Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Galileo Imaging (SSI) Asteroid, Earth and Moon Experiment Data Records
Data Set Overview
    This data set has been generated by NASA's Galileo Project in
    order to distribute the images acquired by the Solid State
    Imaging (SSI) camera to the scientists and later to the
    Planetary Data System (PDS).  The collection resides on volumes
    GO_0007 thru GO_0015 and consists of all images acquired by the
    Galileo spacecraft during the Gaspra and the second encounter
    with the Earth (Earth2).  Included are images of Gaspra, the
    Earth's Moon and the Earth taken during the 1991 and 1992
    encounters (SCLK 99757945 through 166324700), as well as
    additional star and calibration data.
    The Galileo SSI camera acquires data in a digital raster-format
    containing 800 scan lines and 800 samples per scan line.  Each
    picture element (pixel) in the two dimensional image array is
    represented as an 8-bit value between 0 and 255, proportional
    to the amount of light detected at that point (with 0 being the
    least amount of light and 255 being the greatest amount of
    light).  The camera is equipped with seven color filters and a
    clear filter such that images taken through complementary
    filters can be combined during ground processing to produce
    color images.  To make full scientific use of the image
    collection, the radiometric and geometric properties of the
    camera system should be understood.
    The ancillary disc, GO_0001, will provide calibration files and
    technical documentation necessary for the understanding of the
    images produced by the SSI camera.  Presently, calibration
    files and software are available through the VICAR software
    system at MIPS and SPICE files are available through the
    Galileo Science Data Team.
    REDR Processing:
    The Raw Experiment Data Records (REDRs) were produced by the
    Multimission Image Processing Subsystem (MIPS) at the Jet
    Propulsion Laboratory using several Video Image Communications
    and Retrieval (VICAR) programs.  The processing included the
    following steps:
    --The original telemetry data was processed into raster-formatted
      files (GLLTELEMPROC)
    --Multiple versions of each data file obtained from separate
      downlinks or playbacks were merged together to create the best
      version of the data (SSIMERGE)
    --The VICAR label was updated to reflect the most recent pointing
      information (CATLABEL)
    --Bad data value information was then added to the Telemetry
      Header (BADLABELS)
    --Missing line gaps of two lines or less were filled in, as
      specified by the SSI Team. (GLLFILLIN)
    --The PDS  Index table and detached PDS label files were
      generated. (CDGEN)
    --The VICAR files and PDS files were premastered onto a WORM
      CD-ROM which was validated.
    --The WORM CD-ROM was sent to a vendor and CD-ROM's were
    --A final CD-ROM was compared bit-by-bit with the original data
      to ensure the quality of the vendor product.
    Each volume contains approximately 800 images stored as VICAR
    files.  A detached PDS label has been included for each image.
    Documentation files have been provided which inform the user
    about the organization and contents of the disc, and the
    definition of the labels.  An index files have also been
    provided which contain information about the images in the data
    The REDR data are generated by MIPS using procedures
    specifically developed or adapted for Galileo.  The files are
    generated on a VAX and are written in VAX compatible (LSByte
    first) format.
  REDR File Format
    The Galileo REDR format (WHITE1993) was originally reserved for
    SSI calibration data or data which should not be
    radiometrically corrected.  The SSI Team recently decided that
    the REDR format will be used to archive all raw SSI data.
    Each REDR file consists of a VICAR label, the telemetry header,
    the bad-data value header records (if there are any), and the
    Image Data which is preceded by a Binary Prefix.  There are 800
    line records of image data.  All records are fixed length.  The
    line record length is 1000 bytes; 200 bytes of a binary line
    prefix and 800 bytes of 8 bit pixel data.  (Note, for the AI8
    format or summation mode, the record length is still 1000, but
    the data is placed in the first 400 pixel samples and 400 lines
    only.) There will be a one-to-one correspondence between line
    records and image lines.  Data not received will be
    The BINARY HEADER is composed of a Telemetry header and a
    Bad-Data Value Header containing ancillary information specific
    to the image.  The TELEMETRY HEADER is split into two physical
    records.  The first 1000 bytes are placed in the first physical
    record after the VICAR label, and the last 800 bytes are placed
    in the next physical record.  The last 200 bytes are zero
    filled.  The BAD-DATA VALUE HEADER is composed of records
    describing several types of bad data values.  Each record
    describes only one type and depending on the number of bad
    pixels, they may span over several physical records.  Each
    record is identified by the Record IDS field which is located
    at byte 0.
