Data Set Information
DATA_SET_ID MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-NEV-0001-V1.0
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION This is a Mars Express Radio Science data set, collected during the near earth verification phase 2003-06-02 to 2003- 07-31. It is a Commissioning measurement and covers the time 2003-06-29T14:44:10.000 to 2003-06-30T00:56:13.000.
Data Set Overview
      The Mars Express (MEX) Radio Science (MaRS) Data
      Archive is a time-ordered collection of raw and partially
      processed data collected during the MEX Mission to Mars.
      For more information on the investigations proposed see
      the MaRS User Manual [MARSUSERMANUAL2004] in the MaRS
      DOCUMENT/MRS_DOC folder.
      This is a Commissioning  measurement covering the time
      2003-06-29T14:44:10.000 to 2003-06-30T00:56:13.000.
      This data set was collected during the MEX Mission Near Earth
      Verification Phase (NEV) - shortly after launch.
      No specific measurement was done on this day but the configuration was
      tested. Testing was done during the NEV, CR1 and partly MCO Mission phase.
      During NEV several comissioning measurements were performed which
      had to purpose to test the radio transponders and oscillator aboard
      the space craft as well as the equipment at the ground stations mainly
      at the new ESA ground station New Norcia (NNO).
      For more information see INST.CAT or the MaRS User Manual
      Overview of perfomed measurements:
      DOY 180, 2003-06-29: Tracking at New Norcia performed in the so called
      TWOD-X configuration. That is, X-Band uplink at IFMS 1 and X and S-Band
      coherent and simultanous downlink. Doppler recording was performed
      all the time.
      -18:00 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      -19:45 UTC: TM OFF, Ranging OFF
      -23:45 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      -01:00 UTC: End of operation
      Data sample rate was 1/sec.
      DOY 182, 2003-07-01: Tracking at New Norcia performed in the so called
      TWOD-X configuration. That is, X-Band uplink at IFMS 2 and X and S-Band
      coherent and simultanous downlink. Doppler recording was performed
      all the time.
      -18:00 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      -19:05 UTC: TM OFF, Ranging OFF
      -23:05 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      -00:05 UTC: End of operation
      Data sample rate was 1/sec.
      DOY 183, 2003-07-02: Tracking at New Norcia performed in the so called
      TWOD-S configuration. That is, S-Band uplink at IFMS 1 and X and S-Band
      coherent and simultanous downlink. Doppler recording was performed
      all the time.
      -18:20 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      -19:20 UTC: TM OFF, Ranging OFF
      -23:30 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      -01:20 UTC: End of operation
      Data sample rate was 1/sec.
      DOY 187, 2003-07-06: Parallel tracking pass at Deep Space Network (DSN)
      station DSS 43 (70 meter station also uplinking) and New Norcia (only
      listening). Space craft was in ONED mode that is uplink was switched off
      during operation. But there was X-and S-Band downlink. Doppler recording
      was performed all the time.
      Data recording at DSN: TNF (closed loop) and RSR (open loop) data.
      Data recording at NNO: Doppler, Meteo, Auto Gain Control and Ranging
      files at a sample rate of 1/sec.
      -15:00 UTC: Space craft is in TWOD-X configuration, TM ON, Ranging ON
      -16:00 UTC: Begin of ONED activity, Ranging off, TM ON (??)
      -17:05 UTC: TM OFF and Ranging OFF
      -19:08 UTC: TM ON
      -20:07 UTC: X-Band Uplink up. End of ONED, begin of normal TWOD-X.
                  Ranging ON
      -21:08 UTC: End of activity
      Two-way Ranging and Doppler recordings were done before and after the
      ONED activity.
      DOY 191, 2003-07-10: Parallel tracking pass at Deep Space Network (DSN)
      station DSS 43 (70 meter station also uplinking) and New Norcia (only
      listening). Space craft was in ONES-X mode that is uplink was switched
      off during operation. Only X-Band downlink. Doppler recording was
      performed all the time.
      Data recording at DSN: TNF (closed loop) and RSR (open loop) data.
      Data recording at NNO: Doppler, Meteo, Auto Gain Control and Ranging
      files at a sample rate of 1/sec.
      -13:15 UTC: Begin of activity, Ranging ON, TM ON, space craft was
                  in TWOS mode (X-Band up- and downlink)
      -14:02 UTC: Uplink was dropped, TM ON, spacecraft in ONES-X mode.
      -14:25 UTC: Begin of track at New Norcia, Begin of measurements at NNO,
                  TM ON
      -15:05 UTC: TM OFF
      -17:06 UTC: TM ON
      -18:11 UTC: X-Band Uplink up. End of ONES, begin of normal TWOS.
                  Ranging ON, TM ON
      -19:16 UTC: End of activity
      DOY 192, 2003-07-11: Tracking at DSN at the Goldstone complex in the
      TWOD-S mode. That is, S-Band uplink at IFMS 1 and X and S-Band coherent
      and simultanous downlink. Doppler recording was performed all the times.
