Data Set Overview : A stereo anaglyph is a method of displaying stereo imagery quickly and conveniently using conventional display technology (no special hardware) and red/blue glasses. This is done by displaying the left eye of the stereo pair in the red channel, and displaying the right eye in the green and blue channels. An anaglyph data product simply captures that into a single 3-band color image, which can be displayed using any standard image display program with no knowledge that it is a stereo image. The red (first) band contains the left eye image, while the green and blue (second and third) bands each contain the right eye image (so the right image is duplicated in the file). The Anaglyph method can also apply to multi-frame mosaic products. MIPL-generated mosaic Anaglyphs occasionally required some subtle pixel-shifting of the right eye mosaic data to improve the stereo effects. Mosaic Anaglyph products are distinguishable in the Mosaic RDR filename convention. Processing : Anaglyphs are created manually from CAHV linearized Full Framed (FFL) stereo pair EDRs or mosaics. Often times the images are stretched prior to creating the anaglyph. After stretching, the images are converted to a VICAR cube, which creates a single multi-band image. The final step involves adding the PDS label. Data : The RDR data product is comprised of radiometrically decalibrated and/or camera model corrected and/or geometrically altered versions of the raw camera data, in both single and multi-frame (mosaic) form. Most RDR data products will have PDS labels, or if generated by MIPL (OPGS), dual PDS/VICAR labels. Non-labeled RDRs include the Terrain products (Mesh and Wedge). Software : The MIPL Mars Program Suite was used to generate these RDRs. Media/Format : The data set will initially be delivered and kept online. Upon Mission completion, the Microscopic Imager Operations RDRs will be delivered to PDS on DVD.