Data Set Information
DATA_SET_ID MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-EXT1-0736-V1.0
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION This is a Mars Express Radio Science data set, collected during the extended mission phase 2006-01-01 to 2007-12-31. It is a Occultation measurement and covers the time 2006-01- 01T08:00:29.500 to 2006-01-01T08:27:09.750.
Data Set Overview
      The Mars Express (MEX) Radio Science (MaRS) Data
      Archive is a time-ordered collection of raw and partially
      processed data collected during the MEX Mission to Mars.
      For more information on the investigations proposed see
      the MaRS User Manual [MARSUSERMANUAL2004] in the MaRS
      DOCUMENT/MRS_DOC folder.
      This is a Occultation measurement covering the time
      2006-01-01T08:00:29.500 to 2006-01-01T08:27:09.750.
      This data set was collected during the MEX Extended Mission
       Phase (EXT1) 2006-2007.
       There were three types of scientific measurements conducted
       during Extended Mission:
       Occultation, Bistatic Radar and Gravity where one has to
       distinguish between global gravity measurements which were
       conducted around apocenter and target gravity measurements
       which were conducted around pericenter over interesting
       geophysical structures. For more information see INST.CAT or
       the MaRS User Manual [MARSUSERMANUAL2004].
      For all measurements if not indicated otherwise Transponder 1
      onboard the s/c was used. Transponder 2 is designed to be a
Mission Phase Definition
      It should be noted that the Mars Express (MEX) Radio Science
      (MaRS) group uses mission phases which deviate from the ones
      defined in the MISSION.CAT files given by ESA in order to keep
      the keywords and abbreviations consistent for Mars Express,
      and Rosetta. For Venus Express other definitions are used.
      Those mission phase abbreviations are also used in the data
      description field of the dataset_id.
      MaRS mission name       | abbreviation | time span
      Near Earth Verification |    NEV       | 2003-06-02 - 2003-07-31
      Cruise 1                |    CR1       | 2003-08-01 - 2003-12-25
      Mission Commissioning   |    MCO       | 2003-12-26 - 2004-06-30
      Prime Mission           |    PRM       | 2004-07-01 - 2005-12-31
      Extended Mission 1      |    ENT1      | 2006-01-01 - 2007-10-31
      Extended Mission 2      |    ENT2      | 2007-11-01 - tbd
     Data files
          Data files are:
          The tracking files from Deep Space Network (DSN) and from
          the Intermediate Frequency Modulation System (IFMS) used by
          the ESA ground station New Norcia. Level 1A to level 2 data
          are archived. The predicted and reconstructed Doppler and
          range files Geometry files.
          All Level 1A binary data files will have the file name
          extension eee = .DAT
          IFMS Level 1A ASCII data files will have the file name
          extension eee = .RAW
          Level 1B and 2 tabulated ASCII data files will have the file
          name extension eee = .TAB
          Binary data files will have the file name extension .DAT
     Data levels
         It should be noted that these data levels which are also used
         in the file names and data directories are PSA data levels
         whereas in the PDS label files CODMAC levels are used.
          PSA data level | CODMAC level
               1A        |      1
               1B        |      2
               2         |      3
    Data Set Identifier
          The 'DATA_SET_ID' is a unique alphanumeric identifier for
          the data sets.
          It looks something like:
         Acronym |    Description          | Example
            XXX  | Instrument Host ID      | MEX
             Y   | Target ID               | M (for Mars) or X for
                 |                         | other like for example
                 |                         | for sun during solar
                 |                         | conjunction measurements
            ZZZ  | Instrument ID           | MRS
             U   | Data level (here        | 1/2/3 (Data set
                 | CODMAC levels are used) | contains raw, edited
                 |                         | and calibrated data)
           VVV   | MaRS mission phase      |MCO
                 | (deviate from the       |(for values see above)
                 | mission phases)         |
          NNNN   | 4 digit sequence number | 0123
                 | which is identical to   |
                 | the Radio Science       |
                 | Volume_id               |
          WWW    | Version number          | V1.0
        MaRS data were originally archived as volumes rather than data
        sets. However, ESA PSA does not uses volume but data set.
        To avoid confusion it was specified that one MaRS data volume
        is equal one data set. Thus the data set was also assigned a 4
        digit sequence number which is identical to the one used in
        the volume_id. If the data_set_id is known it is automatically
        specified on which volume the data set is found.
        The VOLUME_ID is a unique alphanumeric identifier for volume.
        The Volume ID provides a unique identifier for a single MaRS,
        RSI or VeRa data volume, typically a physical CD-ROM or DVD.
        The volume ID is also called 'volume label' by the various CD-
        ROM recording software packages. The Volume ID is formed using
        a mission identifier, an instrument identifier of  3 charac-
        ters, followed by an underscore character, followed by a 4
        digit sequence number. In the 4-digit number, the first one
        represents the volume set, the remaining digits define the
        range of volumes in the volume set. For Mars Express the first
        digit is not defined after the kind of measurement (see below
        for Rosetta and VEX), but after the Mission phase.
        0000: Commissioning
        1000: Occultation
        2000: Gravity
        3000: Solar Conjunction
        4000: Bistatic Radar
        5000: Passive/Active Checkouts
        6000: Swing-bys/Fly-bys
        7000: Cometary Coma Observations
          It looks something like:
             Acronym |    Description            | Example
             XXXXXX  | Mission and Instrument ID | MEXMRS
              ZZZZ   | 4 digit sequence number   | 0123
Important note: the here defined ESA PSA Volume_Id is not identical
with the Radio Science Volume_Id. The Radio Science Volume_Id is a
number which is incremented measurement by measurement, independent
what kind of measurement was conducted. The Radio Science Volume_Id
belonging to one single measurement can be find in the Logbook, loca-
ted in the folder DOCUMENT/MRS_DOC.
    Descriptive files
          Descriptive files contain information in order to support
          the processing and analysis of data files. The following
          file types are defined as descriptive files with extension
          eee =
         .LBL  PDS label files
         .CFG  IFMS configuration
         .AUX  Ancillary files (event files, attitude files,
               ESOC orbit files, products, SPICE files)
         .TXT   Information (text) files
File naming convention
      All incoming data files will be renamed and all processed data
      files will be named after the following file naming convention
      format. The original file name of the incoming tracking data
      files will be stored in the according label file as
      The new PDS compliant file name will be the following:
    Acronym |                Description               | Examples
      r     |  space craft name abbreviation           | M
            |  R = Rosetta                             |
            |  M = Mars Express                        |
            |  V = Venus Express                       |
      gg    |  Ground station ID:                      | 43
            |                                          |
            |  00: valid for all ground stations;      |
            |  various ground stations or independent  |
            |  of ground station or not feasible to    |
            |  appoint to a specific ground station or |
            |  complex                                 |
            |                                          |
            |  DSN complex Canberra:                   |
            |  ---------------------                   |
            |  34 = 34 m BWG (beam waveguide)          |
            |  40 = complex                            |
            |  43 = 70 m                               |
            |  45 = 34 m HEF (high efficiency)         |
            |                                          |
            |  ESA Cebreros antenna:                   |
            |  ---------------------                   |
            |  62 = 35 m                               |
            |                                          |
            |  DSN complex Goldstone:                  |
            |  ----------------------                  |
            |  10 = complex                            |
            |  14 = 70 m                               |
            |  15 = 34 m HEF                           |
            |  24 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  25 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  26 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  27 = 34 m HSBWG                         |
            |                                          |
            |  ESA Kourou antenna:                     |
            |  -------------------                     |
            |  75 = 15 m                               |
            |                                          |
            |  DSN complex Madrid:                     |
            |  -------------------                     |
            |  54 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  55 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  63 = 70 m                               |
            |  65 = 34 m HEF                           |
            |  60 = complex                            |
            |                                          |
            |  ESA New Norcia antenna:                 |
            |  -----------------------                 |
            |  32 = 35 m                               |
     tttt   | data source identifier:                  | TNF0
            |                                          |
            | Level 1A and 1B:                         |
            | ----------------                         |
            | ODF0 = ODF closed loop                   |
            | TNF0 = TNF closed loop (L1A)             |
            | T000-T017 = TNF closed loop (L1B)        |
            | ICL1 = IFMS 1 closed loop                |
            | ICL2 = IFMS 2 closed loop                |
            | ICL3 = IFMS RS closed loop               |
            | IOL3 = IFMS RS open loop                 |
            | R1Az = RSR block 1A open loop            |
            | R1Bz = RSR block 1B open loop            |
            | R2Az = RSR block 2A open loop            |
            | R2Bz = RSR block 2B open loop            |
            | R3Az = RSR block 3A open loop            |
            | R3Bz = RSR block 3B open loop            |
            | z=1...4 subchannel number                |
            | ESOC = ancillary files from ESOC DDS     |
            | DSN0 = ancillary files from DSN          |
            | SUE0= ancillary and information files    |
            |       coming from Stanford University    |
            |       center for radar astronomy         |
            |                                          |
            | Level 2:                                 |
            | -------                                  |
            | UNBW = predicted and reconstructed       |
            |         Doppler and range files          |
            | ICL1 = IFMS 1 closed loop                |
            | ICL2 = IFMS 2 closed-loop                |
            | ICL3 = IFMS RS closed-loop               |
            | ODF0 = DSN ODF closed loop file          |
            | T000-T017 = TNF closed loop file         |
            | RSR0 = DSN RSR open loop file            |
            | RSRC = DSN RSR open loop file containing |
            |        data with right circular          |
            |        polarization (only solar          |
            |        conjunction measurement)          |
            | RSRL = DSN RSR open loop file containing |
            |        data with left circular           |
            |        polarization (only solar          |
            |        conjunction measurement)          |
            | NAIF = JPL or ESTEC SPICE Kernels        |
            | SUE0 = ancillary information and         |
            |        calibration files coming from     |
            |        Stanford University center for    |
            |        radar astronomy                   |
            | GEOM = geometry file                     |
            |                                          |
        lll | Data archiving level                     | L1A
            | L1A = Level 1A                           |
            | L1B = Level 1B                           |
            | L02 = Level 2                            |
            | L03 = Level 3                            |
        sss | data type                                |
            |                                          |
            | IFMS data files level 1A:                |
            | -------------------------                |
            | D1X uncalibrated Doppler 1 X-Band        |
            | D1S uncalibrated Doppler 1 S-Band        |
            | D2X uncalibrated Doppler 2 X-Band        |
            | D2S uncalibrated Doppler 2 S-Band        |
            | C1X Doppler 1 X-Band equip. calibration  |
            | C1S Doppler 1 S-Band equip. calibration  |
            | C2X Doppler 2 X-Band equip. calibration  |
            | C2S Doppler 2 S-Band equip. calibration  |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-Band range            |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-Band range            |
            | MET meteo file                           |
            | AG1 AGC 1 files                          |
            | AG2 AGC 2 files                          |
            | RCX X-Band range equip. calibration      |
            | RCS S-Band range equip. calibration      |
            |                                          |
            | DSN data files level 1A:                 |
            | -------------------------                |
            | ODF original orbit files (closed loop)   |
            | RSR radio science receiver open-loop file|
            | TNF file (closed loop)                   |
            |                                          |
