Data Set Overview : The Juno Derived Radio Science Gravity Data of Science Data Products (SDP) includes data products generated from gravity investigations conducted by members of the Juno Gravity Science Team. Gravity SDPs include spherical harmonic models of Jupiter's gravitational field. Parameters : Spherical harmonic models are tables of coefficients GM, Cmn, and Smn -- as in equation (1) of [FOLKNER2017]. These can be used to represent gravitational potential of Jupiter, for example. ASCII (data type SHA) formatted spherical harmonics are defined. Each file contains two tables: a header table containing general parameters for the model (gravitational constant, its uncertainty, degree and order of the field, normalization state, reference longitude, and reference latitude); and a coefficients table (degree m, order n, coefficients Cmn and Smn, and their uncertainties). Processing : Spherical harmonic models are derived from raw radio tracking data in several steps. The tracking data are processed in large orbit determination programs that integrate the equations of motion, and model mathematically the radio science observables, namely, Doppler measurements. The observations are related to the geophysical parameters through the numerical integration and the detailed mathematical modeling of the radio science observables, and of all forces acting on the spacecraft trajectory, including planetary and third body gravity, solar radiation pressure, planetary radiation pressure, atmospheric drag, solid body tides, and relativity, where applicable. The gravity field coefficients are obtained by accumulating normal equations numerous data arcs, and solving these systems of linear equations with many unknowns. The unknowns include arc parameters, particular to one data arc (such as the spacecraft state, radiation pressure scale factors, atmospheric drag scale factors, etc.) and common parameters (such as the gravity coefficients, the planetary gravitational constant or GM). Radio tracking data are processed in arcs delimited by geometric or spacecraft events. Specifics on the production of a given gravity field model are best understood by reading the appropriate reference paper. Such examples for Juno include [FOLKNER2017], [IESS2018], [DURANTE2020], etc. Data : Data are available online through the Planetary Data System ( ASCII spherical harmonic models are stored in the DATA/SHABDR directory with filenames of the form GRV_JUGR_SHA_bbb_z_nnnn_YYYYMMDD_Vvv.TAB where: 'GRV' indicates the file is a part of the Juno Gravity Science instrument 'JUGR' indicates the file is a part of the Juno Gravity Science data set 'SHA' denotes that this is an ASCII file of Spherical Harmonic coefficients 'bbb' denotes the body the field is applicable for. variable width. valid bodies include: 'JUP' for Jupiter 'GAN' for Ganymede 'EUR' for Europa 'IO' for Io 'z' indicates the normalization of the coefficients 'U' for UN-NORMALIZED 'N' for NORMALIZED 'nnnn' is a variable-width descriptor of the gravity field specified by the data producer. This modifier is used to indicate the name of the gravity field model and producer. 'YYYY' is the 4-digit gravity field publication year 'MM' is the 2-digit gravity field publication month 'DD' is the 2-digit gravity field publication day 'Vvv' indicates the data product version number e.g. V01 : Version 01 '.TAB' indicates the data is stored in tabular form. Each SHADR file is accompanied by a detached PDS label; that label is a file in its own right, having the same base file name but with the '.LBL' extension. The label file contains *IMPORTANT* information on the use of the gravity field coefficients stored in the data file. Coordinate System : Juno Gravity SDP files use a body-centered body-fixed coordinate system similar to the IAU coordinate system. The values differ slightly because the orientation of Jupiter is estimated in the orbit determination process. ***THE COORDINATE SYSTEM PARAMETERS ARE DEFINED IN THE LABEL FILE*** See labels of specific gravity products for details. Software : None. Media/Format : This data set is stored online at the Planetary Data System ( and may be downloaded using a web browser or FTP software. A copy may be requested on physical media if downloading is not possible. The Planetary Data System maintains backup copies of this data set on various media.
Overview : Data in this archive have been reduced as part of mission data analysis activities of the Juno Gravity Science Team. Review : This archival data set was reviewed by the Juno Gravity Team prior to submission to the Planetary Data System (PDS). Data set design, documentation, and sample products have passed a PDS peer review. Data Coverage and Quality : This volume contains gravity models generated from radiometric tracking of the Juno spacecraft. GRV_JUGR_SHA_JUP_U_DUR2020_20200203_V01.TAB is an ASCII file of coefficients and related data for a 12th degree Jupiter gravity field produced at the Sapienza University of Rome. The archival data product was produced by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Planetary Radar and Radio Sciences Group. The name of the gravity field model is DURANTE2020. The model used is described in the file's detached label. Limitations : The limitations in this data set follow from the quality of the execution, which is described above under Data Coverage and Quality.