  Ancillary Data
    All document files and detached label files contain a carriage
    return character (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII
    10) at the end of each record.  This allows the files to be
    read by the MacOS, DOS, Unix, and VMS operating systems.
    Tabular files are also described by a detached PDS label.  The
    PDS label file has the same name as the data file it describes,
    with the extension .LBL; for example, the file IMGINDEX.TAB is
    accompanied by the detached label file IMGINDEX.LBL in the same
    directory.  The detached PDS labels for REDR images contain
    information pertaining to the image.
    Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly
    into many database management systems on various computers.
    All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are
    enclosed in double quotation marks.  Character fields are left
    justified, and numeric fields are right justified.  The start
    byte and bytes values listed in the labels do not include the
    commas between fields or the quotation marks surrounding
    character fields.  The records are of fixed length, and the
    last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return
    and line feed characters.  This allows a table to be treated as
    a fixed length record file on computers that support this file
    type and as a normal text file on other computers.
    The following CD-ROM copy, display and processing software has
    been successfully tested using the Galileo SSI data:
    Copy Software
      --DCL  COPY (VMS) - available with VMS
      --VICAR Copy (VMS and UNIX) - Available with VICAR package from
    Display Software
      --VICAR JDISP  (VMS and UNIX) - Available with VICAR package
        from COSMIC.
      --PIXEL PUSHER (Apple Macintosh) - Available from COSMIC.
      --NIH IMAGE  (Apple Macintosh) - A public domain program
        available from the National Institute of Health.
      --CDBROWSE  (UNIX/Motif) - Software may be obtained from on the internet.
      --IMDISP (IBM PC) - Program and information  about this program
        are available from PDS.
    Processing Software
      --VICAR (VMS and UNIX) - Available from COSMIC
      --ISIS (VMS and UNIX) - Available through the USGS in Flagstaff
    Each CD-ROM disc has been formatted such that a variety of
    computer systems may access the data.  Specifically, the discs
    are formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange
    Standard, and file attributes are specified by Extended
    Attribute Records (XARs).  Formats are based on standards for
    archive EDR CD-ROM products established by PDS.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 1994-01-15T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1990-11-27T10:30:57.185Z
STOP_TIME 1992-12-09T03:45:38.113Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1993-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 1996-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
Confidence Level Overview
    The SSI REDRs contain raw data as received from Galileo
    telemetry.  All of the images received were processed and are
    contained on these volumes Included in the limitations section
    are explanations of the VICAR and PDS keywords and values, as
    well as a description of a problem found with one frame in the
    data set.  This data set contains all of the data acquired
    during the Gaspra and Earth 2 period, the processing has been
    verified, and is currently in use by science team members in
    their analysis
    The SSI REDRs are reviewed prior to archiving by the SSI team.
    Data received is compared with data expected, and replays of
    missing data is requested.  The status and validity information
    on the REDRs themselves is examined.  Format and documentation
    of the CD-ROM archive volume is reviewed by PDS and is
    documented in WAINIO1992.  The mastered and replicated CD-ROM
    volumes received from the vendor are compared bit-by-bit with
    the original data to ensure the quality of the product.
  Data Coverage and Quality
    Sequences and Objectives For Gaspra
      Optical Navigation frames taken during approach to fine-tune
      spacecraft approach vectors.
      This observation is part of the final rotation Gaspra movie
      and lightcurve.  Each segment of the total lightcurve covers
      30 degrees of rotation of Gaspra.  Every third segment is
      through four filters to give data on the color of Gaspra.
      The remaining segments are through a single filter.
      This observation is the only six filter coverage of Gaspra.
      It is a 2x2 mosaic, 58 minutes from closest approach.  The
      mosaic is required to cover the error ellipse.
      This observation is designed to cover the untweaked error
      ellipse.  It is a 4x4 mosaic taken through one filter at 44
      minutes before the closest approach.