      - 18:30 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      - 19:45 UTC: TM OFF, Ranging OFF
      - 23:45 UTC: TM ON, Ranging ON
      - 00:55 UTC: End of activity.
Mission Phase Definition
      It should be noted that the Mars Express (MEX) Radio Science (MaRS)
      group uses mission phases which deviate from the ones defined in the
      MISSION.CAT files given by ESA in order to keep the keywords and
      abbreviations consistent for Mars Express, Venus Express and Rosetta.
      Those mission phase abbreviations are also used in the data description
      field of the dataset_id.
      MaRS mission name       | abbreviation | time span
      Near Earth Verification |    NEV       | 2003-06-02 - 2003-07-31
      Cruise 1                |    CR1       | 2003-08-01 - 2003-12-25
      Mission Comissioning    |    MCO       | 2003-12-26 - 2004-06-30
      Prime Mission           |    PRM       | 2004-07-01 - 2005-11-30
      Extended Mission        |    ENT       | TBD
     Data files
          Data files are:
          The tracking files from Deep Space Network (DSN) and from the
          Intermediate Frequency Modulation System (IFMS) used by the ESA
          ground station New Norcia. Level 1a to level 2 data are archived.
          The predicted and reconstructed Doppler and range files
          Geometry files
          All Level 1a binary data files will have the file name
          extension eee = .DAT
          IFMS Level 1a ASCII data files will have the file name
          extension eee = .RAW
          Level 1b and 2 tabulated ASCII data files will have the file name
          extension eee = .TAB
          Binary data files will have the file name extension .DAT
     Data levels
         It should be noted that these data levels which are also used in
         the file names and data directories are PSA data levels
         whereas in the PDS label files CODMAC levels are used.
          PSA data level | CODMAC level
               1a        |      1
               1b        |      2
               2         |      3
    Data Set Identifier
          The 'DATA_SET_ID' is a unique alphanumeric identifier for the
          data sets.
          It looks something like:
         Acronym |    Description          | Example
            XXX  | Instrument Host ID      | MEX
             Y   | Target ID               | M (for Mars)
            ZZZ  | Instrument ID           | MRS
             U   | Data level (here        | 1/2/3 (Data set
                 | CODMAC levels are used) | contains raw, edited
                 |                         | and calibrated data)
           VVV   | MaRS mission phase      |MCO
                 | (deviate from the       |(for values see above)
                 | mission phases)         |
          NNNN   | 4 digit sequence number | 0123
                 | which is identical to   |
                 | the number in Volume_id |
          WWW    | Version number          | V1.0
        MaRS data were originally archived as volumes rather than data sets.
        However, ESA PSA does not uses volume but data set.
        To avoid confusion it was specified that one MaRS data volume
        is equal one data set. Thus the data set was also assigned a 4 digit
        sequence number which is identical to the one used in the volume_id.
        If the data_set_id is known it is automatically specified on which
        volume the data set is found.
        The VOLUME_ID is a unique alphanumeric identifier for volume.
          It looks something like:
             Acronym |    Description            | Example
             XXXXXX  | Mission and Instrument ID | MEXMRS
              ZZZZ   | 4 digit sequence number   | 0123
    Descriptive files
          Descriptive files contain information in order to support the
          processing and analysis of data files. The following file types are
          defined as descriptive files with extension eee =
         .LBL  PDS label files
         .CFG  IFMS configuration
         .AUX  Anxiliary files (event files, attitude files,
               ESOC orbit files, products, SPICE files)
         .TXT   Information (text) files
File naming convention
      All incoming data files will be renamed and all processed data files
      will be named after the following file naming convention format. The
      original file name of the incoming tracking data files will be stored in
      the according label file as source_product_id.
