Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION ESO NTT SUSI Images of the P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact into Jupiter
Data Set Overview
      At the ESO La Silla site is a direct imaging facility (DIFA) at the
      A Nasmyth focus of the NTT, in front of the image derotator which
      feeds the IRSPEC infrared spectrograph. Two remotely-controlled
      45-degree mirrors can be inserted in the light beam to deviate the
      telescope beam either to a CCD camera (SUSI) or to an infrared
      array. In the configuration which has been implemented, SUSI is
      equipped with a Tektronix 1024**2 CCD with high quantum efficiency
      from the UV to the near infrared. The CCD pixel size corresponds to
      0.13 arcsec in the focal plane of the NTT. A filter wheel and a
      shutter are located in front of the CCD.
      The authorship for the SUSI data is PI: Rita Schulz, CoIs: Therese
      Encrenaz, Joachim Steuwe, and Gunther Wiedemann.  The images were
      taken during the impact week and show the disk of Jupiter through
      several filters.  All the images have been bias subtracted and
      flatfielded.  No other calibrations have been applied.
      SuSI Observation Log
    File #  |    Date    |   UT     | Filter        | Tau exp/s |  Airmass
    part0131| 1994-07-23 | 23:49:24 | CH4           |    10.09  |  1.0760
    part0133| 1994-07-23 | 23:55:23 | 6822 A cont   |     0.26  |  1.0827
    part0134| 1994-07-23 | 23:57:51 | H alpha       |     1.09  |  1.0858
    part0135| 1994-07-24 | 00:00:40 | H alpha       |     0.56  |  1.0894
    part0136| 1994-07-24 | 00:03:08 | H alpha cont  |     0.56  |  1.0928
    part0137| 1994-07-24 | 00:06:13 | CO+ 4247 A    |     1.08  |  1.0971
    part0138| 1994-07-24 | 00:09:14 | CN 3877 A     |     1.09  |  1.1015
    part0139| 1994-07-24 | 00:11:45 | CN 3877 A     |     1.09  |  1.1054
    part0140| 1994-07-24 | 00:14:57 | CN 3877 A     |    20.09  |  1.1108
    part0141| 1994-07-24 | 00:18:28 | 5210 A cont   |     0.25  |  1.1164
    part0154| 1994-07-24 | 02:37:16 | CH4           |    10.09  |  1.7411
    part0155| 1994-07-24 | 02:40:09 | 6822 A cont   |     0.25  |  1.7680
    part0156| 1994-07-24 | 02:42:38 | H alpha       |     0.56  |  1.7927
    part0157| 1994-07-24 | 02:45:07 | H alpha cont  |     0.56  |  1.8181
    part0158| 1994-07-24 | 02:47:49 | 5210 A cont   |     0.25  |  1.8470
    part0159| 1994-07-24 | 02:50:27 | CO+ 4247 A    |     1.08  |  1.8763
    part0160| 1994-07-24 | 02:53:09 | CN 3877 A     |    20.09  |  1.9091
    part0170| 1994-07-24 | 03:23:03 | CH4           |    10.09  |  2.3571
    part0171| 1994-07-24 | 03:25:53 | 6822 A cont   |     0.25  |  2.4107
    part0172| 1994-07-24 | 03:28:49 | 5210 A cont   |     0.25  |  2.4712
    part0173| 1994-07-24 | 03:31:26 | CO+ 4247 A    |     1.08  |  2.5281
      CH4: 'private' filter, kindly provided by S. Mottola, DLR,
           Berlin, Germany Lambda cen. = 8900A, delta Lambda = 100A
      6822 A: continuum filter, ESO#441, Lambda cen. = 6822A, delta
           Lambda = 73A
      H alpha: H alpha continuum, ESO#696, Lambda cen. = 6654A, delta
           Lambda = 61A cont
      H alpha: H alpha filter, ESO#692, Lambda cen. = 6552A, delta Lambda
           = 60A
      5210 A: continuum filter, ESO#432, Lambda cen. = 5210A, delta Lambda
           = 60A
      CO+: CO+ filter, ESO#573, Lambda cen. = 4247A, delta Lambda = 77A
      CN: CN filter, ESO#676, Lambda cen. = 3877A, delta Lambda = 19A
      SUSI imaging capabilities complement well those of EMMI on the other
      focus.  The scheduling of the observing programmes at the NTT can be
      adapted to the sky conditions. When the image size is better than
      0.7 arcsec, the telescope can be configured for observing with SUSI.