      This observation is the highest resolution, four color
      observation of Gaspra.  It requires 3x3 mosaic through 4
      filters.  It takes place 35 to 29 minutes before the closest
      approach to Gaspra.
      This observation provides high phase and the highest
      resolution images of Gaspra.  A 51 image mosaic is required
      to cover the error ellipse and it was taken 17 to 7 minutes
      before the closest approach to Gaspra.
    Sequences and Objectives For Earth/Moon 2
      In this series of observations the instrument is taking
      calibration images of the Photometric Calibration Target
      (PCT) located on the spacecraft.
      E2NSPCTCAL01 - calibration flat fields
      E2NSPCTCAL02 - calibration flat fields & signal vs. noise
      E2NSPCTCAL03 - calibration flat fields in the summation mode
      E2NSPCTCAL04 - calibration backup PCT observation
      E2HPTSTARS02 - boresight alignment calibration and dark frames
      E2HNNSTAR_01 - cooperative images for NIMS of star calibrations
                     and dark frames
      E2HUUSTAR_01 - cooperative image for UVS star calibrations
      E2NSDARKHI02 - calibration dark frames taken in the high mode
      E2NSDRKSUM01 - calibration dark frames taken in the summation
      In this series of observations the instrument is taking
      calibration images of a variety of different stars for
      instrument calibration purposes.
      E2HSSTRCAL01 = photometric, point spread & shutter offset of
                     Tau Cet
      E2HSSTRCAL02 = starcal & photometric of Tau Cet
      E2HSSTRCAL03 = photometric&point spread  Zet Peg
      E2HSSTRCAL04 = photometric  Alp Hya
      E2HSSTRCAL05 = photometric & point spread Alp Hya
      E2HSSTRCAL06 = photometric & point spread  Del Psc
      E2HSSTRCAL07 = photometric & linearity  Del Psc
      E2HSSTRCAL08 = photometric & point spread Alp Car
      E2HSSTRCAL09 = point spread, & cte calibration using the
      E2HSSTRCAL10 = summation mode cte and point spread calibration
                     of the Pleiades
      E2HSSTRCAL11 = summation mode gain ratio calibration using Bet
      E2HSSTRCAL12 = photometric & point spread calibration using Bet
      E2HSSTRCAL13 = back-up starcal of Bet Ari
      E2HSSTRCAL14 = back-up starcal of the Pleiades
      E2HSOPNAV_01  = starcal, opnav and geometric calibration of the
      E2JSOPNAV_01  = optical navigation 2x2 mosaic of the Jovian
      E2JSSTRCAL_01 = scattered light observation of Jupiter
      E2NSBMSCAT01  = observe light scattering by the booms on spun
                      portion of spacecraft
      E2HUUSTAR_02  = cooperative image for UVS star calibration
      E2LN4GAIN_01  = cooperative images for NIMS for gain
      These observations are color mosaics of the Earth's Moon,
      taken over the northern polar region in a variety of phase
      and view angles.
 E2LSLUNMOS01 = photometric mapping coverage _ 120 degree phase
                     angle, 7 filters
 E2LSLUNMOS02 = photometric mapping coverage _ 113 degree phase
                     angle, 7 filters
 E2LSLUNMOS03 = photometric mapping coverage _ 95 degree phase
                     angle, 7 filters
 E2LSLUNMOS04 = photometric mapping coverage _ 75 degree phase
                     angle,  6 filters
 E2LSLUNMOS05 = photometric mapping coverage _ 55 degree phase
                     angle,  6 filters
 E2LSLUNMOS06 = photometric mapping coverage _ 42 degree phase
                     angle,  7 filters
 E2LSLUNMOS07 = photometric mapping coverage _ 18 degree phase
                     angle,  6 filters
      E2LSLUNMOS08 = 7 filters, for calibration with LUNMAP11 from
                     the Earth I encounter
      E2LSLUNMOS09 = 7 filters, for calibration with MAPCAL01 from
                     the Earth I encounter
      E2LULNRLMB01  = cooperative images for UVS lunar limbs and
      E2LNHIRES_01  = cooperative images for NIMS high resolution
      E2LPFOVMAP01  = cooperative imaging for PPR field of view map
      E2HSRADMOD01  = Van Allen belts radiation event noise modeling
      E2WSANDES_01  = Andes multispectral mosaic
      E2WSHAWAUR01  = darkside Hawaii/Aurora
      E2WNANTAR_01  = cooperative imaging for NIMS Antarctica
      E2WSLTNING_01 = lightening search over southeast Asia and
                      Indonesia before dawn
      E2WNAUSIE_01  = cooperative imaging for NIMS Australia
      E2WNINDO_01   = SSI/NIMS Indonesia/east Asia mosaic
      E2WNGMOS_01   = cooperative imaging for NIMS global mosaic
      E2WPBUDLIT01  = cooperative imaging for PPR earth radiation
      This series of images of the Earth were taken in 7 filters at
      different distances from the Earth in order to generate the
      Earth zoom movie.