      The new PDS compliant file name will be the following:
    Acronym |                Description               | Examples
      r     |  space craft name abbreviation           | M
            |  R = Rosetta                             |
            |  M = Mars Express                        |
      gg    |  Ground station ID:                      | 43
            |                                          |
            |  00: valid for all ground stations       |
            |                                          |
            |  DSN complex Canberra:                   |
            |  ---------------------                   |
            |  34 = 34 m BWG (beam waveguide)          |
            |  43 = 70 m                               |
            |  45 = 34 m HEF (high efficiency)         |
            |                                          |
            |  ESA Cebreros antenna:                   |
            |  ---------------------                   |
            |  TBD = 35 m                              |
            |                                          |
            |  DSN complex Goldstone:                  |
            |  ----------------------                  |
            |  14 = 70 m                               |
            |  15 = 34 m HEF                           |
            |  24 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  25 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  26 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  27 = 34 m HSBWG                         |
            |                                          |
            |  ESA Kourou antenna:                     |
            |  -------------------                     |
            |  TBD = 15 m                              |
            |                                          |
            |  DSN complex Madrid:                     |
            |  -------------------                     |
            |  54 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  55 = 34 m BWG                           |
            |  63 = 70 m                               |
            |  65 = 34 m HEF                           |
            |                                          |
            |  ESA New Norcia antenna:                 |
            |  -----------------------                 |
            |  32 = 35 m                               |
     tttt   | data source identifier:                  | TNF0
            |                                          |
            | Level 1a and 1b:                         |
            | ----------------                         |
            | ODF0 = ODF closed loop                   |
            | TNF0 = TNF closed loop (L1a)             |
            | T000-T017 = TNF closed loop (L1b)        |
            | ICL1 = IFMS 1 closed loop                |
            | ICL2 = IFMS 2 closed loop                |
            | ICL3 = IFMS RS closed loop               |
            | IOL3 = IFMS RS open loop                 |
            | R1Az = RSR block 1A open loop            |
            | R1Bz = RSR block 1B open loop            |
            | R2Az = RSR block 2A open loop            |
            | R2Bz = RSR block 2B open loop            |
            | R3Az = RSR block 3A open loop            |
            | R3Bz = RSR block 3B open loop            |
            | z=1...4 subchannel number                |
            | ESOC = ancillary files from ESOC DDS     |
            | DSN0 = ancillary files from DSN          |
            |                                          |
            | Level 2:                                 |
            | -------                                  |
            | UNBW = predicted and reconstructed       |
            |         Doppler and range files          |
            | IFMS = ESA IFMS files                    |
            | ODF0 = DSN ODF closed loop file          |
            | T000-T017 = TNF closed loop file         |
            | RSR0 = DSN RSR open loop file            |
            | NAIF = JPL or ESTEC SPICE Kernels        |
            | GEOM = geometry file                     |
            |                                          |
        lll | Data archiving level                     | L1A
            | L1A = Level 1A                           |
            | L1B = Level 1B                           |
            | L02 = Level 2                            |
            | L03 = Level 3                            |
        sss | data type                                |
            |                                          |
            | IFMS data files level 1A & 1B:           |
            | -------------------------                |
            | D1X uncalibrated Doppler 1 X-Band        |
            | D1S uncalibrated Doppler 1 S-Band        |
            | D2X uncalibrated Doppler 2 x-Band        |
            | D2S uncalibrated Doppler 2 S-Band        |
            | C1X Doppler 1 X-Band equip. calibration  |
            | C1S Doppler 1 S-Band equip. calibration  |
            | C2X Doppler 2 X-Band equip. calibration  |
            | C2S Doppler 2 S-Band equip. calibration  |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-Band range            |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-Band range            |
            | MET meteo file                           |
            | AG1 AGC 1 files                          |
            | AG2 AGC 2 files                          |
            | RCX X-Band range equip. calibration      |
            | RCS S-Band range equip. calibration      |
            |                                          |
            | DSN data files level 1A:                 |
            | -------------------------                |
            | ODF original orbit files (closed loop)   |
            | RSR radio science receiver open-loop file|
            | TNF file (closed loop)                   |
            | BRO bistatic radar 4-panel plots (browse)|
            |                                          |
            | ESOC ancillary data level 1A:            |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | ATR attitude file, reconstrucetd         |
            | EVT orbit event file                     |
            | OHC orbit file, heliocentric cruise      |
            | OMO orbit file, marscentric, operational |
            |                                          |
            | DSN ancillary data level 1A:             |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | DKF DSN Keyword File                     |
            | MON DSN monitor data                     |
            | NMC DSN Network Monitoring Control file  |
            | SOE DSN Sequence of Events               |
            | TRO DSN tropospheric calibration model   |
            | MET DSN meteorological file              |
            | ION DSN ionosheric calibration model     |
            |                                          |
            | DSN ODF data files level 1b:             |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | DPS S-Band Doppler                       |
            | DPX X-Band Doppler                       |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-Band ranging file     |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-Band ranging file     |
            | RMP uplink frequency ramp rate file      |
            |                                          |
            | DSN ancillary data level 1B:             |
            | -----------------------------            |
            | MET meteorlogical file                   |
            |                                          |
            | data level 2:                            |
            | -------------                            |
            | D1X uncalibrated Doppler 1 X-Band        |
            | D1S uncalibrated Doppler 1 S-Band        |
            | D2X uncalibrated Doppler 2 x-Band        |
            | D2S uncalibrated Doppler 2 S-Band        |
            | RGX uncalibrated X-Band range            |
            | RGS uncalibrated S-Band range            |
            | RCX X-Band range equip. calibration      |
            | RCS S-Band range equip. calibration      |
            | BSR bistatic radar power spectra         |
            | SRG bistatic radar surface reflection    |
            |     geometry file                        |
            |                                          |
            | orbit files level 2:                     |
            | --------------------                     |
            | PTW Doppler & range prediction two-way   |
            | PON Doppler & range prediction on        |
            | RTW reconstructed Doppler & range orbit  |
            |     file two-way                         |
            | RON reconstructed Doppler & range orbit  |
            |     file one-way                         |
            | LOC heliocentric state vector file       |
            |                                          |
            | Constellation file Level 2:              |
            | ---------------------------              |
            | MAR Mars constellation file              |
            | VEN Venus constellation file             |
            | P67 Churyumov-Gerasimenko                |
            |     constellation file                   |
            |                                          |
            | SPICE kernel files level 2:              |
            | ---------------------------              |
            | BSP binary spacecraft/location           |
            |     kernel file                          |
            | FRM frame kernel file                    |
            | ORB orbit numbering file                 |
            | PBC predicted attititude kernel file     |
            | PCK planetary constant kernel            |
            | SCK space craft clock kernel             |
            | TLS leap second kernel file              |
         yy | Year                                     | 04
        ddd | Day of year                              | 153
       hhmm | Sample hour, minute start time           | 1135
            | For IFMS files this is the ESOC          |
            | reference time tag which usually         |
            | coincides with the first sample time.    |
            | For IFMS Ranging files however this is   |
            | not true. Here the reference time tag    |
            | is twoway light time before the first    |
            | actual measurement.                      |
         qq | Sequence or version number               | 01
        eee | .DAT binary files (Level 1a)             | .RAW
            | .TAB ASCII table data file               |
            | .AUX ancillary file                      |
            | .CFG IFMS configuration file (Level 1b)  |
            | .LBL PDS label files                     |
            | .TXT information files                   |
            | .RAW ASCII data files (Level 1a)         |
     Structure of DATA Directory
     Please note that the following description lists all possible subfolders.