      In order to take full advantage of this unique capability, ESO has
      now introduced a special category of observing programmes which
      require exceptional seeing and are executed in a service mode by ESO
      staff when the sky conditions are favourable.
    Data structure
 SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS format
 BITPIX  =                   32 / No. of bits per pixel
 NAXIS   =                    2 / No. of axes in image
 NAXIS1  =                  330 / No. of pixels
 NAXIS2  =                  310 / No. of pixels
 EXTEND  =                    T / FITS extension may be present
 BLOCKED =                    T / FITS file may be blocked
 CRPIX1  =                   1. / Reference pixel
 CRVAL1  =                 121. / Coordinate at reference pixel
 CDELT1  =                   1. / Coordinate increment per pixel
 CTYPE1  = '                '   / Units of coordinate
 CRPIX2  =                   1. / Reference pixel
 CRVAL2  =                 351. / Coordinate at reference pixel
 CDELT2  =                   1. / Coordinate increment per pixel
 CTYPE2  = '                '   / Units of coordinate
 BUNIT   = '                '   / Units of data values
 BSCALE  =     8.0895269867E-06 / Scaling factor: r = f*i + z
 BZERO   =        17455.8145065 / Zero offset: r = f*i + z
 DATAMAX =        34827.9414062 / Maximum data value
 DATAMIN =        83.6876068115 / Minimum data value
 ORIGIN  = 'ESO-MIDAS'          / Written by MIDAS
 DATE    = '13/07/95'           / Date of writting: DD/MM/YY
 FILENAME= 'part0170.bdf'       / Original file name
 MIDASFTP= 'IMAGE   '           / MIDAS File Type
 OBJECT  = 'Jupiter CH4'        / MIDAS desc.: IDENT(1)
 RA      =            213.55521 / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(1)
 DEC     =            -12.32001 / MIDAS desc.: O_POS(2)
 DATE-OBS= '24/07/94'           / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(1)
 MJD-OBS =          49557.14101 / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(4)
 TM-START=        12183.2640006 / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(5)
 EXPTIME =                  10. / MIDAS desc.: O_TIME(7)
 TELESCOP= 'ESONTTA '           / MIDAS desc.: TELESCOP(1)
 INSTRUME= 'SUSI    '           / MIDAS desc.: INSTRUME(1)
 OBSERVER= 'JUPITER '           / MIDAS desc.: OBSERVER(1)
 AIRMASS =             2.357133 / MIDAS desc.: O_AIRM(1)
 COMMENT / Time Reference System is used only for Sidereal time
 COMMENT / All other time info is got from instr. computer clock
 HISTORY COMPUTE/IMAG flat0170.bdf = (susi0170.bdf-bias_ave.bdf)/ffn_0116
 HISTORY .bdf EXTRACT/IMAG part0170.bdf = flat0170.bdf[@121,@351:@450,@660]
 HIERARCH ESO GEN ID = 'ARC-0001/1.4' / Version of related document
 HIERARCH ESO GEN PROJ ID = '053.08-030' / ESO program identification
 HIERARCH ESO GEN EXPO NO =      8078 / Image Sequence Number
 HIERARCH ESO GEN EXPO TYPE = 'SCI     ' / Type of exposure
 HIERARCH ESO GEN EXPO LST =    67560. / Loc. Sid. time at start of ex.
