Data Set Overview : Terrain models are a high level product which are derived from the XYZ files and the corresponding image files. The terrain models are generated by meshing or triangulating the XYZ data based on the connectivity implied by the pixel ordering or by a volume based surface extraction. The XYZ files can be viewed as a collection of point data while the terrain models take this point data and connect it into a polygonal surface representation. The original image is referenced by the terrain models as a texture map which is used to modulate the surface color of the mesh. In this way the terrain models can be viewed as a surface reconstruction of the ground near the instrument with the mesh data capturing the shape of the surface and the original image, applied as a texture map, capturing the brightness variations of the surface. Specific terrain model formats such as VST, PFB, DEM and others can be viewed as analogous to GIF, TIFF or VICAR in image space in that each represents the data somewhat differently for slightly different purposes. The Performer Binary (PFB) format facilitates the representation of a terrain surface as polygons, optimized for use by the RSVP* tool. The number of polygons at any one time may vary according to site specific features, such as small rocks versus large boulders. Processing : Mesh products can contain data from one or more cameras (Pancam, Hazcam, and/or Navcam). At the end of Mesh processing, two files will be generated: a .pfb file, which is a Terrain Mesh product in Performer Binary format, and a .ht file, which is Height Map with VICAR label. Data : 3 bands, Performer Binary (PFB), detached label. Software : The MIPL Mars Program Suite was used to generate these RDRs. Media/Format : The data set will initially be delivered and kept online. Upon Mission completion, the Navigation Camera Operations RDRs will be delivered to PDS on DVD.