     If however there is no data to fill some of these folders they will not
     be generated.
       |       |
       |       |-----CLOSED_LOOP
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------IFMS
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----RNG Ranging files
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------DSN
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----ODF Orbit Data files
       |       |        |         |-----TNF Tracking Navigation Files
       |       |
       |       |-----OPEN_LOOP
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------IFMS
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------DSN
       |                        |
       |                        |-------RSR Radio Science Receiver Data files
       |       |
       |       |-----CLOSED_LOOP
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------IFMS
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----DP1 Doppler 1 data files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----DP2 Doppler 2 data files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----RNG Ranging files
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------DSN
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----ODF Orbit Data files
       |       |
       |       |-----OPEN_LOOP
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------IFMS
       |       |
       |       |
       |       |
       |       |
       |       |
       |       |-----CLOSED_LOOP
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------IFMS
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----DP1 Calibrated Doppler 1 data files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----DP2 Calibrated Doppler 2 data files
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----RNG Calibrated Ranging files
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------DSN
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----ODF Orbit Data files
       |       |
       |       |-----OPEN_LOOP
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------IFMS
       |       |        |
       |       |        |-------DSN
       |       |        |         |
       |       |        |         |-----RSR Radio Science Receiver Data files
      Files in the DATA Directory
      Files in the DATA directory are:
      Data Level 1a:
      Level 1a data are incoming raw tracking data files obtained either from
      ESA IFMS or DSN. All incoming data files will be renamed after the file
      naming convention format defined in section 4.1 of the MaRS File Naming
      Convention document [MARSFNC2004] and get a minimal
      detached label file .LBL. The original file name of the incoming
      tracking data files will be stored in the according label file as
      SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID. These files have the file extension .RAW if ASCII
      and .DAT if binary files.
      Data Level 1b:
      Level 1b files are processed from level 1a (raw tracking data) into an
      edited ASCII formatted file.
      Three files are generated for each ESA IFMS Level 1a data file:
            Level 1b IFMS data file (extension .TAB)
            Level 1b IFMS configuration file (extension .CFG)
            Level 1b IFMS label file (extension .LBL)
      The label file contains the description of the .TAB as well as of the
      .CFG file.
      Up to eight files are generated for each DSN ODF Level 1a file:
            Level 1b ODF Doppler S-Band data file + label file
            Level 1b ODF Doppler X-Band data file + label file
            Level 1b ODF Ranging S-Band data file + label file
            Level 1b ODF Ranging X-Band data file + label file
      Cologne is processing IFMS and ODF data, Stanford University processes
      RSR data up to level 2 and forwards raw and processed data to Cologne
      for archiving. However, for RSR there will be no level 1b files.
      Data Level 2:
      Level 2 data are calibrated data after further processing. The file
      format is in ASCII. This data level can be used for further scientific
      interpretation. The keyword OBSERVATION_TYPE in the Level 2 data labels
      indicates which kind of measurement was done. Keyword values are:
      Occultation, Target Gravity, Global Gravity, Solar Conjunction, Bistatic
      Radar, Commissioning and Phobos Gravity. Commissioning covers the NEV,
      CR1 and partly MCO Mission Phase where no specific measurement was done
      but equipment on board the spacecraft and on ground station was tested.
      IFMS Level 2 input files:
            There may be several Doppler 1 X-Band files in level 1a which will
            be merged on level 2. The same is true for all other Doppler
            file type and Ranging X and S-Band files.
            Only files with continous sequenced numbers (the file
            names are the same only the sequence number varies for these
            files) are merged together. Otherwise a new
            Level 02 data file is created (merging data files with a new
            sequence of files).
