Data Set Overview: The data are presented as the values of the density and temperature of the electrons measured (radio mapping) during the tail crossing of comet Giacobini-Zinner by ISEE-3/ICE as derived from spectroscopy of the thermal noise spectrum. The data was provided to the National Space Science Data Center (NASA/GSFC) by the Principal Investigator of the Radio Mapping Experiment on ISEE-3/ICE, Dr. Jean-Louis Steinberg of the Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France; it was then secured by IHW. Data cover the time interval 10:00 - 12:00 UT on September 11, 1985. The time resolution is 54 seconds. Since this method of measuring plasma parameters is relatively new, users of these data are referred to the following papers: N.Meyer-Vernet, P.Couturier, S.Hoang, C.Perche, J.-L. Steinberg, J.Fainberg and C.Meetre, Science, Vol.232, p.370, 1986. N.Meyer-Vernet and C.Perche, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.94, p.2405, 1989. To derive the plasma parameters, it is assumed that the electron distribution function can be approximated by a bi-maxwellian. The density given below is the total electron density (both electron populations) derived from the cut-off frequency of the thermal noise spectrum. The temperature is that of the cold electron population which is always the dominant one. Error bars on the two measured quantities are given in the first of the above mentioned papers.