      E2WSZOOMMV01 = mosaic/zoom movie  pt 1
      (from +15 hrs 06 min. to +20 hrs 03 min.)
      E2WSZOOMMV02 = mosaic/ zoom movie pt 2
      (from +23 hrs 07 min. to +1 day 03 hrs 00 min.)
      E2WSZOOMMV03 = mosaic/ zoom movie pt 3
      (from +1 day 05 hr 19 min. to +1 day 19 hrs 55 min.)
      E2WSZOOMMV04 = mosaic/ zoom movie pt 4
      (from +2 day 02 hr 13 min. to +2 day 09 hrs 20 min.)
      E2WSZOOMMV05 = mosaic/ zoom movie pt 5
      (from +2 day 10 hr 17 min. to +2 day 15 hrs 03 min.)
      E2WSGOPEX_01 = GLL Optical experiment 1 with multispectral
                     Earth mosaic
      E2WSGOPEX_02 = GLL Optical experiment 2 with multispectral
                     Earth mosaic
      E2WSGOPEX_03 = GLL Optical experiment 3
      E2WSGOPEX_04 = GLL Optical experiment 4
      E2WSGOPEX_05 = GLL Optical experiment 5
      E2WSGOPEX_06 = GLL Optical experiment 6
      E2WSGOPEX_07 = GLL Optical experiment 7
      E2LSLUNCAL01  = Lunar calibration MTF(Modulation Transfer
      E2LSLUNCAL02  = MTF and scattered light calibration
      E2HUSYSCAN_01 = cooperative imaging for UVS to measure earth's
                      geocorona and search for any UV emissions in
                      vicinity of the Moon
      E2WSEMCONJ01  = Periodic 3-filter image of Earth and Moon
                      during conjunction period to produce color
                      time-lapse movie sequence.
    This memo documents the currently known information about the
    Gaspra and Earth II data sets.  For the purpose of this memo
    CD's refers to the nine Earth II SSI REDR CD-ROM's GO_0007
    through GO_0015.  Information will be provided covering:
    general information, new targets, bad images and known
    artifacts, Reed-Solomon Overflows, VICAR Labels, PDS Labels and
    PDS Index Table.  Additional information regarding the
    Venus/Earth I REDR data set has also been provided.
  General Information
    This data set was processed the same way for each file and not
    based on the processing codes of the activity identification
    like the Venus/Earth I data set (GO_0002 - GO_0006).  These
    data were produced on the Multimission Image Processing
    Subsystem (MIPS) using several Video Image Communications and
    Retrieval (VICAR) programs.  The processing included the
    following steps.  Multiple versions of each data file were
    merged together to create the best version of the data
    (SSIMERGE).  The VICAR label was updated to reflect the most
    recent pointing information (CATLABEL).  Bad data value
    information was then added to the Telemetry Header (BADLABELS).
    Then the PDS Index table and detached PDS label files were
    generated (CDGEN).  The VICAR files and PDS files were
    premastered onto a WORM CD-ROM which was validated.  The WORM
    CD-ROM was sent to a vendor and CD-ROM's were generated.  A
    vendored CD-ROM was compared bit-by-bit with the original data
    to ensure the quality of the vendor product.
    The data on the CD's can be broken into smaller encounters or
    special events.  These smaller subsets of data have been
    identified and their starting and ending SCLK's provided along
    with special information needed to better understand the sets.
