Data Set Information
Data Set Overview : The Mini-RF Bistatic Data Archive is a time-ordered collection of SAR  images collected by the Mini-RF instrument during the LRO mission to  the Moon. These data are the result of bistatic radar measurements  acquired using the Arecibo Radar Observatory as a transmitter and the  Mini-RF instrument on NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter as a  receiver. In this architecture, the Arecibo Observatory transmits a  lefthand circular polarized (LHCP) signal at S-band wavelength that is  reflected off the lunar surface and received by the Mini-RF antenna in  orthogonal linear horizontal and vertical polarizations.   This data set includes raw linear polarized data files, reduced data  products (the four stokes parameters and the circular polarization  ratio), a set of derived data products that provide geometry  information, and a browse image.  Parameters :  Detailed descriptions of each file contained in this data archive are  provided by the AAREADME.TXT and ERRATA.TXT files in this data  directory and by original Mini-RF SIS documents, located in the  LROMRF_XXXX/DOCUMENT directory.  Processing : Level 0 EDRs are produced by the Mini-RF team using data  returned by the Mini-rf instrument in 3-bit format, along with  spacecraft ephemeris and instrument timing information that  characterize the acquired data. The EDRs are radiometrically and  polarimetrically calibrated at the POC and used to create Level 1 RDRs  of the Stokes parameters and circular polarization ratio. With Version 2.0 of this data set, this calibration has been updated to correct an  issue with the block adaptive quantization algorithm and to include  a temperature dependent phase correction. A full PDS label accompanies  each EDR and RDR file and gives a detailed description of the content  and format.   Additional information on the processing of EDRs and RDRs can be found  in the DOCUMENT directory of this volume.  Twenty of the Version 1.0 data products were not reprocessed. They are included in this Version 2.0 archive, but the data files are identical  to the Version 1.0 files. The products are:   DATA/DDR/LST_08234_1DD_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/DDR/LST_13302_1DD_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_08234_0HI_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_08234_0HR_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_08234_0VI_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_08234_0VR_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_13302_0HI_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_13302_0HR_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_13302_0VI_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/EDR/LST_13302_0VR_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_08234_1CP_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_08234_1S1_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_08234_1S2_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_08234_1S3_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_08234_1S4_XIU_09S307_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_13302_1CP_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_13302_1S1_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_13302_1S2_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_13302_1S3_XIU_82S351_V1.IMG DATA/RDR/LST_13302_1S4_XIU_82S351_V1.img Data : The level 0 EDRs are bistatic radar images in range and azimuth  orientation. The range and azimuth resolution can vary on a  collect-by-collect basis and are not always square. If non-square the range spacing is always larger than the azimuth spacing. An example of a typical range spacing is on the order of 40 meters, and a typical azimuth spacing can be on the order of 2 meters.  Pixels are in floating point format and indicate image intensity  values for the real and imaginary portions of the horizontal (H) and  vertivcal (V) polarized received signal. The level 1 RDRs are  calculated from these products and are resampled such that the data  can be presented as 100 meter square pixels.   Ancillary Data : Spacecraft ephemeris and instrument timing information are used by the  POC to create a level 1 DDR file that includes pixel-to-pixel values  for the latitude, longitude, bistatic angle, incidence angle, and  emission angle in degress and the range to the surface in kilometers  of the acquired data. A full PDS label accompanies each DDR file and  gives a detailed description of the content and format. A browse image  of the first Stokes parameter for bistatic collect is also included in  the EXTRAS/QUICKVIEW directory. Calibration Data : Information on the calibration of the bistatic data can be found in  the DOCUMENT directory of this volume.  Coordinate System : Level 1 data products are not dependent on definition of a coordinate  system. However, latitude and longitude information is provided in the  level 1 DDR files for each bistatic collect. Software : No software is included with this archival data set. Media/Format : These products are delivered on a hard drive or by ftp and not on a  specific formatted medium.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2015-03-31T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2009-07-19T12:27:42.785Z
