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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.
Data Set Information
Data Set Overview : The Raw Packetized Data Records (PDRs) are in the form of raw binary telemetry in Consultative Committee for Space Data systems (CCSDS) packet format that have been extracted from frames downlinked from the instrument. PDRs have duplications removed and include any ancillary information needed to understand what is in a given packet. They are retained so that future researchers can reproduce the higher-level products if they so desire. These data will not be reformatted or processed further and are delivered to the PDS with detached minimal PDS labels. Because the higher-level products can be reprocessed as often as desired, there may be a one-to-many relationship a raw data product to a processed data product. Parameters : See individual SIS documents, which are located in the DOCUMENT directory, for detailed descriptions of each file contained in this data archive. Processing : A minimal PDS label accompanies each raw data file and gives only a high-level description of the content and format. Data : The formats of these packets are identical, but their contents differ. Each of these packets is composed of five segments: the CCSDS Primary Header which contains packet identification information, the CCSDS Secondary Header which contains the packet time stamp, the Science Header which contains associated metadata, the Science Data which contains the data samples, and a trailer (Other Data) which contains transmission information. Byte values are 8-bits long, Integer values are 32-bits long, short (integers) are 16-bits long, and floating point values are 32-bit IEEE numbers. These data only are provided in big-endian format. The science data are time-ordered and consist of Vertical (V) or Horizontal (H) polarization channel samples contained within a pulse. The packets will contain either H or V channel data, never both in the same packet. The V/H Channel Indicator flag in the Science Header indicates if the data are H or V channel. Data gaps in the derived products or breaks in the sequence count field in the primary CCSDS packet header would indicate missing packets. Please see documentation in the DOCUMENT directory for additional information on the data files and their format. These data are stored in the DATA/SAR//RAW directory on archival volumes. File names are described in MRFLRO_DP_SIS.PDF. Ancillary Data : Each raw science product is accompanied by a text metadata file that contains the parameters that describe the state the instrument was in at the time of data collection and location and timing information about the data set. This file is referenced in the PDS label associated with the science data product. Housekeeping Data : Instrument housekeeping data is included with this data set. These data are provided in text files in comma separated value (CSV) spreadsheet-type format. Coordinate System : Raw data products are not dependent on definition of a coordinate system. Software : No software is included with this archival data set. Media/Format : These products are delivered on a hard-drive or by ftp and not on a specific formatted medium.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2011-06-15T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2009-07-13T01:29:36.000Z
STOP_TIME 2011-01-23T12:43:54.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2009-06-18T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Overview:The Mini-RF EDR data are the least processed data set released for theMini-RF instrument. Data presented here are an accurate representationof the Mini-RF data as received from the spacecraft, with no Doppler orspatial processing.Review:The Mini-RF EDR was reviewed internally by the Mini-RF team prior to releaseto the PDS. PDS also performed an external review of the Mini-RF EDR.Data Coverage and Quality:Data reported are the minimally processed data received from the spacecraftduring five mission phases: Launch, Cruise, Lunar_Orbit_Acquisition,Commissioning, and Exploration_Mission. These mission phases are defined as: Start time End time Phase Name Date (DOY) Date (DOY) ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- LAUNCH 18 Jun 2009 (169) 18 Jun 2009 (169) CRUISE 18 Jun 2009 (169) 23 Jun 2009 (174) LUNAR ORBIT ACQUISITION 23 Jun 2009 (174) 23 Jun 2009 (174) COMMISSIONING 23 Jun 2009 (174) 14 Sep 2009 (257) NOMINAL MISSION 15 Sep 2009 (258) 14 Sep 2010 (257) SCIENCE MISSION 15 Sep 2010 (258) 14 Sep 2012 (258)No Mini-RF data were collected during Launch, Cruise, orLunar_Orbit_Acquisition phases. The Mini-RF collected data during each ofthe other two mission phases. During these planned operational periods, theMini-RF functioned nominally and the data quality was good.A S-Band receive calibration test was conducted on 20 August, 2009. S-Bandtransmit calibration tests were conducted on 22-23 August, 2009. Thesecalibrations permit the characterization of both transmit polarization purityas well as determining how precisely polarization can be measured by theinstrument.Communications demonstration. Mini-RF experiments to demonstrate half-duplexcommunications were conducted on 16 August and 20 August, 2009.The Mini-RF began collecting data over the lunar south polar region 13 July2009 to support LCROSS targeting by characterizing the surfaces ofpermanently shadowed regions. This data collection phase continued until theLCROSS impact on 9 October. 2009.From Oct 14 through Dec. 17, Mini-RF was largely restricted to collectingdata over non-polar sites that lie equatorward of 63 degrees latitude Northand South.Since 26 December 2010, the Mini-RF instrument has not transmitted the RFenergy required to create radar images of the lunar surface. The Mini-RF teamlooked at the initial 13 collects attempted from that date forward and notedthat in all but one collect the data appeared bad, looking like noise. Theteam continued to attempt data collections at a reduced rate (about 1 collectper day) through January 23, 2011. Products included in this data set madefrom data collected after 26 December 2010 do not contain scientificallyuseful data.Limitations:This data set is minimally processed data. The data are received from thespacecraft telemetry, ingested into the LRO Missions Operations Center (MOC),and then transferred to the APL Payload Operations Center (POC).
CITATION_DESCRIPTION LRO Mini-RF Raw DataSet V1.0, LRO-L-MRFLRO-1-PDR-V1.0,NASA Planetary Data System,2008.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set contains archival raw data acquired from the Mini-RF instrument during the LRO mission.
  • Geosciences Web Service
  • Geosciences Online Archives
  • Lunar Orbital Data Explorer