    Gaspra Approach OPNAV
      106128945 -
      - No SPICE C info available
      - VICAR/PDS labels incomplete due to lack of SPICE info.
      - Activity id not in standard format
      - SPICE info available
      - No SPICE SP available
      - 7 images without any SPICE C info available.
      - SPICE available except no SP available for the BLACK_SKY
      - SPICE available except no SP available for the BLACK_SKY
      - No SPICE SP available
      The above encounters and events can be also be broken down
      into observation sequences.  These sequences can be found by
      looking at the Activity Id within the label or in the PDS
      Index Table.  A short description of the observation
      objectives has been provided in Appendix A for the Gaspra
      encounter and in Appendix B for the Earth II encounter.
  New Targets
    There are two new targets defined in this data set that were
    not previously seen on the Earth I data set.  These are GOPEX
    and the Earth/Moon Conjunction.
      On GO_0012, GO_0014 and GO_0015 there is a subdirectory (or
      folder) called GOPEX.  This subdirectory contains the series
      of observation that were acquired as part of the Galileo
      OPtical EXperiment (GOPEX).  In this experiment laser pulses
      were sent from two ground sites located in the western U.S.
      and were successfully detected in the frames taken by the SSI
      subsystem.  The GOPEX frames are mainly black sky with a
      saturated earth limb present on the one edge of the frame.
      The laser pulses can be seen as a series of small, bright
      dots which occur in two vertical lines in the dark portion of
      the image.  Additional information about this experiment can
      found by reading:
      Wilson, K. E.  , Lesh, J. R.  & Yan, T.  Y., (1993).  GOPEX:
      A Laser Uplink to the Galileo Spacecraft on Its Way to
      Jupiter.  In Proceedings of the SPIE- T he International
      Society for Optical Engineering Free-Space Laser
      Communications Technologies V, 1866, 138.
      Wilson, K. E.  & Lesh, J.  R.,(1993).,Results from the
      Galileo Uplink: A JPL demonstration of Deep-space Optical
      Communications, In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting and
      the 20th Day of Scientific Lectures of the National Society
      of Black Physicists, 63-74.
      It should be noted that not all of the data acquired as part
      of the GOPEX data set and present in the GOPEX directory were
      actually part of GOPEX.  Approximately one out of every six
      frame was the limb frame used for the GOPEX experiment.  The
      other five frames contain images of the Earth in which no
      GOPEX data is present.  (See Appendix B for more information
      on which activity id's were involved in this type of
    Earth/Moon Conjunction (EMCONJ)
      On GO_0015 there is a subdirectory (or folder) labeled
      EMCONJ.  This subdirectory contains the series of
      multispectral observations in which the Moon passes in front
      of the Earth.  These images were used to produce a color
      time-lapse movie.
    Saturated Images
      Within this data set there are a series of images which are
      saturated (i.e.  data numbers are very high and image looks
      white).  Appendix D contains the listing of all known
      saturated files.  These files are generally part of the
      instrument calibration sequences such as the PCT calibration.
      The intent of these images is to help map out the cone/clock
      of bright sources on the spacecraft.  This data is also of
      interest for scattered light calibrations.
    Reed-Solomon Overflow
      The Earth II Movie sequence files, Activity id's E2WSZOOMMV02
      and E2WSZOOMMV03 or SCLK's 165233900 - 165165394700, contain
      more Reed-Solomon overflows than normally seen.  This is due
      to interference in the radio link from the spacecraft
      low-gain antenna to Earth caused by the spinning spacecraft
      booms.  After this period the downlink was sent from a
      different low gain antenna aboard the spacecraft and image
      quality returned to normal.
      A Reed-Solomon overflow may occur in compressed images which
      were Reed-Solomon encoded by the Galileo spacecraft.  If the
      Reed-Solomon decoder was unable to completely decode the
      data, this overflow feature is present in the data.
      Reed-Solomon overflows were not removed from this data set.
      Most of the overflows have been identified in the Binary Line
      Prefix of the VICAR label.  Due to a known anomaly, a small
      percentage of the Reed-Solomon errors failed to be flagged in
      the Binary Prefix.