            | ESOC ancillary data level 1A:            |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | ATR attitude file, reconstructed         |
            | EVT orbit event file                     |
            | OHC orbit file, heliocentric cruise      |
            | OMO orbit file, marscentric, operational |
            |                                          |
            | DSN Calibration files level 1A:          |
            | -------------------------------          |
            | TRO DSN tropospheric calibration model   |
            | MET DSN meteorological file              |
            | ION DSN ionospheric calibration model    |
            | BCL SUE Bistatic radar temperature       |
            |      calibration                         |
            |                                          |
            | DSN ancillary data level 1A:             |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | DKF DSN Keyword File                     |
            | MON DSN monitor data                     |
            | NMC DSN Network Monitor and Control file |
            | SOE DSN Sequence of Events               |
            | EOP DSN earth orientation parameter file |
            | ENB SUE Experimenter Notebook            |
            | MFT SUE Manifest files                   |
            | LIT DSN Light time file                  |
            | HEA DSN Data collection list             |
            | OPT DSN Orbit and timing geometry file   |
            |                                          |
            | DSN Browse Plots level 1A:               |
            | --------------------------               |
            | BRO bistatic radar 4-panel plots (browse)|
            |                                          |
            | IFMS data files level 1B:                |
            | -------------------------                |
            | D1X uncalibrated Doppler 1 X-band        |
            | D1S uncalibrated Doppler 1 S-band        |
            | D2X uncalibrated Doppler 2 X-band        |
            | D2S uncalibrated Doppler 2 S-band        |
            | C1X Doppler 1 X-band equip. calibration  |
            | C1S Doppler 1 S-band equip. calibration  |
            | C2X Doppler 2 X-band equip. calibration  |
            | C2S Doppler 2 S-band equip. calibration  |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-band range            |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-band range            |
            | MET meteo                                |
            | AG1 AGC 1                                |
            | AG2 AGC 2                                |
            | RCX X-band range equip. calibration      |
            | RCS S-band range equip. calibration      |
            |                                          |
            | DSN ODF data files level 1B:             |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | DPS  S-band Doppler                      |
            | DPX  X-band Doppler                      |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-Band ranging file     |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-Band ranging file     |
            | RMP uplink frequency ramp rate file      |
            |                                          |
            | DSN calibration data level 1B:           |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | MET meteorological file                  |
            |                                          |
            | IFMS data level 2:                       |
            | -----------------                        |
            | D1X uncalibrated Doppler 1 X-Band        |
            | D1S uncalibrated Doppler 1 S-Band        |
            | D2X uncalibrated Doppler 2 X-Band        |
            | D2S uncalibrated Doppler 2 S-Band        |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-Band range            |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-Band range            |
            | RCX X-Band range equip. calibration      |
            | RCS S-Band range equip. calibration      |
            |                                          |
            | IFMS Browse plots level 2                |
            | -------------------------                |
            | B1X Quick look plots of calibrated       |
            |     Doppler 1 X-band                     |
            | B1S Quick look plots of calibrated       |
            |     Doppler 1 S-band                     |
            | B2X Quick look plots of calibrated       |
            |     Doppler 2 X-band                     |
            | B2S Quick look plots of calibrated       |
            |     Doppler 2 S-band                     |
            |                                          |
            | DSN level 2 data:                        |
            | -----------------                        |
            | DPX calibrated Doppler X-band            |
            | DPS calibrated Doppler S-band            |
            | RGS calibrated S-band ranging file       |
            | RGX calibrated X-band ranging file       |
            | BSR bistatic radar power spectra         |
            | SRG bistatic radar surface reflection    |
            |     geometry file                        |
            |                                          |
            | DSN level 2 calibration data:            |
            | ----------------------------             |
            | SRF Surface Reflection Filter Files      |
            |                                          |
            | orbit files level 2:                     |
            | --------------------                     |
            | PTW Doppler & range prediction two-way   |
            | PON Doppler & range prediction on        |
            | RTW reconstructed Doppler & range orbit  |
            |     file two-way                         |
            | RON reconstructed Doppler & range orbit  |
            |     file one-way                         |
            | LOC heliocentric state vector file       |
            |                                          |
            | Constellation file Level 2:              |
            | ---------------------------              |
            | MAR Mars constellation file              |
            | VEN Venus constellation file             |
            | P67 Churyumov-Gerasimenko                |
            |     constellation file                   |
            |                                          |
            | SPICE kernel files level 2:              |
            | ---------------------------              |
            | BSP binary spacecraft/location           |
            |     kernel file                          |
            | FRM frame kernel file                    |
            | ORB orbit numbering file                 |
            | PBC predicted attitude kernel file       |
            | PCK planetary constant kernel            |
            | SCK space craft clock kernel             |
            | TLS leap second kernel file              |
            |                                          |
            | Science data level 3:                    |
            | ---------------------                    |
            | SCP solar corona science                 |
         yy | Year                                     | 04
        ddd | Day of year                              | 153
       hhmm | Sample hour, minute start time           | 1135
            | For IFMS files this is the ESOC          |
            | reference time tag which usually         |
            | coincides with the first sample time.    |
            | For IFMS Ranging files however this is   |
            | not true. Here the reference time tag    |
            | is two-way light time before the first   |
            | actual measurement.                      |
         qq | Sequence or version number               | 01
        eee | .DAT binary files (Level 1A)             | .RAW
            | .TAB ASCII table data file               |
            | .AUX ancillary file                      |
            | .CFG IFMS configuration file (Level 1B)  |
            | .LBL PDS label files                     |
            | .TXT information files                   |
            | .RAW ASCII data files (Level 1A)         |
            | .LOG Processing log files  (Level 2)     |
    Processing (DSN)
      TNF's are screened for 'bad' data points by the JPL Radio Metric
      Data Conditioning Team (RMDCT) before the files are processed to
      ODF's. The TNF's included in this archive, however, are the pre-
      screened versions.
      The open-loop (RSR) data in the archive have been assembled from
      individual records (packets) into files. They have not
      otherwise been processed.
      The Level 2 radio occultation data have been processed as
        The RSR samples were digitally filtered to reduce bandwidth;
        in the process they were also converted from 16-bit I and
        16-bit Q complex integer samples to 64-bit I and 64-bit Q
        double precision complex floating point samples.  The complex
        floating point samples were Fourier transformed and estimates
        made of the carrier amplitude and frequency and their uncer-
        The reconstructed spacecraft trajectory, planetary epheme-
        rides, records of uplink and downlink tuning, and other data
        were used to calculate the expected carrier frequency at the
        receiving antenna.
        The Level 2 products are tables of the observed amplitude, its
        uncertainty, the observed frequency, its uncertainty, and the
        difference between the observed and the expected frequency as
        a function of time.  Separate tables have been created for
        each RSR.
      The Level 2 bistatic radar spectra (SPC) have been processed as
        The RSR samples were converted from 16-bit I and 16-bit Q
        complex integer samples to 64-bit I and 64-bit Q double
        precision complex floating point samples.  In the process they
        were digitally corrected for non-uniform spectral response of
        the receiving system.  This was done by computing spectra from
        series of time samples and dividing each spectrum by the
        square root of a power spectrum computed from many minutes of
        noise.  The amplitude of the samples was then adjusted so that
        power spectra in each receiver channel would have an amplitude
        proportional to kTsysB where k is Boltzmann's constant, Tsys
        is the receiver system temperature in Kelvin, and  B  is the
        width of one frequency bin (spectral resolution) in the power
        Then the power spectra (e.g., XR*conj(XR)) and cross spectra
        (e.g., XR*conj(XL)) were computed.
Structure of DATA Directory
     Please note that the following description lists all possible
     subfolders. If however there is no data to fill some of these
     folders they will not be generated.
       |   |-LEVEL1A
       |   | |-CLOSED_LOOP
       |   | |  |-DSN
       |   | |  |  |-ODF Orbit Data Files
       |   | |  |  |-Tracking and Navigation Files
       |   | |  |
       |   | |  |-IFMS
       |   | |      |-AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files
       |   | |      |-AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files
       |   | |      |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |   | |      |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |   | |      |-RNG Ranging data files
       |   | |
       |   | |-OPEN_LOOP
       |   | |  |-DSN
       |   | |  |  |-RSR Radio-Science Receiver data files
       |   | |  |
       |   |    |-IFMS
       |   |       |-AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files
       |   |       |-AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files
       |   |       |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |   |       |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |   |       |-RNG Ranging data files
       |   |
       |   |-LEVEL1B
       |   |    |-CLOSED_LOOP
       |   |    |  |-DSN
       |   |    |  |   |-ODF Orbit Data Files
       |   |    |  |
       |   |    |  |- IFMS
       |   |    |  |   |- AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files
       |   |    |  |   |- AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files
       |   |    |  |   |- DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |   |    |  |   |- DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |   |    |  |   |- RNG Ranging data files
       |   |    |
       |   |    |- OPEN_LOOP
       |   |    |    |-IFMS
       |   |    |    |   |-AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files
       |   |    |    |   |-AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files
       |   |    |    |   |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |   |    |    |   |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |   |    |    |   |-RNG Ranging data files
       |   |
       |   |-LEVEL2
       |   |    |- CLOSED_LOOP
       |   |    |      |- DSN
       |   |    |      |   |-ODF Orbit Data Files
       |   |    |      |
       |   |    |      |- IFMS
       |   |    |      |    |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |   |    |      |    |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |   |    |      |    |-RNG Ranging data files
       |   |    |
       |   |    |- OPEN_LOOP
       |   |    |      |-DSN
       |   |    |      |  |-BSR Bistatic radar power spectra
       |   |    |      |  |-SRG Bistatic radar surface reflection
       |   |    |      |  |     geometry file
       |   |    |      |  |-DPX Doppler X-Band files
       |   |    |      |  |-DPS Doppler S-Band files
       |   |    |      |
       |   |    |      |-IFMS
       |   |    |      |    |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |   |    |      |    |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |   |    |      |    |-RNG Ranging data files
      Files in the DATA Directory
      Files in the DATA directory are:
      Data Level 1A:
      Level 1A data are incoming raw tracking data files obtained
      either from ESA IFMS or DSN. All incoming data files will be
      renamed after the file naming convention format defined in
      section 5.1 of the MaRS File Naming Convention document
      [MARSFNC2004] and get a minimal detached label file .LBL. The
      original file name of the incoming tracking data files will be
      stored in the according label file as SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID. These
      files have the file extension .RAW if ASCII and .DAT if binary
      TNF's are screened for 'bad' data points by the JPL Radio Metric
      Data Conditioning Team (RMDCT) before the files are processed to
      ODF's. The TNF's included in this archive, however, are the pre-
      screened versions.