            The level 2 source_product_id however gives the RAW IFMS file
            names since the raw files are used for processing. But the
            content of the IFMS raw files are identical to the corresponding
            level 1a IFMS files in one data set, only the file name is
            different. And the source_prodict_id of the level 1a files gives
            the original raw IFMS files. In addition the level 1A files have
            almost the same file name as the corresponding level 2 files.
            The corresponding level 1A files can be found in
            DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/DP1 for Doppler 1 files
            DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/DP2 for Doppler 2 files
            DATA/LEVEL1A/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/RNG for Ranging files
                                  is a level 2 Doppler 1 X-Band file
            in M32ICL1L02_D1X_040931103_00.LBL
            the following SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID is given:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID =  {NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0000,
            which are the raw IFMS files.
            The corresponding Level 1A files can be found in
            Their names are:
            and the corresponding label files give the source_product_id as:
            in the M32ICL1L1A_D1X_040931103_00.LBL file the source_product_id
            is given as:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID  =  NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0000
            in the M32ICL1L1A_D1X_040931103_01.LBL file the source_product_id
            is given as:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID  =  NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0001
            in the M32ICL1L1A_D1X_040931103_02.LBL file the source_product_id
            is given as:
            SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID  =  NN11_MEX1_2004_093_OP_D1_110358_0002
            Note that in this example the three level 1A files were
            merged to one level 2 files.
            The file names of the level 1a files are almost identical to the
            level 2 file name with three differences:
            - L1A instead of L02 in the file name which tells the user that
              these are level 1A and level 2 files.
            - The two digit-sequence number at the end of the file can be
            - The level 1A files have file extension .RAW whereas level 2
              files have file extension .TAB
            Other inputs for Doppler and Ranging files:
            predicted orbit file (see EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/UNI_BW)
            Meteorological file (see CALIB/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/MET)
            AGC file (see DATA/1A or 1B/CLOSED_LOOP/AGC1 or AGC2)
            Spacecraft orbit SPICE kernels (see EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/SPICE can
            also be downloaded from
            Calibration Documentation:
            For documentation about Doppler and Ranging Calibration please
            see in DOCUMENT/MRS_DOC/MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3035 and
            For differential Doppler:
            If the processed level 2 file is for example Doppler 1 X-Band
            then information from IFMS raw Doppler 1 S-Band files which cover
            approximately the same time were used for processing as well.
            For Doppler 1 S-Band information from IFMS raw Doppler 1
            X-Band files were used.
            Doppler 2 files were processed accordingly.
            In most cases on IFMS1 and IFMS2 X-Band data were recorded:
            The corresponding raw files' names start with NN11_ or NN12_ .
            S-Band data were in most cases recorded at IFMS3. The
            corresponding raw files' names start with NN13_.
            If for some reason this configuration was changed this is
            indicated either at the beginning of this description or
            at the end in the anomaly report.
            For Ranging in addition are used:
            Range calibration file (see CALIB/CLOSED_LOOP/IFMS/RCL)
            Klobuchar coefficients for Earth ionosphere calibration
            (can be downloaded from this site
            The calibrated Doppler files contain observed IFMS sky frequency,
            X-band Doppler and S-band Doppler frequency shift, residual
            (computed using the predict file), and the differential Doppler.
            If only a single downlink frequency was used, a differential
            Doppler cannot be computed and was set to zero in the output file.
            The level 2 ranging files contain the observed TWLT at X-band or
            S-band, the calibrated TWLT at X-band or S-band, the TWLT delay at
            X-band or S-band and the differential TWLT. If only one frequency
            was used, the differential TWLT is set to zero.
      IFMS Level 2 output files:
            Level 2 IFMS data file (extension .TAB)
            Level 2 IFMS label file (extension .LBL)
            Level 2 IFMS log file (extension .LOG). The logfiles can be found
                         in /EXTRAS/ANCILLARY/MRS/LOGFILES and contain
                         information about the level 2 Doppler and
                         Ranging data processing.
      ODF Level 2 input files:
            ODF Level 1b files
            Doppler and Range prediction file
            Orbit reconstructed file
            Media calibration files
            The calibrated Doppler files contain observed IFMS Doppler
            expressed as X-band Doppler or S-band Doppler, residual and
            detrended X-band or S-band Doppler (computed using the predict
            file), the detrended differential Doppler. If only one single
            frequency was used, the differential Doppler will be set to zero.
            The level 2 ranging file contains the observed Two-Way-Light-Time
            (TWLT) at X-band or S-band, the calibrated TWLT at X-band or
            S-band, the TWLT delay at X-band or S-band and the differential
            TWLT. If only one frequency was used, the differential TWLT is set
            to zero.
     Structure of CALIB Directory
     Please note that the following description lists all possible subfolders.