STOP_TIME N/A (ongoing)
MISSION_START_DATE 2009-06-18T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Overview : Data in this archive are collected from orbits around the Moon. Review : This archival data set was reviewed by the LRO Mini-RF Team prior to submission to the Planetary Data System (PDS). Prior to creation of the final version of the archival data set, key  elements of the archive were distributed for preliminary review. These included electronic versions of example PDS labels, CATALOG files, and  DOCUMENT files. These materials were distributed to PDS personnel, the experiment investigator, and others, as appropriate. Data Coverage and Quality : Data reported are the minimally processed data received from the spacecraft during five mission phases: Launch, Cruise, Lunar_Orbit_Acquisition, Commissioning, and Exploration_Mission. These mission phases are defined as: Phase Name Start time End time Date (DOY) Date (DOY) ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- LAUNCH 18 Jun 2009 (169) 18 Jun 2009 (169) CRUISE 18 Jun 2009 (169) 23 Jun 2009 (174) LUNAR ORBIT ACQUISITION 23 Jun 2009 (174) 23 Jun 2009 (174) COMMISSIONING 23 Jun 2009 (174) 14 Sep 2009 (257) NOMINAL MISSION 15 Sep 2009 (258) 14 Sep 2010 (257) SCIENCE MISSION 15 Sep 2010 (258) 14 Sep 2012 (257) EXTENDED MISSION 15 Sep 2012 (258) 14 Sep 2014 (257) No Mini-RF data were collected during Launch, Cruise, or Lunar_Orbit_Acquisition phases. The Mini-RF collected data during each of the other two mission phases. During these planned operational periods, the Mini-RF functioned nominally and the data quality was good. A S-Band receive calibration test was conducted on 20 August, 2009. S-Band transmit calibration tests were conducted on 22-23 August, 2009. These calibrations permit the characterization of both transmit polarization purity as well as determining how precisely polarization can be measured by the instrument. Communications demonstration. Mini-RF experiments to demonstrate half-duplex communications were conducted on 16 August and 20 August, 2009. The Mini-RF began collecting data over the lunar south polar region 13 July 2009 to support LCROSS targeting by characterizing the surfaces of permanently shadowed regions. This data collection phase continued until the LCROSS impact on 9 October. 2009. From Oct 14 through Dec. 17, Mini-RF was largely restricted to collecting data over non-polar sites that lie equatorward of 63 degrees latitude North and South. Since 26 December 2010, the Mini-RF instrument has not transmitted the RF energy required to create radar images of the lunar surface. The Mini-RF team looked at the initial 13 collects attempted from that date forward and noted that in all but one collect the data appeared bad, looking like noise. The team continued to attempt data collections at a reduced rate (about 1 collect per day) through January 23, 2011. Products included in this data set made from data collected after 26 December 2010 do not contain scientifically useful data.  On April 6, 2011 a successful attempt to acquire bistatic radar data  of the lunar surface using the Arecibo Radar Observatory as a  transmitter and the Mini-RF instrument on NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance  Orbiter as a receiver was conducted. For this attempt a transmit power  of 35 watts was used. Subsequent to that acquisition, a transmit power  of 200 kilowatts has been used. Limitations : This data set includes multiple strips of raw, reduced, and derived  data. The source data strips are received from the spacecraft  telemetry, ingested into the LRO Missions Operations Center (MOC) and  then transferred to the APL Payload Operations Center (POC).
CITATION_DESCRIPTION LRO Mini-RF Bistatic Data Set, LRO-L-MRFLRO-2/3/5-BISTATIC-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2015.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set contains radar data of the lunar surface from bistatic measurements utilizing the Arecibo Observatory transmitter and LRO Mini-RF receiver.
  • Geosciences Web Service
  • Geosciences Online Archives
  • Lunar Orbital Data Explorer