 HIERARCH ESO GEN TEMP =     283.9 / Observatory Ambient Temp. (K)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN TEMPVAR =        0. / Observatory Temp. var. (K)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN RHUM =       36. / Observatory Ambient Humidity (%)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN RHUMVAR =        0. / Observatory Humidity var. (%)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN FWHM =        0. / Observatory seeing (arcsec)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN FWHMVAR =        0. / Observatory seeing var. (arcsec)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN WIND SPEED =       8.6 / Observatory wind speed (m/sec)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN WIND SPEEDVA =   0. / Observ. wind speed var. (m/sec)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN WIND DIREC =      180. / Wind direction (N=0 E=90)
 HIERARCH ESO GEN WIND DIRVAR =        0. / Wind direction var.
 HIERARCH ESO TEL ID = 'ESONTT  ' / Telescope Identification
 HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU ID = 'NASM-A  ' / Telescope focus ID
 HIERARCH ESO TEL LON =  -70.7345 / Telescope Longitude (+=East)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL LAT =  -29.2584 / Telescope Latitude (+=North)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL HEIGHT =      2440 / Telescope height (m)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU LEN =    38.482 / Focus length (m)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU SCALE =  1.489 / Focus scale (deg/m) = 5.36arcsec/mm
 HIERARCH ESO TEL TRAK RATEA =    0.0042 / Tracking rate in alpha (deg/s)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL TRAK RATED =        0. / Tracking rate in delta (deg/s)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL DOME TEMP =     283.8 / Tel temperature (Kelvin)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL DOME TEMPVAR =        0. / Tel temp. variation (Kelvin)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL DOME FWHM =        0. / Tel seeing (arcsec)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL DOME FWHMVAR =        0. / Tel seeing variation (arcsec)
 HIERARCH ESO TEL PARANG START =     63.25 / Parallactic angle at exp start
 HIERARCH ESO TEL PARANG END =     63.25 / Parallactic angle at exp end
 HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START =   2.34484 / Airmass at exp start
 HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END =   2.34642 / Airmass at exp end
 HIERARCH ESO ADA ID = 'ADAPTA  ' / Adapter Identification
 HIERARCH ESO ADA MODE = 'STD     ' / Mode (standard)
 HIERARCH ESO ADA POSANG =        0. / Rotat. at the start of the exp.
 HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID-1 X = 1.984E-06 / Guide probe x position (m)
 HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID-1 Y =   -0.1668 / Guide probe y position (m)
 HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID-2 X =   -0.1705 / Guide probe x position (m)
 HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID-2 Y =    0.1685 / Guide probe y position (m)
 HIERARCH ESO INS ID = 'SUSI #1 ' / Instrument Identification
 HIERARCH ESO INS COMP ID = 'HP RTE-A V5' / Instrument computer op. sys.
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-1 NO =         3 / Mirror Slit position
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-1 TYPE = 'MIRROR  ' / What is this element
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-1 ID = '        ' / Mirror unique identification
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-1 NAME = 'SUSI    ' / Mirror slit position
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-2 NO =         1 / Filter Wheel position
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-2 TYPE = 'FILTER  ' / What is this element
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-2 ID = 'CH4 980MM' / Filter unique identification
 HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI-2 NAME = 'PRIVAT  ' / Filter position
 HIERARCH ESO DET NAME = 'TK1024AF' / Detector name
 HIERARCH ESO DET ID = 'ccd$25  ' / Detector serial id.