        Tracking and Navigation Files (TNF Directory)
        TNF's became available within a few hours of the completion of
        a Mars Express pass.
        Orbit Data Files
        ODF's were typically issued daily throughout the MEX mission
        with weekend data being consolidated into a single file on
        Monday. Typical ODF's have sizes 15-50 kB.
        All ODFs in the NEV archive have 60 second sampling.  For
        higher sampling rates, the user must resort to the (more
        primitive) TNF products.
        Radio Science Receiver Files (RSR Directory)
        Each RSR generated a stream of packets which could be
        assembled into files of arbitrary length.  It was decided,
        after some experimentation, that files containing about 300 MB
        were the largest that could be easily manipulated in the
        analysis computers available in 2003.  With a small number of
        exceptions, this is the largest file size that will be found
        in the RSR directory.
      The open-loop (RSR) data in the archive have been assembled from
      individual records (packets) into files.  They have not other-
      wise been processed.
      IFMS Data Level 1B:
      Level 1B files are processed from level 1A (raw tracking data)
      into an edited ASCII formatted file.
      Three files are generated for each ESA IFMS Level 1A data file:
            Level 1B IFMS data file (extension .TAB)
            Level 1B IFMS configuration file (extension .CFG)
            Level 1B IFMS label file (extension .LBL)
      The label file contains the description of the .TAB as well as
      of the .CFG file.
      Up to eight files are generated for each DSN ODF Level 1A file:
            Level 1B ODF Doppler S-Band data file + label file
            Level 1B ODF Doppler X-Band data file + label file
            Level 1B ODF Ranging S-Band data file + label file
            Level 1B ODF Ranging X-Band data file + label file
      Cologne is processing IFMS and ODF data, Stanford University
      processes RSR data up to level 2 and forwards raw and processed
      data to Cologne for archiving. However, for RSR there will be no
      level 1B files.
      Data Level 2:
      Level 2 data are calibrated data after further processing. The
      file format is in ASCII. This data level can be used for further
      scientific interpretation. The keyword OBSERVATION_TYPE in the
      Level 2 data labels indicates which kind of measurement was
      done. Keyword values are: Occultation, Target Gravity, Global
      Gravity, Solar Conjunction, Bistatic Radar, Commissioning and
      Phobos Gravity. Commissioning covers the NEV, CR1 and partly MCO
      Mission Phase where no specific measurement was done but equip-
      ment on board the spacecraft and on ground station was tested.
      IFMS Level 2 input files:
            There may be several Doppler 1 X-Band files in level 1A
            which will be merged on level 2. The same is true for all
            other Doppler file type and Ranging X and S-Band files.
            Only files with continuous sequenced numbers (the file
            names are the same only the sequence number varies for
            these files) are merged together. Otherwise a new Level
            02 data file is created (merging data files with a new
            sequence of files).
            The level 2 source_product_id however gives the RAW IFMS
            file names since the raw files are used for processing.
            But the content of the IFMS raw files are identical to the
            corresponding level 1A IFMS files in one data set, only
            the file name is different. And the source_product_id of
            the level 1A files gives the original raw IFMS files. In
            addition the level 1A files have almost the same file name
            as the corresponding level 2 files.
            The corresponding level 1A files can be found in
            DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/DP1 for Doppler 1 files
            DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/DP2 for Doppler 2 files
            DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/RNG for Ranging files
            is a level 2 Doppler 1 X-Band file
            in M32ICL1L02_D1X_040931103_00.LBL
            the following SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID is given:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = {NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0000,
            which are the raw IFMS files.
            The corresponding Level 1A files can be found in
            Their names are:
            and the corresponding label files give the
            source_product_id as:
            in the M32ICL1L1A_D1X_040931103_00.LBL file the
            source_product_id is given as:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID  = NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0000
            in the M32ICL1L1A_D1X_040931103_01.LBL file the
            source_product_id is given as:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID  = NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0001
            in the M32ICL1L1A_D1X_040931103_02.LBL file the
            source_product_id is given as:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID  = NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0002
            Note that in this example the three level 1A files were
            merged to one level 2 files.
            The file names of the level 1A files are almost identical
            to the level 2 file name with three differences:
            - L1A instead of L02 in the file name which tells the user
            that these are level 1A and level 2 files.
            - The two digit-sequence number at the end of the file can
            be different.
            - The level 1A files have file extension .RAW whereas
            level 2 files have file extension .TAB
            Other inputs for Doppler and Ranging files:
            predicted orbit file (see EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/UNI_BW)
            Meteorological file (see CALIB/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/MET)
            AGC file (see DATA/1A or 1B/CLOSED_LOOP/AGC1 or AGC2)
            Spacecraft orbit SPICE kernels (see EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/SPICE
            can also be downloaded from
            Calibration Documentation:
            For documentation about Doppler and Ranging Calibration
            please see in DOCUMENT/MRS_DOC/MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3035 and
            For differential Doppler:
            If the processed level 2 file is for example Doppler 1
            X-Band then information from IFMS raw Doppler 1 S-Band
            files which cover approximately the same time were used
            for processing as well.
            For Doppler 1 S-Band information from IFMS raw Doppler 1
            X-Band files were used.
            Doppler 2 files were processed accordingly.
            In most cases on IFMS1 and IFMS2 X-Band data were
            The corresponding raw files' names start with NN11_ or
            NN12_. S-Band data were in most cases recorded at IFMS3.
            The corresponding raw files' names start with NN13_.
            If for some reason this configuration was changed this is
            indicated either at the beginning of this description or
            at the end in the anomaly report.
            For Ranging in addition are used:
            Range calibration file (see CALIB/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/RCL)
            Klobuchar coefficients for Earth-Ionosphere calibration
            (can be downloaded from this site:
            The calibrated Doppler files contain observed IFMS sky
            X-band Doppler and S-band Doppler frequency shift,
            residual (computed using the predict file), and the
            differential Doppler.
            If only a single downlink frequency was used, a differen-
            tial Doppler cannot be computed and was set to -999.999999
            in the output file.
            The level 2 ranging files contain the observed TWLT at
            X-band or S-band, the calibrated TWLT at X-band or S-band,
            the TWLT delay at X-band or S-band and the differential
            TWLT. If only one frequency was used, the differential
            TWLT is set to -99999.9.
      IFMS Level 2 output files:
            Level 2 IFMS data file (extension .TAB)
            Level 2 IFMS label file (extension .LBL)
            Level 2 IFMS log file (extension .LOG).
            The log files can be found in
            /EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/MRS/LOGFILES and contain information
            about the level 2 Doppler and Ranging data processing.
      ODF Level 2 input files:
            ODF Level 1B files
            Doppler and Range prediction file
            Orbit reconstructed file
            Media calibration files
            The calibrated Doppler files contain observed IFMS Doppler
            expressed as X-band Doppler or S-band Doppler, residual
            and detrended X-band or S-band Doppler (computed using the
            predict file), the detrended differential Doppler. If only
            one single frequency was used, the differential Doppler
            will be set to -999.999999.
            The level 2 ranging file contains the observed Two-Way-
            Light-Time (TWLT) at X-band or S-band, the calibrated TWLT
            at X-band or S-band, the TWLT delay at X-band or S-band
            and the differential TWLT. If only one frequency was used,
            the differential TWLT is set to -99999.9.
            Other inputs for Doppler and Ranging files:
            Predicted orbit file (see EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/UNI_BW)
            Meteorological file (see CALIB/CLOSED_LOOP/ODF/MET)
            Spacecraft orbit SPICE kernels (see EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/SPICE
            can also be downloaded from:
     RSR Level 2 data:
        There are four types of 'calibrated' data in the data set;
        each is described briefly below.
        Surface Reflection Filter Files
        SRF files contain power spectra derived from noise measure-
        ments when the radio system was stable and there were no
        spacecraft signals in the passband.  SRF's were derived sepa-
        rately for each receiver channel; but the fact that the
        spectral characteristics of each receiver depended almost
        entirely on digital signal processing meant that there was
        little practical difference among channels when sampling
        rates (output bandwidths) were the same and the SRF's were
        interchangeable. SRF's were ASCII PDS SPECTRUM objects with
        attached labels.
        Level 2 Neutral Atmosphere Files
        L2N files were the calibrated output of partial processing of
        RSR data collected for radio occultations. They were ASCII
        tables of frequencies and amplitudes in physically meaningful
        units. Separate L2N files were derived for each receiver
        channel. The Level 2 radio occultation data have been
        processed as follows:
        The RSR samples were digitally filtered to reduce bandwidth;
        in the process they were also converted from 16-bit I and
        16-bit Q complex integer samples to 64-bit I and 64-bit Q
        double precision complex floating point samples.  The complex
        floating point samples were Fourier transformed and estimates
        made of the carrier amplitude and frequency and their
        The reconstructed spacecraft trajectory, planetary epheme-
        rides, records of uplink and downlink tuning, and other data
        were used to calculate the expected carrier frequency at the
        receiving antenna.
        The Level 2 products are tables of the observed amplitude, its
        uncertainty, the observed frequency, its uncertainty, and the
        difference between the observed and the expected frequency as
        a function of time.  Separate tables have been created for
        each RSR.
        Level 2 Bistatic Radar Spectra
        SPC files were the calibrated output of partial processing of
        RSR data collected for bistatic radar.  They were ASCII tables
        of power and cross-voltage spectra.  All spectra for a single
        observation were collected in a single ASCII file.
        The Level 2 bistatic radar spectra (BSR) have been processed
        as follows:
        The RSR samples were converted from 16-bit I and 16-bit Q
        complex integer samples to 64-bit I and 64-bit Q double
        precision complex floating point samples.  In the process they
        were digitally corrected for non-uniform spectral response of
        the receiving system.  This was done by computing spectra from
        series of time samples and dividing each spectrum by the
        square root of a power spectrum computed from many minutes of
        noise. The amplitude of the samples was then adjusted so that
        power spectra in each receiver channel would have an amplitude
        proportional to kTsysB where k is Boltzmann's constant, Tsys
        is the receiver system temperature in Kelvin, and B is the
        width of one frequency bin (spectral resolution) in the power
        Then the power spectra (e.g., XR*conj(XR)) and cross spectra
        (e.g., XR*conj(XL)) were computed.