     If however there is no data to fill some of these folders they will not
     be generated.
       |------CALINFO.TXT   text description of directory content
       |                       This folder will only be generated if the
       |                       uplink frequency in one of the .RAW
       |                       files was identified as wrong.
       |                       It tells the user which files were
       |                       affected and where to find the corrected
       |                       Level 2 data files.
       |           |
       |           |------IFMS
       |           |       |
       |           |       |----RCL Ranging Calibration Data Files level 1a&1b
       |           |       |
       |           |       |----FCL Doppler Calibration Data Files level 1a&1b
       |           |       |
       |           |       |----MET Meteo Files
       |           |
       |           |------DSN
       |           |
       |           |------IFMS
       |           |
       |           |------DSN
      Files in the CALIB Directory
      Files in the CALIB directory are:
      Calibration data files have in principle the same structure as normal
      data files. But they do not contain scientific data but rather reflect
      the behaviour of the system. These kind of data is typically recorded
      at New Norcia once for every tracking before the real measurement took
      place. For example: range calibration data contain the
      equipment propagation delay measurements before the tracking pass.
      Note: if the uplink frequency in one of the .RAW files was
            identified as wrong the folder UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT
            will be generated. It tells the user which files were
            affected and where to find the corrected Level 2
            data files.
      Closed loop IFMS Calib data level 1a:
      These Level 1a data are incoming raw tracking data files obtained from
      ESA IFMS. All incoming data files will be renamed after the file
      naming convention format defined in section 4.1 of the MaRS File Naming
      Convention document [MARSFNC2004] and get a minimal
      detached label file .LBL. The original file name of the incoming
      tracking data files will be stored in the according label file as
      SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID. These files have the file extension .RAW.
      Closed loop IFMS Calib data level 1b:
      IFMS Calib level 1b files are processed from level 1a
      (raw tracking data) into an edited ASCII formatted file.
      Three files are generated for each ESA IFMS Level 1a data file:
            Level 1b IFMS data file (extension .TAB)
            Level 1b IFMS configuration file (extension .CFG)
            Level 1b IFMS label file (extension .LBL)
      The label file contains the description of the .TAB as well as of the
      .CFG file.
Ancillary Data
      An extensive set of ancillary files is needed for proper
      analysis and interpretation of the radio data.  These are organized
      in parallel directories and stored approximately chronologically.  When
      a file type is not represented on a CD-WO volume, the
      corresponding directory has been omitted.
      Files in the EXTRAS/ANCILLARY Directory
      Files in the EXTRAS/ANCILLARY directory are:
      ESOC:   Relevant DDS files to describe the observation geometry
      SPICE:  Relevant SPICE Kernels to describe the observation geometry
      UNI_BW: Relevant PREDICT files from the Uni BW Munich
      MRS:    Level 2 processing logfiles
      Software for parsing, reducing, and analyzing data such as
      these has been developed at University of Cologne and Stanford
      Because such software must usually operate at the bit-level and
      is written for a narrow range of platforms, it is not suitable
      for general distribution.  No software is included with this
      archival data set.
     The DOCUMENT directory contains the files that provide documentation and
     supplementary information to assist in understanding and using the data
     products on the volume.
The files evolved as the mission progressed; users should refer to the
files on the most recent (highest numbered) archive volume for the most
up-to-date information.  Files on early volumes may be only 'place-holders.'
Structure of the DOCUMENT directory:
   |- DOCINFO.TXT                          Specifies the content of the
   |                                       document directory
   |- MRS_DOC
   |     |
   |     |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_021202_00.PDF   Group delay stability specification
   |     |                                 and measurements at New Norcia.
   |     |
   |     |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_030522_00.PDF   Range calibrations at New Norcia
   |     |                                 and Kourou.
   |     |
   |     |- M32UNBWL1B_RCL_030801_00.PDF   Transponder group velocities (in
   |     |                                 german).
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.PDF        MaRS Data Archive Plan.
   |     |  MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.ASC
   |     |
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016.PDF        MaRS File Naming Convention.
   |     |  MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016.ASC
   |     |
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-MA-3008.PDF        MaRS User Manual.
   |     |
   |     |
   |     |
   |     |- MARS_OPS_LOGBOOK_04_COM.PDF    Status of all planned comissioning
   |     |                                 radio science operations until
   |     |                                 2004-01-23
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-LI-3028.PDF
   |     |
   |     |                                 List of MaRS Team members.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3035.PDF
   |     |
   |     |                                 IFMS Doppler Processing and
   |     |                                 Calibration Software
   |     |                                 Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3036.PDF
   |     |
   |     |                                 IFMS Ranging Processing and
   |     |                                 Calibration Software
   |     |                                 Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3039.PDF        Radio Science  Predicted and Recon-
   |     |                                 structed Orbit and Planetary Con-
   |     |                                 stellation Data: Specifications
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-MRS-IGM-TN-3045.PDF        Reference Systems and Techniques
   |                                       for Simulation and Prediction of
   |                                       atmospheric and ionospheric
   |                                       sounding measurements
   |     |
   |- ESA_DOC
   |     |
   |     |- IFMS-OCCFTP_10_3_1.PDF         Documentation of IFMS data format.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-ID-5003_FDSICD.PDF     File format description of ESOC
   |     |                                 Flight Dynamics files (ancillary
   |     |                                 files).
