Data Set Overview : The Level 3 Burst mode data products are Derived Data Records (DDRs) generated from multiple Level 2 products. Eleven Level 3 mosaics are produced of the global Moon. Unlike the lower-level products, these are composed of data sets collected during multiple acquisitions. Please see documentation in the DOCUMENT directory for additional information on the data files and their format. Parameters : Each individual product .LBL file in the data archive has a description of how the product was calculated in this data archive. However, a parameters_summary.txt also summarizes how all of these products are calculated in one place. Processing : These products are generated using the ISIS software from the USGS. The mosaics are produced manually by ingesting the Level 2 .IMG files into the ISIS software provided by the Astrogeology branch of the USGS. The .img and .lbl files are ingested in order of orbit using the 'mrf2isis' function which formats the 4 band Re, Im, H, and V image cube product to ISIS compatible form. Different viewing geometries are not differentiated in the construction of these products. These are then projected to a 128 ppd simple cylindrical projection using 'maptemplate' and 'map2map'. The stokes parameters are then calulated using the 'algebra' function and the equations detailed in the product .lbl files and parameters_summary.txt file. Partial mosaics are constructed for directories, each consisting of 100 orbits of data using the function 'automos'. Image product crossovers are also mosaiced chronologically by orbit. Global mosaics are then constructed of the four Stokes parameters and are mosaiced in order by orbit. Smaller 32 ppd image products are constructed by down sampling the 128 ppd image products using the 'maptemplate' and 'map2map' functions. From these products the additional data products including OC, SC, CPR, LPR, M, MC, and ML are calculated using additional equations in the parameters_summary.txt file. A full PDS label accompanies each data file and gives a detailed description of the content and format. Data : These data are stored in the DATA directory on archival volumes. Every file in the directory has PDS label. Except for files in the root directory and in the CATALOG directories, the label is a separate file in the same directory with the same name but a LBL extension. Coordinate System : The Level 3 mosaics are produced by a map transformation of the Level 2 products which are oriented in reference to the Moon Mean Earth (ME) coordinate system, as realized using NASA's SPICE products (Frames Kernel). Software : No software is included with this archival data set. Media/Format : These products are delivered on a hard-drive or by ftp and not on a specific formatted medium.
Overview : Data in this data are collected from orbits around the Moon. Review : This archival data set was reviewed by the Mini-RF Team prior to submission to the Planetary Data System (PDS). Prior to creation of the final version of the archival data set, key elements of the archive were distributed for preliminary review. These included electronic versions of example PDS labels, CATALOG files, and Software Interface Specifications. These materials were distributed to PDS personnel, the experiment investigator, and others, as appropriate. Data Coverage and Quality : The coverage on each archival volume is associated with the orbit number.