Structure of CALIB Directory
     Please note that the following description lists all possible
     subfolders. If however there is no data to fill some of these
     folders they will not be generated.
       |   |-CALINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents
       |   |
       |   |-CLOSED_LOOP
       |   |    |-DSN Closed-loop calibration data of the DSN ground
       |   |    |     stations
       |   |    |-IFMS
       |   |    |  |-RCL Range Calibration data files
       |   |    |  |-DCL Doppler Calibration data files
       |   |    |  |-MET Meteo data files
       |   |
       |   |-OPEN_LOOP
       |   |    |-DSN
       |   |    |  |-BCAL System temperature calibration files
       |   |    |  |-ION Ionospheric Calibration files
       |   |    |  |-MET Meteo data files
       |   |    |  |-TRO Tropospheric Calibration files
       |   |    |  |-SRF Surface Reflection Filter Files
       |   |    |
       |   |    |-IFMS
       |   |    |  |-RCL Range Calibration data files
       |   |    |  |-DCL Doppler Calibration data files
       |   |    |  |-MET Meteo data files
       |   |
       |   |-UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT Folder includes files which indicate
                                 wrong and corrected uplink frequency
                                 and their corresponding files.
      Files in the CALIB Directory
      Files in the CALIB directory are:
      Calibration data files have in principle the same structure as
      normal data files. But they do not contain scientific data but
      rather reflect the behaviour of the system. These kind of data
      is typically recorded at New Norcia once for every tracking
      before the real measurement took place. For example: range
      calibration data contain the equipment propagation delay
      measurements before the tracking pass.
      Note: If the uplink frequency in one of the .RAW files was
      identified as wrong the folder UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT will be
      generated. It tells the user which files were affected and where
      to find the corrected Level 2 data files.
      Closed loop IFMS Calib data level 1A:
      These Level 1A data are incoming raw tracking data files
      obtained from ESA IFMS. All incoming data files will be renamed
      after the file naming convention format defined in section 5.1
      of the MaRS File Naming Convention document [MARSFNC2004] and
      get a minimal detached label file .LBL. The original file name
      of the incoming tracking data files will be stored in the
      according label file as SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID. These files have the
      file extension .RAW.
      Closed loop IFMS Calib data level 1B:
      IFMS Calib level 1B files are processed from level 1A (raw
      tracking data) into an edited ASCII formatted file.
      Three files are generated for each ESA IFMS Level 1A data file:
            Level 1B IFMS data file (extension .TAB)
            Level 1B IFMS configuration file (extension .CFG)
            Level 1B IFMS label file (extension .LBL)
      The label file contains the description of the .TAB as well as
      of the .CFG file.
      DSN METEO Files (MET directory)
        DSN METEO files were produced by the Tracking System
        Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL.  Files give weather
        calibration information for DSN complexes. These are ASCII
        files of variable length records.  Each record is delimited
        by an ASCII line-feed  (ASCII 10). METEO files were
        typically released weekly and contain all weather data for the
        complex since 1 January.  Each METEO file is accompanied by a
        PDS label. The files grow at the rate of approximately 90 kB
        per month.
       DSN Ionosphere Calibration Files (ION Directory)
       Ionosphere Calibration files were produced by the Tracking
       System Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL. They docu-
       mented and predicted Earth ionospheric conditions. Global
       Ionosphere Map (GIM) software created daily maps from Global
       Positioning System (GPS) data. Each day, a final map was
       created for the UT day three days previously and a preliminary
       map was created for the UT day immediately before.
       Also created were predict maps a couple times a week by
       averaging recent 'normal' days. Then the software evaluated the
       maps at the spacecraft line-of-sight and fitted the results to
       a normalized polynomial versus time over each spacecraft pass.
       This was done for all three modes: final, preliminary, and
       predict. Then the software selected the best available cali-
       bration for each pass (in priority order final > preliminary >
       predict).  An operator ran a plotting program to view all of
       the calibrations and overrode the default selections where
       desired. The mapping technique is described by
       They are ASCII files of variable length records. Each record is
       delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair 
       (ASCII 13 followed by ASCII 10). ION files were usually
       released at one week intervals to cover a single month; only
       final files covering a full month are included in this archive.
       Each ION file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label. Typical
       file sizes are approximately 50 kB.
        Troposphere Calibration Files (TRO Directory)
        Troposphere Calibration files were produced by the Tracking
        System Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL. They docu-
        mented and predicted Earth tropospheric conditions and were
        based on measurements made using Global Positioning System
        (GPS) satellites. These are ASCII files of variable length
        records. Each record is delimited by an ASCII line-feed 
        (ASCII 10).
        Surface Reflection Filter Files (SRF Directory)
        SRF files contain power spectra derived from noise measure-
        ments when the radio system was stable and there were no
        spacecraft signals in the passband. SRF's were derived sepa-
        rately for each receiver channel; but the fact that the
        spectral characteristics of each receiver depended almost
        entirely on digital signal processing meant that there was
        little practical difference among channels when sampling rates
        (output bandwidths) were the same and the SRF's were inter-
        changeable. SRF's were ASCII PDS SPECTRUM objects with
        attached labels.
        System Temperature Calibration Files (BCAL directory)
        This table contains system temperature calibration results
        from Mars Express (MEX) bistatic radar experiments. For each
        receiver channel the table includes the best estimate of
        system temperature with the antenna pointed to zenith (either
        pre- or post-cal, or a combination of both), the associated
        noise diode temperature, and the system temperature at the
        mid-point of the bistatic (surface) observation.
        In general there is one set of four rows for each experiment -
        one for each receiver channel (X-band and S-band, right- and
        left-circular polarization). The table is cumulative, growing
        by four rows for each new observation. The Bistatic Radar
        Calibration Log is produced by the Stanford University Element
        (SUE) of the Mars Express Radio Science Team under the
        direction of R.A. Simpson.
Browse Files (BROWSE Directory)
        Browse files may be composite PostScript files summarizing
        quick-look processing of raw RSR data. In that case each file
        has a name: rggttttL1A_BRO_yydddhhmm_00.AUX. Each file has a
        JPEG version with the same file name but extension .LBL. Both
        files are accompanied by a single detached label of the same
        file name but extension .LBL. Each PostScript file is sized to
        fit on a single 8-1/2x11 inch page. Each landscape format page
        includes four panels showing a histogram of raw data (12-bit)
        samples (upper left), one-minute average power spectra derived
        from the raw samples (upper right), one-second averages of raw
        sample power versus time (lower left), and an extract of the
        first few lines of the source RSR PDS label (lower right).
        BRO files may be helpful in quickly scanning data to determine
        which files are suitable for closer study.
        IFMS Browse plot files are only available as JPEG files.
        These plots are generated in order to check data quality of
        IFMS Level 2 closed-loop data. The name of the files are the
        same like the Level 2 data files except for the data type
        identifier which is set as sss=B1X,B1S,B2X,B2S if the source
        of the plots is a Doppler 1 X-Band, Doppler 1 S-Band, Doppler
        2 X-Band or Doppler 2 S-Band file, and the extension will be
Ancillary Data
      An extensive set of ancillary files is needed for proper
      analysis and interpretation of the radio data. These are
      organized in parallel directories and stored approximately
      chronologically. When a file type is not represented on a CD-
      volume, the corresponding directory has been omitted.
      Files in the EXTRAS/ANCILLARY Directory
      Files in the EXTRAS/ANCILLARY directory are:
      ESOC:   Relevant DDS files to describe the observation geometry
      SPICE:  Relevant SPICE Kernels to describe the observation geo-
      UNI_BW: Relevant PREDICT files from the Uni BW Munich
      MRS:    Level 2 processing log files
      SUE:    Ancillary files coming from Stanford University
              Spice Kernels were produced by the MEX Flight Dynamics
              Team, converted to IEEE binary format, and then distri-
              buted by the JPL Navigation and Ancillary Information
              Facility (NAIF). For more information on NAIF and SPICE
             The original Spice Kernels were merged with the JPL DE405
             planetary ephemeris and the ephemeredes of Phobos and
             Deimos for the same time interval.
      DSN:    Ancillary files provided by Deep Space Network
       |-EOP: Earth Orientation Parameter Files
       |      Earth Orientation Parameter files were produced by the
       |      Time and Earth Motion Precision Observation (TEMPO)
       |      Group at JPL. They documented and predicted Earth rota-
       |      tion (rate and axis). These are ASCII files of variable
       |      length records. Each record is delimited by an ASCII
       |      line-feed  (ASCII 10).
       |      There are both 'long' and 'short' versions. The long
       |      file covered past motion since about 1962 and a predic-
       |      tion for about three months into the future; these files
       |      have typical sizes of 1 MB.
       |      The short file covered the most recent nine months of
       |      past motion and a prediction for three months into the
       |      future; these files are typically 30 kB. Each EOP file
       |      is accompanied by a PDS minimal label.
       |-OPT: Orbit Propagation and Timing Geometry File
       |      Orbit Propagation and Time Generation files contain
       |      estimates of event timing (e.g., equator crossings) that
       |      depend on precise knowledge of the spacecraft orbit.
       |      These are ASCII files of variable length records. Each
       |      record is delimited by an ASCII carriage-return 
       |      (ASCII 13) line-feed  (ASCII 10) pair. File names
       |      have the form ydddeeeC.OPT where the file name compo-
       |      nents are the same as for BCK files (above).
       |      Each OPT file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with
       |      file name ydddeeeC.LBL. Typical files are based on
       |      reconstructed spacecraft trajectories, cover a month of
       |      operation, and have sizes less than 500 kB.
       |-LIT: Light Time File
       |      Light Time files give radio propagation time from the
       |      spacecraft to Earth as a function of time. These are
       |      ASCII files of fixed length records. Each record is
       |      delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair.
       |      File names have the form  ydddeeeC.LIT  where the file
       |      name components are the same as for DKF files.  An LIT
       |      file may cover more than 365 days; so eee may be a year
       |      or more after yddd. Each LIT file is accompanied by a
       |      PDS label. Typical file sizes are less than 1 MB.
      Software for parsing, reducing, and analyzing data such as
      these has been developed at University of Cologne and Stanford
      Because such software must usually operate at the bit-level and
      is written for a narrow range of platforms, it is not suitable
      for general distribution. No software is included with this
      archival data set.
     The DOCUMENT directory contains the files that provide documen-
     tation and supplementary information to assist in understanding
     and using the data products on the volume.
The files evolved as the mission progressed; users should refer to the
files on the most recent (highest numbered) archive volume for the
most up-to-date information. Files on early volumes may be only
The above mentioned documents represent the maximum of available docu-
ments, but need not to be present for every measurement. For IFMS
(NNO) measurements, please refer mainly to MRS_DOC, for DSN measure-
ments to DSN_DOC.
Structure of the DOCUMENT directory:
   |- DOCINFO.TXT                          Specifies the content of
   |                                       the document directory
   |- MRS_DOC
   |     |
   |     |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_021202_00.PDF   Group delay stability
   |     |                          .ASC   specification and
   |     |                                 measurements at New Norcia.
   |     |
   |     |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_030522_00.PDF   Range calibrations at New
   |     |                          .ASC   Norcia and Kourou.
   |     |
   |     |- M32UNBWL1B_RCL_030801_00.PDF   Transponder group veloci-
   |     |                          .ASC   ties (in German, .ASC in
   |     |                                 English).
