Data Set Information
Data Set Overview :  This data set contains calibrated imagery from mid-infrared camera #2 (MIR2) on the LCROSS spacecraft. MIR2 is a camera sensitive from 7.5 to 13.5 microns. These images are out-of-focus due to a shift during launch (described below).  The images in this dataset have targets named Moon, Earth, Calibration (i.e., not targeted) and TestImage. Test images include ramps and settling-time images that contain no science content.  Each calibrated image file is a 160 x 120, 32-bit PC_REAL greyscale image. The effective field-of-view [FOV] is 16.0 [H] x 11.0 [V] degrees.  The time each image was captured is encoded in the image's filename like this:  LCROSS_MIR2_CAL_.IMG  where  : YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm and YYYY : the four digit year; MM : the two digit month, DD : the two digit day, and so on through hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.  The detached label for each spectra has the same filename as the spectra but with the 'LBL' extension.  Related Data Sets :  MIR2_RAW (described in MIR2_RAW_DS.CAT) contains the raw versions of the images contained in this dataset of calibrated images. The MIR1_RAW and MIR1_CAL datasets contain images from the other mid-infrared camera. MIR1 had almost exactly the same field of view and was slightly less sensitive due to having an added filter. However, MIR1 experienced no shift of focus during launch and produced in-focus images.  Parameters :  Science -------  Gain is either High Gain for best sensitivity with low scene temperatures (T < +150 C) or Low Gain for best sensitivity with high scene temperatures (+150 C < T < +500 C). The majority of the mid-infrared images are taken at high gain.  Housekeeping ------------  Instrument temperature at the data collection time is reported in the label file under: INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE and INSTRUMENT_TEMPERATURE_COUNT in degrees Centigrade and raw counts, respectively. This is a single telemetry point most representative of the instrument chassis temperature.  Processing :  Each mid-infrared image was transmitted digitally from the camera to the spacecraft, split into 20 separate packets, compressed losslessly and downlinked in telemetry. The LCROSS ground system extracted the packets from telemetry, combined them into images, and converted them to PNG format. These files were further processed with the LCROSS Archive program to generate the PDS-format image (.IMG) and ASCII label (.lbl) files, timestamping each pair with the UTC time the data was received by the spacecraft.  This data path from camera to PDS is lossless except for missing packets, which occurred occasionally because LCROSS transmitted all science telemetry in realtime. Missing packets resulted either in missing images or in images with horizontal bands of missing data. Each mid-infrared image packet contained 160 x 6 pixel band corresponding to 1/20th of an image. Missing images are not contained in the dataset at all. Missing bands are filled with zeros and their presence in an image is indicated by a value of 'Y' for the MISSING_PACKET_FLAG attribute in each label file.  This dataset contains radiometrically calibrated images in which data numbers (DNs) were mapped to scene temperature in degrees Centigrade. The mapping is described in the Instrument Response and Calibration Report in the CALIB directory of this archive.  Data :  These files are stored as 32-bit PC_REAL image files. Each pixel's value is given in degrees Centigrade. Each image file has a corresponding detached PDS label file sharing the same filename and an 'LBL' filetype.  The EXTRAS directory contains these images in FITS format as well.  Coordinate System :  These images have been left in the camera's coordinate system. To convert them to the LCROSS Payload Common Camera Coordinate System, they must be flipped along the X axis (horizontally flipped). A description of mapping the images with respect to each other and the spacecraft coordinate system is contained within the LCROSS Instrument Response and Calibration Report.  Software :  The GSEOS Version used to generate these images is GSEOS 5.2.407 (Feb 25, 2008), Python 2.2.3 (#37, Nov 28, 2003, 04:20:20), Project Version 6.1.064.  The Python script used with GSEOS is Version Jun 11, 2008.  The LCROSS Report Generator used on GSEOS created CCSDS.dat files is version 114.  The LCROSS MIR calibration pipeline (contained within the Make Archive program) used to generate these calibrated images is Version 5.  The version of Satellite Toolkit used to prepare geometric information for the labels is 8.1.3.  The LCROSS Make Archive program used to assemble the PDS-formatted submission is dated 03/14/2010.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2010-03-17T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2009-06-20T02:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2009-10-09T11:36:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2009-04-27T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2009-10-09T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Confidence Level Overview :  The confidence level is unspecified.  Review :  This LCROSS data set was reviewed internally by the LCROSS science team before delivery to PDS. This data set has passed a PDS peer review.  Data Coverage and Quality :  This dataset contains all images taken by LCROSS Mid Infrared Camera #2 (MIR2) during the mission, in raw form. The focus of this camera shifted during launch, therefore all of these images are out-of-focus. The images from MIR1 are of higher quality, although the bandpass filter in MIR1's optics gave it less sensitivity overall than MIR2.  Downlink oversubscription did result in missing mid infrared images and uneven coverage during some parts of this dataset. The effect of this is most significant during the lunar swingby. Imaging rates were adjusted during the centaur impact to produce even coverage, and the effect is very minor there. All other data collection periods were unaffected. Images affected by this contain 6 pixel high horizontal bands of all-zeros data representing each missing packet. These images are flagged by MISSING_PACKET_FLAG : Y in the label.  Both mid-infrared cameras perform a flat field correction every two minutes. This is done by very briefly lowering a uniform-temperature flap into the optical path. This flap is visible in some images. These images are not flagged.  The average camera sensitivity drifts with time, particularly within the first 10 minutes of being powered, due to temperature transients inside the camera. Images generated within 10 minutes of the camera being powered on are flagged by LCROSS:MIR_CAL_VALID : N in the label. Images generated later have a value of 'Y' for this attribute.  The calibration was developed to be most accurate at the end of one hour of operations, corresponding to the situation when observing the centaur impact. Data captured close to power on is still useful, but the accuracy of its calibration is less. This effect is less pronounced for MIR1 and more pronounced for MIR2, but the transition from invalid to valid calibration was set at 10 minutes from power on for both cameras.  Limitations :  Saturated or bad pixels are not identified within this data set. Images containing horizontal banding due to missing telemetry are not removed, although they are flagged. Images impacted by the flat field correction mechanism are not flagged.  The temperature calibration provided is only useful for data sets taken for a chassis temperature between +17 C and +21 C. Outside this range, the calibrations may not be viable. Calibrations were not performed for other operating temperatures.  The average camera sensitivity drifts with time, as indicated by the LCROSS:MIR_CAL_VALID attribute in the labels of calibrated mid-infrared images.  Data Compression :  The data was compressed losslessly for transmission from the LCROSS spacecraft to the ground. The PDS-formatted images (.IMG) are not compressed.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Colaprete, A., Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite Mid Infrared Camera 2 Calibrated Data V1.0, LCROSS-E/L-MIR2-3-CAL-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2010.
ABSTRACT_TEXT Calibrated image data from the Mid Infrared Camera 2 (MIR2) aboard the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS).
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