Data Set Overview : EDRs and single-frame RDRs are described by a camera model. This model, represented by a set of vectors and numbers, permit a point in space to be traced into the image plane, and vice-versa. EDR camera models are derived by acquiring images of a calibration target with known geometry at a fixed azimuth/elevation. The vectors representing the model are derived from analysis of this imagery. These vectors are then translated and rotated based on the actual pointing of the camera to represent the conditions of each specific image. The results are the camera model for the EDR. The Navcam and Pancam use a CAHVOR model, while the Hazcams use a more general CAHVORE model. Neither are linear and involve some complex calculations to transform line/sample points in the image plane to XYZ positions in the scene. To simplify this, the images are warped, or reprojected, such that they can be described by a linear CAHV model. This linearization process has several benefits: 1) It removes geometric distortions inherent in the camera instruments, with the result that straight lines in the scene are straight in the image. 2) It aligns the images for stereo viewing. Matching points are on the same image line in both left and right images, and both left and right models point in the same direction. 3) It facilitates correlation, allowing the use of 1-D correlators. 4) It simplifies the math involved in using the camera model. However, it also introduces some artifacts in terms of scale change and/or omitted data (see the references). The linearized CAHV camera model is derived from the EDR's camera model by considering both the left and right eye models and constructing a pair of matched linear CAHV models that conform to the above criteria. The image is then projected, or warped, from the CAHVOR/CAHVORE model to the CAHV model. This involves projecting each pixel through the EDR camera model into space, intersecting it with a surface (which matters only for Hazcams and is a sphere centered on the camera), and projecting the pixel back through the CAHV model into the output image. C - The 3D position of the entrance pupil A - A unit vector normal to the image plane pointing outward (towards C) H - A vector pointing roughly rightward in the image; it is a composite of the orientation of the CCD rows, the horizontal scale, the horizontal center V - A vector pointing roughtly downward in the image; it is a composite of the orientation of the CCD columns, the vertical scale, the vertical center, and A. If P is a point in the scene then the corresponding image locations x and y can be computed from: x : (P-C)H ------ (P-C)A y : (P-C)V ------ (P-C)A Processing : This Operations RDR is produced by OPGS/MIPL using the Mars Suite of VICAR image processing software. Single-frame RDRs are described by a camera model. This model, represented by a set of vectors and numbers, permit a point in space to be traced into the image plane, and vice-versa. Data : 1 band, 16-bit signed integer, dual PDS/VICAR (OPGS) binary file. The RDR data product is comprised of radiometrically decalibrated and/or camera model corrected and/or geometrically altered versions of the raw camera data, in both single and multi-frame (mosaic) form. Most RDR data products will have PDS labels, or if generated by MIPL (OPGS), dual PDS/VICAR labels. Non-labeled RDRs include the Terrain products (Mesh and Wedge). The following is a list of the types of Linearized files along with the Product Type Identifier, which is an element in the formal RDR file name: Data Product Linearized ------------ ---------- Full frame EDR FFL Sub-frame EDR SFL Downsampled EDR DNL Thumbnail EDR THN Software : The MIPL Mars Program Suite was used to generate these RDRs. Media/Format : The data set will initially be delivered and kept online. Upon Mission completion, the Navigation Camera Operations RDRs will be delivered to PDS on DVD.