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.PDF        MaRS Data Archive Plan.
   |     |  MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.ASC
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016.PDF        MaRS File Naming Convention
   |     |  MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016.ASC
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-MA-3008.PDF        MaRS User Manual.
   |     |
   |     |- MARS_OPS_LOGBOOK_04.PDF        Status of all planned
   |     |                                 radio science operations
   |     |                                 in year 2004 (later 05,06)
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-LI-3028.PDF        List of MaRS Team members.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3035.PDF        IFMS Doppler Processing and
   |     |                                 Calibration Software
   |     |                                 Documentation: Level 1A to
   |     |                                 Level 2.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3036.PDF        IFMS Ranging Processing and
   |     |                                 Calibration Software
   |     |                                 Documentation: Level 1A to
   |     |                                 Level 2.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3037.PDF        ODF Processing and Calibra-
   |     |                                 tion Software: Level 1A to
   |     |                                 Level 1B. Software Design
   |     |                                 Specifications
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3038.PDF        ODF Doppler Processing and
   |     |                                 Calibration Software: Level
   |     |                                 1B to Level2. Software
   |     |                                 Design Specifications
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3039.PDF        Radio Science Predicted
   |     |                                 and Reconstructed Orbit and
   |     |                                 Planetary Constellation
   |     |                                 Data: Specifications
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3043.PDF        ODF Ranging Processing and
   |     |                                 Calibration Software: Level
   |     |                                 1B to Level 2. Software
   |     |                                 Design Specifications
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-TN-3045.PDF        Reference Systems and Tech-
   |     |                                 niques for Simulation and
   |     |                                 Prediction of atmospheric
   |     |                                 and ionospheric sounding
   |     |                                 measurements
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3046.PDF        Radio Science Geometry and
   |                                       Position Index Software
   |                                       Design Specifications
   |- ESA_DOC
   |     |
   |     |- IFMS-OCCFTP.PDF                Documentation of IFMS data
   |     |                                 format.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-ID-5003_FDSICD.PDF     File format description of
   |     |                                 ESOC Flight Dynamics files
   |     |                                 (ancillary files).
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_C.PDF Documentation of DDS confi-
   |     |                                 guration.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_I.PDF Definition of XML-schema
   |     |                                 for the data delivery
   |     |                                 interface.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_H.PDF Description of content of
   |     |                                 ESOC Flight Dynamics files
   |     |                                 (ancillary files).
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003.PDF            Data delivery interface
   |     |                                 document.
   |     |
   |     |- SOP-RSSD-TN-010.PDF            Planetary Science Data
   |     |                                 Archive Technical Note Geo-
   |     |                                 metry and Position Informa-
   |     |                                 tion
   |     |
   |     |- MEX_POINTING_MODE_DESC.TXT     Description of pointing
   |     |                                 modes
   |     |
   |     |- ESA-MEX-TN-4009.PDF            Mars Express Archive
   |                                       Conventions
   |- DSN_DOC
   |     |
   |     |  Technical information and near future configurations of
   |     |  NASA Deep Space Network
   |     |
   |     |-DSN_ODF_TRK-2-18.PDF
   |     |  Documentation of Tracking System Interfaces and Orbit Data
   |     |  File Interface
   |     |
   |     |-HGA_CALA.ASC
   |     |  High Gain Antenna calibration
   |     |
   |     |-HGA_SBDA.PDF
   |     |  S-band antenna patterns
   |     |
   |     |-HGA_XBDA.PDF
   |     |  X-band antenna patterns
   |     |
   |     |-JPL_D-16765_RSR.PDF
   |     |  Documentation of RSR data format
   |     |
   |     |-LIT_SIS.HTM
   |     |  Software Interface Specification: Light Time File
   |     |
   |     |-M00DSN0L1A_DKF_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional)
   |     |  DSN Keyword File derived from SOE file and models of
   |     |  activities supported by the DSN
   |     |
   |     |-M00DSN0L1A_SOE_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional)
   |     |  Sequence of Events file
   |     |
   |     |-MggDSN0L1A_NMC__yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional)
   |     |  Network Monitor and Control Logfile
   |     |
   |     |-M43SUE0L1A_MFT__yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional)
   |     |  Mars Express Manifest file
   |     |
   |     |-MEDIASIS.HTM
   |     |  Media Calibration data: formats and contents
   |     |
   |     |-MON0158.ASC/.DOC/.PDF (optional)
   |     |  Definition of format and distribution of the real-time,
   |     |  mission monitor data
   |     |
   |     |-NMC_SIS.TXT
   |     |  Contents of Network Monitor and Control Log.
   |     |
   |     |-OCCLOGnn.TAB
   |     |  Summary information of MEX radio science tests and
   |     |  experiments. nn represents the sequence number.
   |     |
   |     |-OPTG_SIS.TXT
   |     | Software Interface Specification for the Orbit Propagation
   |     | and Timing Geometry (OPTG) file.
   |     |
   |     |-Ryddd.ASC/.DOC/.PDF (optional)
   |     |  Set of notes describing tests before and during radio
   |     |  science tests or operations or the progress of an
   |     |  experiment itself. y represents the year, ddd the DOY.
   |     |
   |     |-JPEG
   |     |  Zip-folder with 4 sets of 24 jpeg-files, each from a
   |     |  different receiver, showing circularly polarized received
   |     |  power spectra averaged over 60 seconds. FILENAME:
   |     |  Rydddbca.jpg with y:year, ddd:doy, b:X- or S-band, c: Left
   |     |  or Right-Hand circulation, a:alphabetic numbering for each
   |     |  plot of 60s.
   |     |
   |     |-SRX.TXT (optional)
   |     |  Software Interface Specification for Surface Reflection
   |     |  investigation files.
   |     |
   |     |-SUE_DMP.ASC/.DOC
   |     |  Data Management Plan
   |     |
   |     |-TNF_SIS.TXT
   |     |  Deep Space Mission System External Interface Specification
   |     |
   |     |-TRK_2_21.TXT
   |     |  Software Interface Specification
   |     |
   |     |-TRK_2_23.TXT / DSN_MEDIA_CAL_TRK_2_23.PDF
   |     |  Specification of DSN media calibration data.
   |     |
   |     |-TRK_2_24.TXT / DSN_WEA_FORMAT_TRK_2_24.PDF
   |     |  Specification of DSN weather file.
The documents are either in PDF-Format or are text files in ASCII with
variable length of characters per line. Each line is delimited with a
carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair.
      The archival data set is written on CD-WO media using the
      WinOn CD Creation Software or Nero Burning Rom.
      The CD-WO volumes conform to ISO 9660 standards.
More general description of radio science data
 Closed-loop and Open-loop data:
      There are in principle two different ways to record radio
      science data: Open-loop and closed-loop data.
      The CLOSED-LOOP system used a phase-lock loop in the receiver to
      track the downlink signal, reporting both amplitude and fre-
      quency at rates typically of 1-10 times per second.
      In the OPEN-LOOP system, the signal was simply converted to a
      baseband frequency range; the entire passband was sampled and
      recorded for later processing. Typical open-loop sampling rates
      for MEX were 2000 complex samples per second.
      CLOSED-LOOP data are efficient for characterizing slowly
      changing signals; OPEN-LOOP data (because of their much higher
      volume) are usually used when the signal is very dynamic - such
      as during an occultation or bistatic radar measurement.
      The data set includes four primary data types with respect to
      the two different ground station systems. These systems are on
      the one hand the ESA ground station in New Norcia, Australia
      (NNO) and the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN).
CLOSED-LOOP data types:
     |- ESA: Intermediate Frequency Modulation System (IFMS)
     |       Closed-Loop (CL)
     |             In this data set file names of data recorded at the
     |             New Norcia IFMS closed loop system start with the
     |             string 'M32_ICL'
     |             IFMS CL consists of Doppler and Ranging data at
     |             selected sample rates. The sample rate is usually
     |             1/s.
     |             The only exception are occultation data where the
     |             sample rate should be 10/s to get a good enough
     |             vertical resolution of the atmosphere.
     |             Ranging are only recorded for gravity measurements.
     |             Thus the IFMS closed loop has three recording
     |             systems IFMS 1, IFMS 2 and IFMS 3
     |             The standard_data_product_id in the data label
     |             specifies on which system the data was recorded.
     |             MaRS measurements are usually done in TWO-WAY
     |             configuration: that is an uplink signal goes up
     |             (This is usually X-BAND but the uplink signal can
     |             also be S-Band) and the ground station receives a
     |             dual frequency simultaneous and coherent downlink
     |             signal.
     |             IFMS 1 is configured for the uplink signal. It
     |             receives X-Band downlink if uplink was X-Band and
     |             S-Band downlink if uplink was S-Band.
     |             IFMS 2 acts at backup.
     |             IFMS 3 records the second downlink signal. This is
     |             usually S-Band. But can also be X-Band when the
     |             uplink was S-Band.
     |             From 20.12.04:
     |                 IFMS 1 D1 is fixed to a sample rate of 1/s
     |                 IFMS 1 D2 is on fixed to a sample rate of 1/10s
     |             In addition each Doppler recording system has also
     |             two Doppler channels which can record simultaneous-
     |             ly and act as an additional backup system.
     |             Therefore for each IFMS system there should be at a
     |             given time two Doppler files and two Auto Gain
     |             Control files recorded. The file names of these
     |             data contain the string '_D1' or '_D2' for Doppler
     |             and '_G1' or '_G2' for Auto Gain control files and
     |             they will be on different subfolders within the
     |             data directory. See further down the description of
     |             the DATA Directory.
     |             For these data files only X-Band ranging was
     |             possible. Ranging data was nominally recorded on
     |             IFMS1.
     |-  DSN:
          |-Tracking and Navigation File (TNF)
          | The Tracking and Navigation File (TNF) is the primary out-
          | put from the DSN closed-loop receiver system.  These are
          | large files, accumulating at the rate of approximately 3
          | megabytes (MB) per hour of antenna operation. The files
          | comprise nearly 20 block types, each designed to carry
          | data of interest to a particular navigation, telecommuni-
          | cations, or science community.
          | The blocks are described by TNF_SIS.TXT in the
          | DOCUMENT/DSN_DOC directory. Fields include:
          |      Uplink and downlink antenna numbers
          |      Spacecraft number
          |      Equipment identifiers, status flags, and calibration
          |      values
          |      Time tags and frequency bands
          |      Transmitted and received phase and frequency
          |      Transmitted and received ranging information
          |      Noise levels, signal-to-noise ratios, and uncertain-
          |      ties
          |-Orbit Data Files (ODF)
          | For many applications the TNF is too cumbersome. The ODF
          | is an edited and partially processed version of the TNF.
          | It is a smaller file, often issued in daily increments of
          | about 0.2 MB. It contains the most important information
          | (range and Doppler)
          | needed by spacecraft navigators and investigators
          | interested in determining gravitational fields of bodies
          | such as Mars. Each ODF is accompanied by a full PDS label
          | which describes both the content and format of the
          | associated file. ODF data fields include:
          | Narrowband spacecraft VLBI, Doppler mode (cycles)
          | Narrowband spacecraft VLBI, phase mode (cycles)
          | Narrowband quasar VLBI, Doppler mode (cycles)
          | Narrowband quasar VLBI, phase mode (cycles)
          | Wideband spacecraft VLBI (nanoseconds)
          | Wideband quasar VLBI (nanoseconds)
          | One-way Doppler (Hertz)
          | Two-way Doppler (Hertz)
          | Three-way Doppler (Hertz)
          | One-way total count phase (cycles)
          | Two-way total count phase (cycles)
          | Three-way total count phase (cycles)
          | PRA planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range
          |      units)
          | SRA planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range
          |      units)
          | RE(GSTDN) range (nanoseconds)
          | Azimuth angle (degrees)
          | Elevation angle (degrees)
          | Hour angle (degrees)
          | Declination angle (degrees)
          | For more information please refer to document
          | [DSN_ODF_TRK-2-18] in the DOCUMENT/DSN_DOC folder.
