Data Set Overview:This data set consists of Thermal Inertia maps derived using Mars GlobalSurveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer thermal bolometer temperatureobservations taken over three Mars-years from orbit 1583 to 24346 (note that inthis context orbit refers to the TES specific Orbit Counter Keeper (OCK)), fromFebruary 1999 (beginning of mapping mission) to April 2004.Maps use only nightsideor dayside data with surface temperatures between 160 and 400 K. Nightside(southbound) and dayside (northbound) maps are included and each has been infilledbetween 87 degrees south and 87 degrees north latitude. The derived range is 5 to5000 J/(m^2*K*sqrt(s)). Higher and lower values are not computed.An interpolation mask is provided for each map, which identifies thosepixels where the map has been infilled by interpolation (less than 8% ineach case). If the interpolated pixels are not desired, they can be removedby multiplying the thermal inertia map by the associated interpolation mask.Browse color images including scale bars are available in JPEG format fornightside and dayside thermal inertia maps. Large (approximately 3.3 Mb) andsmall (approximately 0.15 Mb) versions are included.Processing:The processing of this data set was carried out by Nathaniel E. Putzig,currently at the Southwest Research Institute, and Michael T. Mellon,currently at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The processing toconvert TES bolometer temperature observations to thermal inertia has beendescribed in detail elsewhere. See the papers by Putzig and Mellon (2007)and Putzig et al. (2005) listed in for more information.Note that the MGS-TES published bolometric thermal inertia was not used toderive these maps. The thermal inertia model that was used to calculate andpopulate the MGS-TES Bolometer tables is different than that used here,and querying the thermal inertia data (i.e. from published CDs or from will not reproduce the maps in thisdataset.Data:This data set comprises several images that include:(1) Thermal Inertia Maps(2) Interpolation Masks(3) Browse JPEGs(1) Thermal Inertia MapsThese images contain thermal inertia values derived from MGS TES thermalbolometer temperature observations taken over three Mars-years from orbit1583 to 24346, from February 1999 (beginning of mapping mission) to April2004. Maps use only nightside or dayside data with surface temperaturesbetween 160 and 400 K. Nightside (southbound) and dayside (northbound) mapsare included and each has been infilled between 87 degrees south and 87degrees north latitude. The derived range is 5 to 5000 J/(m^2*K*sqrt(s)).Higher and lower values are not computed. Map resolution is 20 pixels perdegree. Dayside and nigthside images are denoted in filenames by 'day' and'night,' respectively. '2007' denotes the year in which these maps werepublished.(2) Interpolation MasksAn interpolation mask is provided for each map, which identifies thosepixels where the map has been infilled by interpolation (less than 8% ineach case). If the interpolated pixels are not desired, they can be removedby multiplying the thermal inertia map by the associated interpolation mask.There is one interpolation mask each for both the nightside and daysidethermal inertia maps. The resolution of the interpolation masks is 20pixels per degree. Interpolation masks are denoted in filenames by 'msk.'(3) Browse JPEGsThe browse JPEGs consist of colorized representations of the thermal inertiamaps. A large (approximately 3.3 Mb) and small (approximately 0.15 Mb)version is available for both nightside and dayside thermal inertia maps. Ascale bar to roughly interpret the value of thermal inertia based on coloris included on each browse JPEG. Units for the browse images are tiu (tiu :J/(m^2*K*sqrt(s)) ). In filenames 'd' denotes dayside maps, 'n' denotesnightside maps, 'b' stands for bolometer, and 's' stands for small.See the papers by Putzig and Mellon (2007) and Putzig et al. (2005) listedin for more information on the data products included in this dataset.Coordinate System:Mars Planetocentric referenced to the IAU_1991 ellipsoid, east positive; Mars isassumed to be a sphere with radius 3396.0 km. All images in this data set covera latitude range of 90 to -90 degrees north and a longitude range of -180 to 180degrees east. Images are centered at 0 degrees north and 0 degrees east.Media/Format:This data set is available electronically via the PDS Geosciences Node website at Formats are be based on thestandards established by the Planetary Data System (PDS).
Putzig, N.E., M.T. Mellon, T.L. Heet, and J.G. Ward, MGS Mars TES Derived Thermal Intertia Maps V1.0, MGS-M-TES-5-TIMAP-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2009.