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_C.PDF
   |     |
   |     |                                 Documentation of DDS configuration.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_I.PDF
   |     |
   |     |                                 Definition of XML-schema for the
   |     |                                 data delivery interface.
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_H.PDF
   |     |
   |     |                                 Description of content of ESOC
   |     |                                 Flight Dynamics files (ancillary
   |     |                                 files).
   |     |
   |     |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003.PDF     Data delivery interface document.
   |     |
   |     |- RO-EST-IF-5010_D15.PDF         Specifications of operational
   |                                       interfaces and procedures.
   |- DSN_DOC
   |     |
   |     |- DSN_WEA_FORMAT_TRK_2_24.PDF    Specification of DSN weather file.
   |     |
   |     |- DSN_ODF_TRK-2-18.PDF           Documentation of Tracking System
   |     |                                 Interfaces and Orbit Data File
   |     |                                 Interface
   |     |
   |     |- DSN_MEDIA_CAL_TRK_2_23.PDF     Specifiaction of DSN media
   |     |                                 calibration data.
   |     |
   |     |- JPL_D-16765_RSR.PDF            Documentation of RSR data format.
The documents are either in PDF-Format or are text files in ASCII with
variable length of characters per line. Each line is delimited with a
carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair.
      The archival data set is written on CD-WO media using the
      WinOn CD Creation Software or Nero Burning Rom.
      The CD-WO volumes conform to ISO 9660 standards.
             More general description of radio science data
 Closed-loop and Open-loop data:
      There are in principle two different ways to record radio science data:
      Open-loop and closed-loop data.
      The CLOSED-LOOP system used a phase-lock loop in the receiver to track
      the downlink signal, reporting both amplitude and frequency at
      rates typically of 1-10 times per second.
      In the OPEN-LOOP system, the signal was simply converted to a baseband
      frequency range; the entire passband was sampled and recorded for later
      processing.  Typical open-loop sampling rates for MEX were
      2000 complex samples per second.
      CLOSED-LOOP data are efficient for characterizing slowly changing
      signals; OPEN-LOOP data (because of their much higher volume) are
      usually used when the signal is very dynamic - such as during an
      occultation or bistatic radar measurement.
      The data set includes four primary data types with respect to the
      two different ground station systems. These systems are on the one hand
      the ESA ground station in New Norcia, Australia (NNO) and the NASA Deep
      Space Network (DSN).
      CLOSED-LOOP data types:
         ESA: Intermediate Frequency Modulation System (IFMS) Closed-Loop (CL)
                        In this data set file names of data recorded at the
                        New Norcia IFMS closed loop system start with the
                        string 'M32_ICL'
                        IFMS CL consists of Doppler and Ranging data at
                        selected sample rates. The sample rate is usually 1/s.
                        The only exception are occultation data where the
                        sample rate should be 10/s to get a good enough
                        vertical resolution of the atmosphere.
                        Ranging are only recorded for gravity measurements.
                        Thus the IFMS closed loop has three recording systems
                        IFMS 1, IFMS 2 and IFMS 3
                        The standard_data_product_id in the data label
                        specifies on which system the data was recorded.
                        MaRS measurements are usually done in TWO-WAY
                        configuration: that is an uplink signal goes up
                        (This is usally X-BAND but the uplink signal can also
                        be S-Band) and the ground station receives a dual
                        frequency simultanous and coherent downlink signal.
                        IFMS 1 is configured for the uplink signal. It
                        receives X-Band downlink if uplink was X-Band and
                        S-Band downlink if uplink was S-Band. IFMS 2 acts at
                        IFMS 3 records the second downlink signal. This is
                        usually S-Band. But can also be X-Band when the uplink
                        was S-Band.
                        In addition each Doppler recording system has also
                        two Doppler channels which can record simultanously
                        and act as an additional backup system.
                        Therefor for each IFMS system there should be at a
                        given time two Doppler files and two Auto Gain Control
                        files recorded. The file names of these data contain
                        the string '_D1' or_'D2' for Doppler and '_G1' or
                        '_G2' for Auto Gain control files and they will be on
                        different subfolders within the data directory. See
                        further down the description of the DATA Directory.
                        During the MCO phase only X-Band ranging was possible.
                        Ranging data was nominally recorded on IFMS1.
         DSN: Orbit Data Files (ODF)
                        ODFs are edited versions of the Tracking and
                        Navigation Files (TNFs) the most primitive (and most
                        voluminous) product of the closed-loop system,
                        specifically targeted to spacecraft navigators and
                        scientists interested in gravity fields. ODF consists
                        of Range and Doppler Data and additional ancillary
                        For more information please refer to document
                        [DSNTRK-2-18] in the DOCUMENT/DSN_DOC
      Open- Loop data types:
         ESA: Intermediate Frequency Modulation System (IFMS) Open-Loop (OL)
                        During the comissioning phase the IFMS Open-Loop
                        recording system was not implemented, yet.