Open- Loop data types:
     |-ESA: Intermediate Frequency Modulation System (IFMS) Open-Loop
     |       (OL)
     |    During the commissioning phase the IFMS Open-Loop
     |    recording system was not implemented, yet.
     |-DSN: Radio- Science Receiver (RSR)
     |      The Radio Science Receiver (RSR) is a computer-
     |      controlled open loop receiver that digitally records a
     |      spacecraft signal through the use of an analog to
     |      digital converter (ADC) and up to four digital filter
     |      sub-channels.  The digital samples from each
     |      sub-channel are stored to disk in one second records
     |      in real time. In near real time the one second records
     |      are partitioned and formatted into a sequence of RSR
     |      Standard Format Data Units (SFDUs) which are
     |      transmitted to the Advanced Multi-Mission Operations
     |      System (AMMOS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
     |      Included in each RSR SFDU are the ancillary data
     |      necessary to reconstruct the signal represented by the
     |      recorded data samples.
     |      Each SFDU is defined here as a single row in a
     |      PDS TABLE object; later SFDUs are later rows.  The
     |      first fields in each row contain the ancillary data
     |      (time tags and frequency estimates, for example) that
     |      applied while the samples at the end of the record
     |      were being collected. The object definitions below
     |      explain where the fields are and what the contents
     |      represent.
     |      Analysis of variations in the amplitude, frequency,
     |      and phase of the recorded signals provides information
     |      on the ring structure, atmospheric density, magnetic
     |      field, and charged particle environment of planets
     |      which occult the spacecraft. Variations in the
     |      recorded signal can also be used for detection of
     |      gravitational waves.
     |      DSN open-loop receivers sample a narrow part of the micro-
     |      wave spectrum near the spacecraft transmitting frequency.
     |      For radio occultation tests, two RSR's were used - one
     |      each for X-RCP and S-RCP with output sampled at rates of
     |      2000 (complex; 16-bit I, 16-bit Q).
     |      The data were examined for compliance with data acquisi-
     |      tion procedures and to measure the frequency/stability of
     |      the radiolink. Four RSR's (X-RCP, S-RCP, X-LCP, and S-LCP)
     |      each sample at a rate of 25000 (complex; 16-bit I,
     |      16-bit Q) to test bistatic radar data acquisition.
     |     Header information accompanying each RSR record included:
     |     Date and time of the first data sample
     |     Sample rate and channel assignments
     |     Receiver local oscillator phase and frequency
     |     Attenuator settings
     |     RMS voltages at several stages in the receiving chain
     |      For more information please refer to document
     |      [JPL_D-16765_RSR] in the DOCUMENT/DSN_DOC folder.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2008-07-29T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2006-01-01T08:00:29.500Z
STOP_TIME 2006-01-01T08:27:09.750Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1997-10-31T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Science Archive
      Data in this archival data set have been processed as part of
      health monitoring activities of the MEX Radio Science Team.
      In general, this is a good data set.
      This archival data set was reviewed by the MEX Radio Science
      Team prior to submission to the Planetary Science Archive (PSA).
      Prior to creation of the final version of the archival data
      set, key elements of the archive were distributed for
      preliminary review.  These included electronic versions of
      example PDS labels, CATALOG files, and Software Interface
      Specifications.  These materials were distributed to PDS
      personnel, the experiment investigator, and others,
      as appropriate.
      ODR files on the CD-WO volumes were checked using Stanford
      parsing and reduction software to ensure that they were both
      complete and accurate replicas of the data contained in the
      original files.
Data Coverage and Quality
      The data in this mission phase cover the following events and
VOLUME_ID    Start Date  End Date      Notes
  -----------  ----------  -----------   -------------
  MEXMRS_0001  2003-06-29   2003-06-30   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0002  2003-07-01   2003-07-02   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0005  2003-07-06   2003-07-06   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0007  2003-07-10   2003-07-10   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0008  2003-07-11   2003-07-11   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0009  2003-07-19   2003-07-19   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0011  2003-10-18   2003-10-18   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0013  2004-01-23   2004-01-23   Commissioning
  MEXMRS_0015  2004-03-23   2004-03-23   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0016  2004-03-27   2004-03-27   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0017  2004-04-02   2004-04-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0018  2004-04-03   2004-04-03   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0021  2004-04-07   2004-04-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0022  2004-04-07   2004-04-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0024  2004-04-08   2004-04-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0026  2004-04-09   2004-04-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0027  2004-04-10   2004-04-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0028  2004-04-11   2004-04-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0029  2004-04-11   2004-04-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0030  2004-04-12   2004-04-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0034  2004-04-16   2004-04-16   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0036  2004-04-17   2004-04-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0038  2004-04-18   2004-04-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0041  2004-05-15   2004-05-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0044  2004-05-16   2004-05-16   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0045  2004-05-17   2004-05-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0047  2004-05-20   2004-05-21   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0048  2004-05-22   2004-05-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0053  2004-05-25   2004-05-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0054  2004-05-26   2004-05-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0056  2004-05-28   2004-05-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0057  2004-05-29   2004-05-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0062  2004-06-01   2004-06-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0063  2004-06-02   2004-06-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0064  2004-06-03   2004-06-03   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0065  2004-06-04   2004-06-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0066  2004-06-05   2004-06-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0069  2004-06-08   2004-06-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0070  2004-06-10   2004-06-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0071  2004-06-11   2004-06-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0072  2004-06-12   2004-06-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0075  2004-06-14   2004-06-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0076  2004-06-14   2004-06-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0077  2004-06-15   2004-06-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0078  2004-06-15   2004-06-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0079  2004-06-17   2004-06-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0080  2004-06-18   2004-06-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0081  2004-06-18   2004-06-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0082  2004-06-19   2004-06-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0083  2004-06-19   2004-06-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0084  2004-06-19   2004-06-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0086  2004-06-21   2004-06-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0087  2004-06-22   2004-06-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0088  2004-06-23   2004-06-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0089  2004-06-23   2004-06-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0090  2004-06-23   2004-06-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0091  2004-06-24   2004-06-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0092  2004-06-24   2004-06-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0093  2004-06-25   2004-06-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0094  2004-06-28   2004-06-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0095  2004-06-28   2004-06-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0096  2004-06-29   2004-06-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0097  2004-06-29   2004-06-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0098  2004-06-30   2004-06-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0099  2004-06-30   2004-06-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0101  2004-07-01   2004-07-01   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0102  2004-07-02   2004-07-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0104  2004-07-04   2004-07-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0106  2004-07-07   2004-07-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0107  2004-07-09   2004-07-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0108  2004-07-10   2004-07-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0109  2004-07-10   2004-07-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0110  2004-07-11   2004-07-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0111  2004-07-14   2004-07-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0112  2004-07-15   2004-07-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0113  2004-07-15   2004-07-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0114  2004-07-16   2004-07-16   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0115  2004-07-18   2004-07-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0116  2004-07-20   2004-07-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0117  2004-07-22   2004-07-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0118  2004-07-24   2004-07-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0119  2004-07-24   2004-07-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0120  2004-07-25   2004-07-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0121  2004-07-26   2004-07-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0122  2004-07-28   2004-07-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0123  2004-07-29   2004-07-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0124  2004-08-31   2004-08-31   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0125  2004-07-31   2004-07-31   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0126  2004-08-02   2004-08-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0127  2004-08-02   2004-08-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0128  2004-08-25   2004-08-25   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0129  2004-08-03   2004-08-03   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0130  2004-08-04   2004-08-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0131  2004-08-05   2004-08-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0132  2004-08-05   2004-08-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0134  2004-08-07   2004-08-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0135  2004-08-08   2004-08-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0137  2004-08-09   2004-08-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0139  2004-08-11   2004-08-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0142  2004-08-14   2004-08-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0145  2004-08-15   2004-08-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0146  2004-08-15   2004-08-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0147  2004-08-18   2004-08-18   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0148  2004-08-21   2004-08-21   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0149  2004-08-28   2004-08-28   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0150  2004-08-29   2004-08-29   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0151  2004-08-30   2004-08-30   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0152  2004-09-01   2004-09-01   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0153  2004-09-03   2004-09-03   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0154  2004-09-04   2004-09-04   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0155  2004-09-05   2004-09-05   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0156  2004-09-06   2004-09-06   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0157  2004-09-06   2004-09-06   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0159  2004-09-08   2004-09-08   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0160  2004-09-10   2004-09-10   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0161  2004-09-11   2004-09-11   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0162  2004-09-12   2004-09-12   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0163  2004-09-13   2004-09-13   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0166  2004-09-17   2004-09-17   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0167  2004-09-18   2004-09-18   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0168  2004-09-18   2004-09-18   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0169  2004-09-19   2004-09-19   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0170  2004-09-20   2004-09-20   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0171  2004-09-21   2004-09-21   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0173  2004-09-23   2004-09-23   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0174  2004-09-24   2004-09-24   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0175  2004-09-25   2004-09-25   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0177  2004-09-28   2004-09-28   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0178  2004-10-01   2004-10-01   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0180  2004-10-05   2004-10-05   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0181  2004-10-10   2004-10-10   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0182  2004-10-12   2004-10-12   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0183  2004-10-13   2004-10-13   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0184  2004-10-15   2004-10-15   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0185  2004-10-16   2004-10-18   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0186  2004-10-17   2004-10-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0188  2004-10-20   2004-10-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0189  2004-10-22   2004-10-22   Solar Conjunction
  MEXMRS_0190  2004-10-25   2004-10-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0191  2004-10-26   2004-10-27   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0193  2004-10-28   2004-10-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0194  2004-10-30   2004-10-31   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0195  2004-11-01   2004-11-01   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0198  2004-11-04   2004-11-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0201  2004-11-07   2004-11-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0204  2004-11-10   2004-11-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0205  2004-11-13   2004-11-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0206  2004-11-15   2004-11-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0207  2004-11-17   2004-11-17   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0208  2004-11-19   2004-11-19   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0209  2004-11-20   2004-11-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0210  2004-11-22   2004-11-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0211  2004-11-25   2004-11-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0212  2004-11-27   2004-11-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0213  2004-11-29   2004-11-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0214  2004-11-30   2004-11-30   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0216  2004-12-08   2004-12-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0217  2004-12-09   2004-12-09   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0218  2004-12-10   2004-12-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0219  2004-12-11   2004-12-11   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0220  2005-06-04   2005-06-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0221  2004-12-12   2004-12-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0222  2004-12-12   2004-12-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0223  2004-12-13   2004-12-13   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0224  2004-12-14   2004-12-14   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0225  2004-12-14   2004-12-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0226  2004-12-15   2004-12-16   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0227  2004-12-15   2004-12-16   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0231  2004-12-17   2004-12-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0229  2004-12-17   2004-12-17   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0232  2004-12-18   2004-12-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0233  2004-12-18   2004-12-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0234  2004-12-20   2004-12-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0235  2004-12-20   2004-12-20   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0236  2004-12-20   2004-12-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0237  2004-12-21   