      A Reed-Solomon overflow feature may be identified by the
      following criteria.  It is present on a single line or series
      of lines.  It starts about midway through a line and always
      continues through sample 800.  The data numbers (dn's) can
      shift between white, black or shades of gray.  In some cases,
      the dn's may be just a few dn brighter or darker than the
      surrounding lines.  Reed-Solomon overflows should not be
      confused with the data gaps caused by the decompression of
      data.  Decompression gaps are usually at the extreme right of
      an image, they always have a dn=0 (black) and they are
      clearly identified in the VICAR Binary Prefix.
      Additional Limitations Discovered in the Gaspra/Earth 2 data
      a) On GO_0008, in the VOLDESC.SFD, the LAST_SCET is incorrect
         and should be 9223391609.
      b) On GO_0014 in the VOLDESC.SFD, the VOLUME_ID is incorrect
         and should be GO_0014.
      c) It was recently discovered that all REDR XCM images obtained
         throughout the entire cruise period are shifted up by 1
         line.  There is a new VICAR program, XCMFIX, which will
         correct this problem.
      d) When validating the CD's, the VICAR label of one of the
         images was found to be wrong.  This frame (165242700 ) was
         reprocessed and placed in the REDO directory located on
      e) Appendix C contains a list of the observations that were
         planned but not received on Earth due to downlink problems.
  VICAR Labels
    Definitions for VICAR field names can be found in WHITE1993
    A) The RAD field (ring radius at frame center) within the VICAR
       label was not applicable and is equal to 0.0, for the entire
       set of CD's.
    B) The following fields in the VICAR label were not implemented
       for the entire set of CD's.
    HRA            -999.0
    SMEAR          -999.0
    SMRAZ          0.0
    Calib. frames only     7.779091
    C) If no SPICE C information is available the following pointing
       fields in the VICAR label are not available.  See the
       CATSTAT.TXT file located in the DOCUMENTS directory on all the
       CDs for more detailed information.  There were 11 frames in
       this data set with no C kernel information.  Those 11 frames
       were identified and NAIF was informed.  Those frames are
       99757945, 102786545, 105025645, 106128945, 163288400,
       163288445, 163288600, 163288645, 163288700, 163288745,
    RA             = 0.0
    DEC            = 0.0
    TWIST          = 0.0
    D) For targets other than a planetary body or asteroid (e.g.
       black sky, stars, calibration etc.) most pointing information
       is not available.   A listing of the missing fields is
       provided below.  More detailed information can be found in the
       CATSTAT.TXT file which located in the DOCUMENTS directory on
       all of the CD's. These fields are also missing if no
       corresponding SPICE SP information is available for an image.
    EMA            -999.0
    PHA            0.0
    INA            -999.0
    LAT            0.0
    LON            0.0
    TCA            closest time'
    HSCL           -999.0
    VSCL           0.0
    PLRANGE        0.0
    SLRANGE        0.0
    SUNAZ          0.0
    NORAZ          0.0
    SCAZ           0.0
    SOLRANGE       7.779091
    E) PLRANGE is now always equivalent to the spacecraft central
       body range.
  PDS Labels
    Definitions for PDS field name can be found in CRIBBS1992
    A) The following PDS fields were not applicable for the entire
       set of CD's .
    BLEMISH_FILE_NAME            = 'N/A'
    CENTER_RING_RADIUS           = 0.0
    EDR_FILE_NUMBER              =' N/A'
    EDR_TAPE_ID                  = 'N/A'
    MEAN_RADIANCE                = 'N/A'
    MEAN_REFLECTANCE             = 'N/A'
    ORBIT_NUMBER                 = 'unk' or 12869  or 16711
    SLOPE_FILE_NAME              = 'N/A'
    B) SPICE_FILE_NAME was changed to SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID.  If the
       kernel was not available, it was identified as N/A.  Several
       images were found to have NA in the I kernel identification
    C) The following PDS fields were not implemented for the entire
       set of CD's.
    LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE             = 'unk'
    SMEAR_AZIMUTH                = 0.000
    SMEAR_MAGNITUDE              = 'unk'
    Calibration Only             = 7.779091
    D) If the SPICE C information is unavailable the following
       pointing fields in the PDS label are not available.