         DSN: Radio- Science Receiver (RSR)
                        The Radio Science Receiver (RSR) is a computer-
                        controlled open loop receiver that digitally records a
                        spacecraft signal through the use of an analog to
                        digital converter (ADC) and up to four digital filter
                        sub-channels.  The digital samples from each
                        sub-channel are stored to disk in one second records
                        in real time. In near real time the one second records
                        are partitioned and formatted into a sequence of RSR
                        Standard Format Data Units (SFDUs) which are
                        transmitted to the Advanced Multi-Mission Operations
                        System (AMMOS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
                        Included in each RSR SFDU are the ancillary data
                        necessary to reconstruct the signal represented by the
                        recorded data samples.
                        Each SFDU is defined here as a single row in a
                        PDS TABLE object; later SFDUs are later rows.  The
                        first fields in each row contain the ancillary data
                        (time tags and frequency estimates, for example) that
                        applied while the samples at the end of the record
                        were being collected. The object definitions below
                        explain where the fields are and what the contents
                        Analysis of variations in the amplitude, frequency,
                        and phase of the recorded signals provides information
                        on the ring structure, atmospheric density, magnetic
                        field, and charged particle environment of planets
                        which occult the spacecraft. Variations in the
                        recorded signal can also be used for detection of
                        gravitational waves.
                        For more information please refer to document
                        [JPLD-16765] in the DOCUMENT/DSN_DOC folder.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2005-02-03T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2003-06-29T02:44:10.000Z
STOP_TIME 2003-06-30T12:56:13.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1997-10-31T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Science Archive
      Data in this archival data set have been processed as part of
      health monitoring activities of the MEX Radio Science Team.
      In general, this is a good data set.
      This archival data set was reviewed by the MEX Radio Science
      Team prior to submission to the Planetary Science Archive (PSA).
      Prior to creation of the final version of the archival data
      set, key elements of the archive were distributed for
      preliminary review.  These included electronic versions of
      example PDS labels, CATALOG files, and Software Interface
      Specifications.  These materials were distributed to PDS
      personnel, the experiment investigator, and others,
      as appropriate.
      ODR files on the CD-WO volumes were checked using Stanford
      parsing and reduction software to ensure that they were both
      complete and accurate replicas of the data contained in the
      original files.
Data Coverage and Quality
      The data in this mission phase cover the following events and CDs.
VOLUME_ID    Start  Date  End Date     Notes
MEXMRS_0001  2003-06-29   2003-06-30   Commissioning
      Most notably it was discovered that the incoming Doppler data from ESA
      and thus level 1a and level 1b Doppler data may contain a wrong uplink
      frequency. This problem was identified during processing and corrected
      for level 2 data. If this problem occurred the folder
      UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT will be generated in the CALIB directory
      containing information which raw files were effected and where to find
      the corrected data.
      Quality of data was affected by anomalous conditions.
      Examples include:
      Open-Loop Data Anomalies
      Closed-Loop Data Anomalies
MEXMRS_0001: NN12 D1 recorded for only one hour from 18:38 to 19:36.
             All AGC D2 files are missing.
      Other Notes
      The limitations in this data set follow from the quality of
      the execution, which is described above under Data Coverage
      and Quality.
AAS             Atmosphere Analysis Software
AGC             Automatic Gain Control
AMMOS           Advanced Multi-Mission Operations System
ATDF            Archival Tracking Data Files
ADC             Analog to Digital Converter
BWG             Beam Wave Guide ground station (DSN)
CALI            calibration file
CHDO            Compressed Header Data Object
CVP             Commissioning
DDS             Data Distribution System
DSMS            Deep Space Mission System
DSN             Deep Space Network
ESA             European Space Agency
ENT             Extended Mission
ESOC            European Space Operations Centre
G/S             Ground Station
HEF             High Efficiancy ground station (DSN)
IFMS            Intermediate Frequency Modulation System
JPL             Jet Propulsion Labatory
MEX             Mars Express
MGS             Mars Global Surveyor
NEA             NEAR
NNO             New Norcia Station (Perth)
ODF             Orbit Data File
ODR             Original Data Record
PDS             Planetary Data System
PRM             Prime Mission
ROS             Rosetta
RSI             Radio Science Investigation
RSR             Radio Science Receiver
S/C             Spacecraft
SFDU            Standard Formatted Data Unit
TNF             Tracking and Navigation File
ULS             Ulysses
UniBw           Universitaet der Bundeswehr in Muenchen
CITATION_DESCRIPTION M. Paetzold, Mars Express MaRS Level 1, 2 and 3 data, Experimental Data acquired from Near Earth Verification Phase (NEV), Version V1.0, MEXMRS_0001_2003_180_V1.0, ESA Planetary Science Archive, 2005.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This is a Commissioning measurement covering the time 2003-06-29T14:44:10.000 to 2003-06-30T00:56:13.000.
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