2004-12-21   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0238  2004-12-22   2004-12-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0239  2004-12-23   2004-12-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0240  2004-12-23   2004-12-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0241  2004-12-25   2004-12-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0242  2004-12-26   2004-12-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0243  2004-12-26   2004-12-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0244  2004-12-27   2004-12-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0245  2004-12-27   2004-12-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0246  2004-12-28   2004-12-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0247  2004-12-29   2004-12-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0248  2004-12-29   2004-12-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0249  2004-12-29   2004-12-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0250  2004-12-30   2004-12-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0251  2004-12-30   2004-12-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0253  2005-01-01   2005-01-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0254  2005-01-01   2005-01-01   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0255  2005-01-01   2005-01-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0256  2005-01-02   2005-01-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0257  2005-01-02   2005-01-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0258  2005-01-03   2005-01-03   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0259  2005-01-04   2005-01-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0260  2005-01-04   2005-01-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0261  2005-01-09   2005-01-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0263  2005-01-10   2005-01-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0265  2005-01-12   2005-01-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0266  2005-01-12   2005-01-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0267  2005-01-13   2005-01-13   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0269  2005-01-14   2005-01-14   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0270  2005-01-15   2005-01-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0273  2005-01-16   2005-01-16   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0275  2005-01-18   2005-01-18   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0276  2005-01-20   2005-01-20   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0281  2005-02-09   2005-02-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0282  2005-02-09   2005-02-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0283  2005-02-10   2005-02-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0290  2005-02-16   2005-02-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0291  2005-02-17   2005-02-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0292  2005-02-18   2005-02-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0293  2005-02-18   2005-02-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0294  2005-02-19   2005-02-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0298  2005-02-21   2005-02-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0299  2005-02-21   2005-02-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0300  2005-02-21   2005-02-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0301  2005-02-22   2005-02-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0302  2005-02-23   2005-02-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0303  2005-02-23   2005-02-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0304  2005-02-24   2005-02-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0305  2005-02-25   2005-02-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0306  2005-02-25   2005-02-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0307  2005-02-25   2005-02-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0308  2005-02-26   2005-02-26   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0309  2005-02-26   2005-02-28   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0310  2005-02-26   2005-02-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0311  2005-02-26   2005-02-27   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0312  2005-02-27   2005-02-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0316  2005-03-03   2005-03-03   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0318  2005-03-07   2005-03-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0319  2005-03-07   2005-03-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0320  2005-03-08   2005-03-08   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0321  2005-03-09   2005-03-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0322  2005-03-11   2005-03-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0323  2005-03-12   2005-03-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0325  2005-03-13   2005-03-13   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0326  2005-03-13   2005-03-13   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0327  2005-03-13   2005-03-13   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0328  2005-03-14   2005-03-14   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0329  2005-03-14   2005-03-14   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0330  2005-03-15   2005-03-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0331  2005-03-16   2005-03-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0332  2005-03-18   2005-03-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0337  2005-03-21   2005-03-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0342  2005-03-26   2005-03-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0346  2005-03-28   2005-03-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0350  2005-04-02   2005-04-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0352  2005-04-04   2005-04-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0354  2005-04-07   2005-04-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0355  2005-04-08   2005-04-08   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0358  2005-04-13   2005-04-13   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0363  2005-04-16   2005-04-16   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0370  2005-04-20   2005-04-20   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0372  2005-04-22   2005-04-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0375  2005-04-23   2005-04-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0331  2005-03-16   2005-03-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0332  2005-03-18   2005-03-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0333  2005-03-18   2005-03-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0334  2005-03-20   2005-03-20   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0335  2005-03-20   2005-03-20   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0338  2005-03-21   2005-03-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0339  2005-03-21   2005-03-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0340  2005-03-22   2005-03-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0341  2005-03-23   2005-03-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0343  2005-03-26   2005-03-26   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0344  2005-03-27   2005-03-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0345  2005-03-27   2005-03-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0348  2005-04-01   2005-04-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0349  2005-04-01   2005-04-01   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0351  2005-04-02   2005-04-03   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0353  2005-04-04   2005-04-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0356  2005-04-09   2005-04-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0357  2005-04-10   2005-04-11   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0359  2005-04-13   2005-04-14   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0360  2005-04-15   2005-04-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0361  2005-04-15   2005-04-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0362  2005-04-15   2005-04-15   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0364  2005-04-17   2005-04-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0365  2005-04-17   2005-04-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0366  2005-04-17   2005-04-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0367  2005-04-18   2005-04-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0368  2005-04-19   2005-04-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0369  2005-04-19   2005-04-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0371  2005-04-20   2005-04-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0373  2005-04-22   2005-04-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0374  2005-04-22   2005-04-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0376  2005-04-23   2005-04-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0377  2005-04-23   2005-04-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0378  2005-04-24   2005-04-24   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0379  2005-04-25   2005-04-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0380  2005-04-25   2005-04-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0381  2005-04-26   2005-04-26   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0382  2005-04-27   2005-04-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0383  2005-04-29   2005-04-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0384  2005-04-29   2005-04-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0385  2005-04-29   2005-04-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0386  2005-04-30   2005-04-30   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0387  2005-05-04   2005-05-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0395  2005-06-02   2005-06-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0397  2005-06-03   2005-06-03   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0399  2005-06-05   2005-06-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0400  2005-06-06   2005-06-06   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0401  2005-06-06   2005-06-06   Phobos Flyby
  MEXMRS_0402  2005-06-06   2005-06-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0403  2005-06-08   2005-06-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0404  2005-06-10   2005-06-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0406  2005-06-12   2005-06-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0410  2005-07-04   2005-07-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0411  2005-07-03   2005-07-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0412  2005-07-05   2005-07-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0413  2005-07-06   2005-07-06   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0414  2005-07-07   2005-07-08   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0416  2005-07-09   2005-07-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0417  2005-07-09   2005-07-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0418  2005-07-10   2005-07-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0419  2005-07-11   2005-07-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0420  2005-07-12   2005-07-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0421  2005-07-13   2005-07-14   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0423  2005-07-16   2005-07-16   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0424  2005-07-16   2005-07-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0425  2005-07-19   2005-07-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0426  2005-07-19   2005-07-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0430  2005-07-20   2005-07-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0431  2005-07-20   2005-07-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0433  2005-07-21   2005-07-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0434  2005-07-21   2005-07-21   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0435  2005-07-22   2005-07-22   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0436  2005-07-22   2005-07-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0438  2005-07-22   2005-07-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0439  2005-07-22   2005-07-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0440  2005-07-22   2005-07-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0441  2005-07-22   2005-07-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0442  2005-07-23   2005-07-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0443  2005-07-23   2005-07-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0444  2005-07-23   2005-07-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0445  2005-07-24   2005-07-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0446  2005-07-24   2005-07-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0447  2005-07-25   2005-07-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0448  2005-07-25   2005-07-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0449  2005-07-25   2005-07-26   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0450  2005-07-26   2005-07-26   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0451  2005-07-27   2005-07-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0452  2005-07-28   2005-07-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0453  2005-07-28   2005-07-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0456  2005-07-28   2005-07-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0457  2005-07-24   2005-07-24   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0458  2005-07-29   2005-07-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0459  2005-07-29   2005-07-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0460  2005-07-30   2005-07-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0463  2005-08-01   2005-08-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0464  2005-08-01   2005-08-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0465  2005-08-02   2005-08-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0466  2005-08-02   2005-08-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0468  2005-08-03   2005-08-03   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0469  2005-08-04   2005-08-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0470  2005-08-04   2005-08-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0471  2005-08-04   2005-08-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0472  2005-08-05   2005-08-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0473  2005-08-05   2005-08-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0474  2005-08-06   2005-08-06   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0475  2005-08-06   2005-08-06   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0477  2005-08-06   2005-08-06   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0478  2005-08-06   2005-08-06   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0479  2005-08-07   2005-08-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0481  2005-08-07   2005-08-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0482  2005-08-06   2005-08-08   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0483  2005-08-07   2005-08-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0484  2005-08-08   2005-08-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0485  2005-08-08   2005-08-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0486  2005-08-08   2005-08-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0487  2005-08-09   2005-08-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0488  2005-08-08   2005-08-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0489  2005-08-10   2005-08-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0490  2005-08-10   2005-08-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0491  2005-08-10   2005-08-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0492  2005-08-11   2005-08-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0493  2005-08-11   2005-08-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0494  2005-08-12   2005-08-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0495  2005-08-13   2005-08-13   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0496  2005-08-14   2005-08-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0498  2005-08-15   2005-08-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0499  2005-08-15   2005-08-15   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0500  2005-08-16   2005-08-16   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0501  2005-08-17   2005-08-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0502  2005-08-17   2005-08-17   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0503  2005-08-18   2005-08-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0504  2005-08-18   2005-08-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0505  2005-08-18   2005-08-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0506  2005-08-20   2005-08-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0507  2005-08-21   2005-08-21   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0508  2005-08-21   2005-08-22   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0509  2005-08-22   2005-08-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0510  2005-08-22   2005-08-22   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0511  2005-08-22   2005-08-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0512  2005-08-23   2005-08-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0513  2005-08-23   2005-08-23   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0514  2005-08-24   2005-08-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0516  2005-08-24   2005-08-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0517  2005-08-25   2005-08-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0519  2005-08-25   2005-08-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0520  2005-08-25   2005-08-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0521  2005-08-26   2005-08-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0522  2005-08-26   2005-08-26   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0523  2005-08-26   2005-08-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0524  2005-08-27   2005-08-27   