    DECLINATION                  = 0.000
    RIGHT_ASCENSION              = 0.000
    TWIST_ANGLE                  = 0.000
    E) For targets other than a planetary body or asteroid (e.g.
       black sky, stars, calibration etc.) or if the SPICE SP
       information is missing, the following pointing information
       is not available in the PDS labels .
    A_AXIS_RADIUS                = 'unk'
    B_AXIS_RADIUS                = 'unk'
    C_AXIS_RADIUS                = 'unk'
    CENTER_LATITUDE              = 0.00000
    CENTER_LONGITUDE             = 0.00000
    CENTRAL_BODY_DISTANCE        = 0.00000
    EMISSION_ANGLE               = 'unk'
    HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE       = 0.00000
    INCIDENCE_ANGLE              = 'unk'
    NORTH_AZIMUTH                = 0.000
    PHASE_ANGLE                  = 'unk'
    SLANT_DISTANCE               = 0.00000
    SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH            = 0.000
    SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE           = 'unk'
    SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE          = 'unk'
    SUB_SPACECRAFT_AZIMUTH       = 0.000
    SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE          = 'unk'
    TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE       = 'unk'
    VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE         = 0.00000
    F) ORBIT_NUMBER for frames between 99757945 through 165033613
       incorrectly reads 16711 or 12869 instead of UNK.
    G) A few new keywords were added.  They are POSITIVE_LONGITUDE_
       Vicar Image Header Object, and TYPE in the Bad Data Value
       Header Object
  PDS Index Table
    A) The following fields in the PDS Index table were not
    applicable for the entire set of CD's, .
    CENTER_RING_RADIUS           = 0.0
    MEAN_RADIANCE                = 'N/A'
    MEAN_REFLECTANCE             = 'N/A'
    ORBIT_NUMBER                 = 'unk' or 128 or 167
    B) The following fields in the PDS Index table were not
    implemented for the entire set of CD's.
    LOCAL_HOUR_ANGLE             ='unk'
    SMEAR_AZIMUTH                = 0.000
    SMEAR_MAGNITUDE              = 'unk'
    Calibration only             = 7.779091
    C) When SPICE C information is unavailable the following
    pointing fields in the Index table are not available.
    DECLINATION                  = 0.000
    RIGHT_ASCENSION              = 0.000
    TWIST_ANGLE                  = 0.000
    D) For targets other than a planetary body or asteroid (e.g.
       black sky, stars, calibration etc.) or the corresponding SPICE
       SP information is missing, some pointing information is not
       available.  A listing of the missing fields is provided below.
    CENTER_LATITUDE              = 0.00000
    CENTER_LONGITUDE             = 0.00000
    CENTRAL_BODY_DISTANCE        = 0.00000
    EMISSION_ANGLE               = 'unk'
    HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_SCALE       = 0.00000
    INCIDENCE_ANGLE              = 'unk'
    NORTH_AZIMUTH                = 0.000
    PHASE_ANGLE                  = 'unk'
    SLANT_DISTANCE               = 0.00000
    SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH            = 0.000
    SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE           = 'unk'
    SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE          = 'unk'
    SUB_SPACECRAFT_LINE          = 'unk'
    TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE       = 'unk'
    VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE         = 0.00000
       equal to UNK, the right double quote is no longer missing in
       the index table.
    F) In the TARGET field of the index file, there is a limitation
       to 10 characters which caused NON_SCIENCE to appear as
       NON_SCIENCE.  The PDS labels contain the full target name.
    G) When numerical fields in the Index Table have an unknown
       value, UNK has been entered into the table.  This may cause
       problems with some databases which do not expect the  in a
       numerical field.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set has been generated by NASA's Galileo Project in order to distribute the images acquired by the Solid State Imaging (SSI) camera to the scientists and later to the Planetary Data System (PDS). The collection resides on volumes GO_0007 thru GO_0015 and consists of all images acquired by the Galileo spacecraft during the Gaspra and the second encounter with the Earth (Earth2). Included are images of Gaspra, the Earth's Moon and the Earth taken during the 1991 and 1992 encounters (SCLK 99757945 through 166324700), as well as additional star and calibration data.
  • Imaging Planetary Image Atlas
  • Imaging Online Data Volumes