 HIERARCH ESO DET TYPE = 'CCD Tektronix' / Detector type
 HIERARCH ESO DET PIXSIZE =   2.4E-05 / Size of pixel (m)
 HIERARCH ESO DET BITS =        16 / ADU bits per pixel
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM BITS =        16 / Number of bits/pixel transfered
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM NAXIS1 =      1124 / Number of pixels along x
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM CRVAL1 = 1. / x coordinate of lower left pixel
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM CRPIX1 =        1. / x coordinate of reference pixel
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM CDELT1 =        1. / Binning factor along x
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM NAXIS2 =      1024 / Number of pixels along y
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM CRVAL2 = 1. / y coordinate of lower left pixel
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM CRPIX2 =        1. / y coordinate of reference pixel
 HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM CDELT2 =        1. / Binning factor along y
 HIERARCH ESO DET DKTIME =       10. / Dark current time (s)
 HIERARCH ESO DET TEMP_VAR =        0. / Temperature drift during exposure
 HIERARCH ESO DET TEMPMEAN =     173.3 / Mean detector temperature (K)
 HIERARCH ESO DET COMP ID = 'ccds-V4.1' / A900 CCD-program name+vers
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM2 = 'VLO1 :  -7.91    VHI1 :   1.53    VDD1 :  24.29'
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM3 = 'VLO2 :  -7.94    VHI2 :   1.52    VDD2 :  24.46'
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM4 = 'HLO1 :  -4.31    HHI1 :   9.53    VDR1 :  16.69'
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM5 = 'HLO2 :  -6.31    HHI2 :   6.37    VDR2 :  16.64'
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM6 = 'RLO1 :  -0.95    RHI1 :   7.70    VGS1 :   9.93'
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM7 = 'RLO2 :  -0.98    RHI2 :   7.85    VGS2 :   9.94'
 HIERARCH ESO DET PARM8 = '-15V : -14.97    +15V :  14.96    +30V :  28.33'
 HIERARCH ESO DET DATE =   1993.67 / CCD implementation date
 HIERARCH ESO DET MODE = 'SLOW    ' / Readout mode
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUTPUTS =         2 / On-chip outputs connected
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUT-1 ST =         1 / If T, output enabled
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUT-1 X =         1 / X-location for output 1
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUT-1 Y =         1 / Y-location for output 1
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUT-1 GAIN =         1 / Gain for output 1
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUT-1 ADU =       3.3 / Electrons per ADU for output 1
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUT-2 ST =         0 / If T, output enabled
 HIERARCH ESO DET OUTREF =         1 / Ref. output (gives image orient.)
 HIERARCH ESO DET UDIT =       10. / User defined integr. time (sec)
 HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TMOPEN = 0.05 / Time needed to open shutter(sec)
 HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TMCLOS = 0.13 / Time needed to close shutter(sec)
 HISTORY  'TM_START'       ,'I*4 '   ,    1,    1,'7I10',' ',' '
 HISTORY     8405629
 HISTORY  'TM_END'         ,'I*4 '   ,    1,    1,'7I10',' ',' '
 HISTORY     8406629
 HISTORY  'LHCUTS'         ,'R*4 '   ,    1,    4,'5E14.7',' ',' '
 HISTORY   0.0000000E+00 3.2000000E+04 8.3687607E+01 3.4827941E+04
 HISTORY  'DISPLAY_DATA'   ,'I*4 '   ,    1,    9,'7I10',' ',' '
 HISTORY           1         1       166       156         0        -1
 HISTOR  Y        -         -1        -1
 HISTORY  ESO-DESCRIPTORS END     ................
      Standard IRAF reduction routines were used.
      This dataset is 8 MM tape submission to PDS which was referenced in
      the Schulz et al. (1995) [SCHULZETAL1995] article.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 1996-08-14T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1994-07-23T11:49:24.000Z
STOP_TIME 1994-07-24T03:31:26.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1993-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 1996-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Small Bodies
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Schulz, R., M. A'Hearn, Th. Encrenaz, J. Stuwe, and G. Wiedemann, ESO NTT SUSI IMAGE DATA FROM SL9 IMPACTS WITH JUPITER V1.0, ESO-J-SUSI-3-RDR-SL9-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1996.
ABSTRACT_TEXT At the ESO La Silla site is a direct imaging facility (DIFA) at the A Nasmyth focus of the NTT, in front of the image derotator which feeds the IRSPEC infrared spectrograph. Two remotely-controlled 45-degree mirrors can be inserted in the light beam to deviate the telescope beam either to a CCD camera (SUSI) or to an infrared array. In the configuration which has been implemented, SUSI is equipped with a Tektronix 1024**2 CCD with high quantum efficiency from the UV to the near infrared. The CCD pixel size corresponds to 0.13 arcsec in the focal plane of the NTT. A filter wheel and a shutter are located in front of the CCD.
  • SBN Comet Website