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0525  2005-08-27   2005-08-27   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0526  2005-08-27   2005-08-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0527  2005-08-28   2005-08-28   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0528  2005-08-28   2005-08-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0529  2005-08-28   2005-08-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0530  2005-08-29   2005-08-29   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0531  2005-08-29   2005-08-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0532  2005-08-30   2005-08-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0533  2005-08-31   2005-08-31   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0534  2005-08-31   2005-08-31   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0535  2005-09-01   2005-09-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0536  2005-09-01   2005-09-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0537  2005-09-02   2005-09-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0538  2005-09-02   2005-09-02   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0540  2005-09-02   2005-09-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0541  2005-09-03   2005-09-05   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0542  2005-09-04   2005-09-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0543  2005-09-04   2005-09-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0544  2005-09-05   2005-09-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0546  2005-09-05   2005-09-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0547  2005-09-06   2005-09-06   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0548  2005-09-06   2005-09-06   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0550  2005-09-07   2005-09-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0552  2005-09-08   2005-09-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0553  2005-09-08   2005-09-08   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0554  2005-09-09   2005-09-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0555  2005-09-10   2005-09-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0557  2005-09-10   2005-09-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0558  2005-09-12   2005-09-12   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0559  2005-09-13   2005-09-13   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0560  2005-09-13   2005-09-13   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0561  2005-09-14   2005-09-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0562  2005-09-15   2005-09-15   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0563  2005-09-16   2005-09-16   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0564  2005-09-17   2005-09-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0565  2005-09-18   2005-09-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0566  2005-09-19   2005-09-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0569  2005-09-24   2005-09-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0570  2005-09-25   2005-09-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0571  2005-09-27   2005-09-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0572  2005-09-27   2005-09-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0573  2005-09-28   2005-09-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0574  2005-09-28   2005-09-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0575  2005-10-01   2005-10-01   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0576  2005-10-01   2005-10-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0577  2005-10-04   2005-10-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0578  2005-10-05   2005-10-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0579  2005-10-06   2005-10-06   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0580  2005-10-09   2005-10-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0581  2005-10-10   2005-10-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0582  2005-10-11   2005-10-11   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0583  2005-10-14   2005-10-14   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0584  2005-10-17   2005-10-17   Target Gravity
  MEXMRS_0585  2005-10-19   2005-10-19   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0587  2005-10-30   2005-10-30   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0588  2005-10-31   2005-10-31   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0589  2005-11-04   2005-11-04   Bistatic Radar
  MEXMRS_0590  2005-11-08   2005-11-08   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0591  2005-11-09   2005-11-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0592  2005-11-10   2005-11-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0594  2005-11-13   2005-11-14   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0597  2005-11-16   2005-11-16   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0598  2005-11-17   2005-11-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0599  2005-11-17   2005-11-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0600  2005-11-18   2005-11-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0601  2005-11-19   2005-11-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0602  2005-11-19   2005-11-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0603  2005-11-19   2005-11-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0604  2005-11-20   2005-11-20   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0605  2005-11-20   2005-11-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0606  2005-11-19   2005-11-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0607  2005-11-21   2005-11-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0608  2005-11-21   2005-11-21   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0609  2005-11-22   2005-11-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0610  2005-11-22   2005-11-22   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0611  2005-11-22   2005-11-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0612  2005-11-23   2005-11-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0613  2005-11-23   2005-11-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0615  2005-11-23   2005-11-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0620  2005-11-25   2005-11-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0621  2005-11-25   2005-11-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0622  2005-11-25   2005-11-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0623  2005-11-26   2005-11-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0624  2005-11-26   2005-11-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0625  2005-11-26   2005-11-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0626  2005-11-27   2005-11-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0627  2005-11-27   2005-11-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0628  2005-11-27   2005-11-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0629  2005-11-27   2005-11-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0630  2005-11-28   2005-11-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0631  2005-11-28   2005-11-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0633  2005-11-29   2005-11-29   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0634  2005-11-29   2005-11-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0636  2005-11-30   2005-11-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0637  2005-11-30   2005-11-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0638  2005-11-30   2005-11-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0641  2005-12-01   2005-12-01   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0642  2005-12-01   2005-12-02   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0643  2005-12-01   2005-12-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0645  2005-12-02   2005-12-02   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0648  2005-12-03   2005-12-03   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0649  2005-12-03   2005-12-03   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0650  2005-12-02   2005-12-05   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0651  2005-12-04   2005-12-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0652  2005-12-04   2005-12-04   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0653  2005-12-04   2005-12-04   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0654  2005-12-05   2005-12-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0655  2005-12-05   2005-12-05   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0656  2005-12-04   2005-12-06   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0657  2005-12-06   2005-12-06   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0658  2005-12-06   2005-12-06   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0659  2005-12-07   2005-12-07   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0660  2005-12-07   2005-12-07   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0661  2005-12-08   2005-12-08   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0662  2005-12-09   2005-12-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0663  2005-12-09   2005-12-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0664  2005-12-09   2005-12-09   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0665  2005-12-09   2005-12-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0667  2005-12-10   2005-12-10   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0668  2005-12-10   2005-12-10   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0669  2005-12-11   2005-12-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0670  2005-12-11   2005-12-11   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0671  2005-12-11   2005-12-12   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0675  2005-12-13   2005-12-13   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0676  2005-12-13   2005-12-13   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0678  2005-12-13   2005-12-13   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0679  2005-12-13   2005-12-14   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0680  2005-12-14   2005-12-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0681  2005-12-14   2005-12-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0682  2005-12-14   2005-12-14   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0683  2005-12-16   2005-12-16   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0684  2005-12-16   2005-12-16   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0685  2005-12-17   2005-12-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0686  2005-12-17   2005-12-17   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0687  2005-12-17   2005-12-17   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0688  2005-12-18   2005-12-18   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0689  2005-12-18   2005-12-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0690  2005-12-18   2005-12-18   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0691  2005-12-09   2005-12-09   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0692  2005-12-19   2005-12-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0693  2005-12-19   2005-12-19   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0694  2005-12-19   2005-12-19   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0695  2005-12-20   2005-12-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0696  2005-12-20   2005-12-20   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0697  2005-12-21   2005-12-21   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0698  2005-12-21   2005-12-21   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0699  2005-12-21   2005-12-21   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0700  2005-12-22   2005-12-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0701  2005-12-22   2005-12-22   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0702  2005-12-22   2005-12-23   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0703  2005-12-23   2005-12-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0704  2005-12-23   2005-12-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0706  2005-12-23   2005-12-23   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0707  2005-12-24   2005-12-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0708  2005-12-24   2005-12-24   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0709  2005-12-24   2005-12-24   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0710  2005-12-25   2005-12-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0711  2005-12-24   2005-12-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0712  2005-12-25   2005-12-25   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0713  2005-12-25   2005-12-25   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0714  2005-12-26   2005-12-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0715  2005-12-26   2005-12-26   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0716  2005-12-26   2005-12-26   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0717  2005-12-26   2005-12-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0718  2005-12-27   2005-12-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0719  2005-12-27   2005-12-27   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0720  2005-12-27   2005-12-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0721  2005-12-27   2005-12-27   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0722  2005-12-28   2005-12-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0723  2005-12-28   2005-12-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0724  2005-12-28   2005-12-28   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0725  2005-12-28   2005-12-28   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0726  2005-12-29   2005-12-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0727  2005-12-29   2005-12-29   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0728  2005-12-30   2005-12-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0729  2005-12-30   2005-12-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0730  2005-12-30   2005-12-30   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0731  2005-12-30   2005-12-30   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0733  2005-12-31   2005-12-31   Global Gravity
  MEXMRS_0734  2005-12-31   2005-12-31   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0735  2005-12-31   2005-12-31   Occultation
  VOLUME       VOLUME_ID    Start Date   Notes
  -----------  ----------  -----------   -------------
  MEXMRS_0736   MEXMRS_1001  2006-01-01   Occultation
  MEXMRS_0740   MEXMRS_2001  2006-01-02   Global Gravity
      Most notably it was discovered that the incoming Doppler data
      from ESA and thus level 1A and level 1B Doppler data may contain
      a wrong uplink frequency. This problem was identified during
      processing and corrected for level 2 data. If this problem
      occurred the folder UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT will be generated in the
      CALIB directory containing information which raw files were
      effected and where to find the corrected data.
      It was discovered later in the mission that for IFMS the file
      naming convention of AGC raw files was crossed since beginning
      of the mission.
      In fact AGC1 refers to D2 and AG2 refers to D1 and not the other
      way around as it should be. Consequently the AGC files were
      swapped during the whole processing.
      Please note, that for the New Norcia ground station (NNO) the
      ESA station number is 74 wheras the DSN station number is 32.
      This number is used in the labels and most documents. Some ESA
      documents and especially orbit prediction files may use the
      ESA station number.
      Because of some problems with documentation on the U.S. side,
      the navigation people are using 83 for Cebreros rather than 62,
      the official station id; so you may see either number depending
      on the source of the file.
      On 15.8.2007 the PI of Radio Science moved to another institute.
      Old institute: Institut fuer Geophysik und Meteorologie an der
                     Universitaet zu Koeln.
      New instiute: Rheinisches Institut fuer Umweltforschung,
                    Abteilung Planetenforschung
      Quality of data was affected by anomalous conditions.
      Examples include:
      Open-Loop Data Anomalies
      Closed-Loop Data Anomalies
       No Doppler Calibration files available
      Other Notes
      The limitations in this data set follow from the quality of
      the execution, which is described above under Data Coverage
      and Quality.
AAS             Atmosphere Analysis Software
AGC             Automatic Gain Control
AMMOS           Advanced Multi-Mission Operations System
ATDF            Archival Tracking Data Files
ADC             Analog to Digital Converter
BWG             Beam Wave Guide ground station (DSN)
CALI            calibration file
CHDO            Compressed Header Data Object
CVP             Commissioning
DDS             Data Distribution System
DSMS            Deep Space Mission System
DSN             Deep Space Network
ESA             European Space Agency
ENT/EXT         Extended Mission
ESOC            European Space Operations Centre
G/S             Ground Station
HEF             High Efficiency ground station (DSN)
IFMS            Intermediate Frequency Modulation System
JPL             Jet Propulsion Laboratory
MEX             Mars Express
MGS             Mars Global Surveyor
NEA             NEAR
NNO             New Norcia Station (Perth)
ODF             Orbit Data File
ODR             Original Data Record
PDS             Planetary Data System
PRM             Prime Mission
ROS             Rosetta
RSI             Radio Science Investigation
RSR             Radio Science Receiver
S/C             Spacecraft
SFDU            Standard Formatted Data Unit
TNF             Tracking and Navigation File
ULS             Ulysses
UniBw           Universitaet der Bundeswehr in Muenchen
CITATION_DESCRIPTION M. Paetzold, Mars Express MaRS Level 1, 2 and 3 data, Experimental Data acquired from Extended Mission 1 (EXT1), Version V1.0, MEXMRS_0736_2006_001_V1.0, ESA Planetary Science Archive, 2005.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This is a Occultation measurement covering the time 2006-01-01T08:00:29.500 to 2006-01-01T08:27:09.750.
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