 2006) for a more thorough description.
    The code implements the so-called Hierarchical Clustering Method
    (hereafter HCM) originally proposed and pioneered in studies of the
    asteroid families by Zappala et al. 1990, 1994). The HCM requires that
    members of the identified cluster of asteroid positions in the proper
    elements space be separated by less than a selected distance (the
    so-called 'cutoff').
    The procedure starts with an individual asteroid position in the space of
    proper elements and identifies bodies in its neighborhood with mutual
    distances less than a threshold limit (d_cutoff). Following Zappala et al.
    (1990, 1994), we define the distance in a_P, e_P, i_P space by d = n a_P
    sqrt{C_a (da_P/a_P)^2 + C_e (de_P)^2 + C_i (dsin i_P)^2}, where n a_P is
    the heliocentric velocity of an asteroid on a circular orbit having the
    semimajor axis a_P, da_P = abs[a_P^(1) - a_P^(2)], de_P = abs[e_P^(1) -
    e_P^(2)], and d sin i_P = abs[sin i_P^(1) - sin i_P^(2)].  The upper
    indexes (1) and (2) denote the two bodies in consideration.  C_a,
    C_e, and C_i are weighting factors; we adopt C_a = 5/4, C_e = 2 and C_i =
    2 (Zappala et al. 1994). Other choices of C_a, C_e, and C_i yield similar
    Once bodies with d < d_cutoff are identified, each of them is used as a
    starting point of the algorithm and new bodies are searched in its
    neighborhood. The procedure is then iterated until no new bodies can be
    found. The final result of the HCM method is a cluster of asteroids that
    can be connected by a chain in proper elements space with segments shorter
    than d_cutoff. In other words, any member of the cluster will have, by
    definition, at least one neighbor with distance d < d_cutoff. Also,
    asteroids that were not classified as members cannot be connected to any
    member by a segment shorter than d_cutoff.  Note that spectroscopic
    interlopers are not removed from the resulting family lists.
    Selection of the Cutoff
    The cutoff distance d_cutoff is a free parameter.  With small d_cutoff the
    algorithm identifies tight clusters in proper element space. With large
    d_cutoff the algorithm detects larger and more loosely connected clusters.
    For the main belt, the appropriate values of d_cutoff are between 1 and
    150 m/s.  To avoid an a priori choice of d_cutoff, we developed software
    that runs HCM starting with each individual asteroid and loops over 150
    values of d_cutoff between 1 and 150 m/s with a 1 m/s step. The result of
    this algorithm can be conveniently visualized in a 'stalactite diagram'
    (see Nesvorny et al. 2005).
    The stalactite diagram is useful when we want to systematically classify
    the asteroid families identified by HCM.  With modern data (proper
    asteroid catalog 2005 or newer), more than fifty families can be found
    (see below).  We also developed software that allows us to visualize, in
    3D, the overall distribution of asteroid proper elements and highlight
    families found by HCM.  The software can also 'subtract' a cluster (or any
    number of clusters) from the distribution and show background. This is
    helpful because it allows us to check on the 3D distribution of each
    family, see if it ends at or steps over specific resonances, and give us a
    general idea about the appropriate range of d_cutoff values in each case.
    By subtracting all identified families from the overall distribution, we
    can also verify that no meaningful concentrations were left behind.
    To select appropriate d_cutoff for each cluster, insights into the
    dynamics of the main-belt asteroids are required. Nesvorny et al. (2005)
    illustrated this for the Koronis family by discussing the number of
    members of the cluster linked to (158) Koronis changes with d_cutoff. With
    small d_cutoff values, the algorithm accumulates members of a very tightly
    clustered group -- the product of the collisional breakup of a Koronis
    family member about 5.8 My ago (Karin cluster, Nesvorny et al. 2002).
    With d_cutoff about 20 m/s, the HCM starts to agglomerate the central part
    of the Koronis family. With even larger d_cutoff, the algorithm steps over
    the secular resonance that separates central and large semimajor axis
    parts of the Koronis family (this particular shape resulted from long-term
    dynamics driven by radiation forces, Bottke et al. 2001).  Finally, with
    very large d_cutoff, the algorithm starts to select
    other structures in the outer main belt that have unrelated origins.
    Therefore, according to these considerations, d_cutoff = 10 m/s is the
    best choice for the Karin cluster and d_cutoff = 50 m/s is best for the
    Koronis family (note that these specific values are based on the 2008
    update of proper element catalog and may change as the catalogs grow).
    For other families, we choose d_cutoff using similar criteria that are not
    explained here in detail. See Nesvorny et al. (2005, 2006) for additional
    information.  In summary, each family is treated individually, taking into
    account local resonances, radiation forces, etc. and this requires
    significant human effort.
    Robustness and Completeness of the Resulting Families
    To determine the statistical significance of each family we generated mock
    distributions of proper elements and applied the HCM to them. For example,
    to demonstrate a greater than 99.9% statistical significance of the Karin
    cluster, we generated 1000 mock orbital distributions corresponding to the
    Koronis family determined at d_cutoff = 50 m/s , and applied the HCM
    algorithm to these data.  With d_cutoff = 10 m/s, we were unable to find a
    cluster containing more than a few dozen members, yet the Karin family
    contains 493 members with this d_cutoff.  We are thus confident that the
    Karin cluster and other families to which we applied the same technique
    are statistically robust.
    For a discussion of the statistical significance of asteroid families with
    only a few known members (e.g. Datura, Lucascavin, Emilkowalski), see
    Nesvorny et al. (2006) and Nesvorny and Vokrouhlicky (2006)  In these
    cases, the true membership was established based on past orbital histories
    of asteroids.  As a byproduct of these numerical integrations, it was
    determined that these families formed less than 1 My ago.
    To determine whether our algorithm produced a reasonably complete list of
    asteroid families, we searched for residual clusters in the background
    asteroid population using proper elements and Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    (SDSS; Ivezic et al. 2001) colors simultaneously. This method is based on
    an assumption that each individual family represents a reasonably
    homogeneous distribution of colors that may be different from that of
    asteroids in the local background.  We define the distance in a_P, e_P,
    i_P, PC_1, PC_2 space, where PC_1 and PC_2 are the principal SDSS-color
    components (see Nesvorny et al. 2005 for a definition), by d_2 = sqrt{d^2
    + C_PC [(dPC_1)^2 + (dPC_2)^2]} , where d is the distance in a_P, e_P, i_P
    sub-space defined in the above equation, dPC_1 = abs[PC_1^(1) - PC_1^(2)]
    and dPC_2 = abs[PC_2^(1) - PC_2^(2)]. The indexes (1) and (2) denote the
    two bodies in consideration. C_PC is a factor that weights the relative
    importance of colors in our generalized HCM search.  With d in m/s, we
    typically used C_PC = 10^6 and varied this factor in the 10^4 - 10^8 range
    to test the dependence of results.
    We found no statistically robust concentrations in the extended proper
    element/color space that could help us to identify new families. This
    result shows that our list of dynamical families based on the proper
    element data is reasonably complete. The current catalog (as of 2010)
    includes 55 families while Nesvorny et al. (2005) list 41. This increase
    is due to the increase in number of cataloged proper elements (100,000 in
    2005, more than 300,000 in 2010), which allowed us to identify new cases.
    Data Products
    Files listing the members for each of the 55 families in this analysis
    along with their proper elements are in the directory data/families.  The
    filenames are the concatenation of the family number and name.  The file gives a listing of the 55 families with their family
    number, family name, the distance cutoff used, and the number of members.
    The family name is the name of the largest asteroid in the family.
    The family numbers are 1XX for inner belt (2-2.5 AU), 2XX for central belt
    (2.5-2.82 AU) and 3XX for outer belt (2.82-3.6 AU). Number XX increases
    with the designation number of the asteroid after which the family is
    named (e.g., 101 is the Vesta family named after (4) Vesta, listed on on
    the 1st line of; 102 is the Flora family named after (8)
    Flora). Families with very few members, typically 3 to 6, are highlighted
    by using XX > 50 (e.g., 151 is the Datura family with 6 members).
    Ancillary Data
    The document directory includes the Nesvorny HCM code and the two input
    files of proper elements which were used to generate this family analysis.
    The code and input files have been renamed to conform to PDS document
    filenaming requirements.  In the list below, the original filename is
    given in parentheses.  These files are provided as documentation of the
    algorithms and input data used for generating the family memberships.
    hcluster_c.asc (hcluster.c) - The Nesvorny HCM code (compile with nrutil.c
    and nrutil.h).
    nrutil_c.asc (nrutil.c) - memory allocation functions used by hcluster.c
    nrutil_h.asc (nrutil.h) - header of nrutil.c
    allnum_pro.asc ( - The M&K proper elements for numbered
    asteroids, used as input to hcluster.c.
    ufitobs_pro.asc ( - The M&K proper elements for unnumbered
    asteroids, used as input to hcluster.c.
    Running the code:
    On a Linux platform, code hcluster.c can be compiled by typing: 'gcc
    hcluster.c -o hcluster -lm'. This works on Opteron 2360 workstation
    running Fedora core. On other platforms, known compilation issues may
    arise with memory allocation routines.  On input, hcluster requests the
    designation number of an asteroid whose proper elements serve as a
    starting point of the HCM algorithm (e.g., type 158 for the Koronis
    family, where 158 stands for asteroid (158) Koronis).  The second and last
    input is the cutoff distance in m/s (e.g., enter 50 for the Koronis
    family, for which 50 m/s is adequate).
    Bottke, W.F., D. Vokrouhlicky, M. Broz, D. Nesvorny, and A. Morbidelli
    2001. Dynamical Spreading of Asteroid Families via the Yarkovsky Effect.
    Science 294, 1693-1696.
    Davis, D.R., D.D. Durda, F. Marzari, A. Campo Bagatin, and R. Gil-Hutton
    2002. Collisional Evolution of Small-Body Populations.  In Asteroids III
    (W.F. Bottke, A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, and R. Binzel, Eds.).  Univ. of
    Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 545-558.
    Hirayama, K. 1918. Groups of asteroids probably of common origin.  Astron.
    J. 31, 185-188.
    Ivezic, Z., and 32 colleagues 2001. Solar System Objects Observed in the
    Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data. Astron. J. 122, 2749-2784.
    Knezevic, Z., A. Lemaitre, and A. Milani 2002. The Determination of
    Asteroid Proper Elements.  In Asteroids III (W.F. Bottke, A. Cellino, P.
    Paolicchi, and R. Binzel, Eds.).  Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp.
    Milani, A., and Z. Knezevic,  Asteroid Proper Elements and the Dynamical
    Structure of the Asteroid Belt,  Icarus 107, 219-254, 1994.
    Nesvorny, D., W.F. Bottke, L. Dones, and H.F. Levison 2002. The recent
    breakup of an asteroid in the main-belt region. Nature 417, 720-771.
    Nesvorny, D., R. Jedicke, R.J. Whiteley, Z. Ivezic, 2005.  Evidence for
    asteroid space weathering from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.  Icarus 173,
    Nesvorny, D. and D. Vokrouhlicky, 2006. New Candidates for Recent Asteroid
    Breakups. The Astronomical Journal 132, 1950-1958.
    Nesvorny, D., Vokrouhlicky, D., Bottke, W. F., 2006b. The Breakup of a
    Main-Belt Asteroid 450 Thousand Years Ago. Science 312, 1490.
    Zappala, V., A. Cellino, P. Farinella, Z. Knezevic, Asteroid Families, I.
    Identification by hierarchical clustering and reliability assessment,
    Astronomical Journal, 100, 2030-2046, 1990.
    Zappala, V., A. Cellino, P. Farinella, and A. Milani, 1994.  Asteroid
    families. II: Extension to unnumbered multiopposition asteroids.  The
    Astronomical Journal 107, 772-801.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2010-06-07T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1965-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME N/A (ongoing)
MISSION_START_DATE 2004-03-22T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Small Bodies
Confidence Level Overview
    Individual distance cutoffs have been selected subjectively for each
    family with the intent of separating family members from background
    objects.  Family membership will vary with selection of different distance
    The original review of this data set on June 7, 2010 found that the
    documentation of the method was insufficient.  After extensive
    improvements to the data set description, a follow-up external peer review
    with was held on November 8, 2010.  The follow-up review found that the
    data set documentation is now sufficient to enable a data user to
    understand and use the data and to understand the method by which the
    family memberships were determined.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Nesvorny, D., Nesvorny HCM Asteroid Families V1.0. EAR-A-VARGBDET-5-NESVORNYFAM-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2010.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set contains asteroid dynamical family memberships for 55 families, calculated by David Nesvorny using his code based on the Hierarchical Clustering Method (HCM) described in Zappala et al. (1990, 1994). The input proper elements for 293,368 asteroids were calculated by Milani and Knezevic and are restricted to low-inclination asteroids.